Category Archives: Entertainment

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free


In a world where the gleam of gold often outshines the glow of goodwill, there exists a belief that the pinnacle of life’s offerings comes not from the heart, but from the wallet. This tale unfolds within the steel and concrete jungle of a metropolis, where ambition climbs higher than the loftiest skyscraper and desire runs deeper than the foundations beneath. Here, we embark on a journey to unravel the essence of value, particularly in its tangible form. This narrative challenges the time-honored maxim that “the best things in life are free,” proposing instead that the most exquisite treasures of our realm are, in fact, accompanied by a price.

The Allure of Tangibles

Humans, by nature, are collectors of memories and materials alike. Physical possessions, from the first car to the family heirloom, often become extensions of our identities. They are not mere objects but symbols of status, success, and personal milestones achieved.

In the tapestry of human existence, each thread is a memory, each color a moment in time.

Among these, the tangible possessions we gather are not mere trinkets or baubles; they are the emblems of our journey, the physical manifestations of milestones that mark the chapters of our lives.

Consider the first car, not just a machine of metal and rubber, but a chariot of freedom, a vessel that carried us beyond the familiar horizons of youth into the vast possibilities of the world. It is the silent witness to laughter-filled road trips, tearful farewells at train stations, and the quiet solace of a night drive under a canopy of stars.

Then there are the family heirlooms, the guardians of our heritage. Each crease, each patina, a testament to the hands that have cherished them before us. They are the silent narrators of ancestral tales, the keepers of secrets passed down through whispered stories and tender caresses. In their presence, we are not merely individuals but links in an unbroken chain stretching back through the mists of time.

These tangible items are the vessels of our identity, the anchors that tether us to reality while our spirits soar through dreams and aspirations. They are the symbols of status, not in the eyes of the world, but in the quiet corners of our hearts where true success is measured. They are the trophies of personal achievement, not for the applause they garner but for the silent battles they represent, the struggles overcome, and the triumphs savored in solitude.

In the grand drama of life, where every act is fleeting, and every curtain call is inevitable, these tangible things stand as the set pieces on our stage, the props in our personal play. They are the tangible whispers of our existence, echoing through the corridors of time long after our final bow.

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!

High-Value Tangibles

The realm of high-value tangibles is as vast as it is varied. Rare collectibles whisper tales of history, luxury vehicles roar with power, and real estate stands as a testament to one’s legacy. The auction of Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester, fetching a king’s ransom, serves as a prime example of the astronomical value placed on such items.

In the grand bazaar of the world’s treasures, high-value tangibles reign supreme, each with a story more captivating than the last. Rare collectibles are not mere objects; they are the echoes of history, each piece a puzzle that, when assembled, reveals the grandeur of civilizations past. They are the silent witnesses to the rise and fall of empires, the quiet custodians of time itself.

Luxury vehicles, the chariots of the modern era, do more than transport us from point A to point B; they are the embodiment of power, precision, and human ingenuity. They roar with the might of a thousand horses, a symphony of engineering that commands the roads and captivates the soul.

Real estate, the cornerstone of legacy, stands as a testament to one’s life’s work. It is the ground upon which dreams are built and the shelter that houses generations. Each brick, each beam, is laden with the weight of stories untold, of laughter shared, and of tears shed in the quiet sanctity of what we call home.

And then there is the Codex Leicester, a manuscript penned by the visionary Leonardo da Vinci. Its auction is not just a transaction; it is the transfer of wisdom from one steward to another. The Codex, fetching a sum that rivals the coffers of kingdoms, is a testament to the insatiable human desire to possess beauty, knowledge, and the sublime.

These high-value tangibles, each in their own right, are the crowns of human achievement. They are not simply acquired; they are earned, each a chapter in the narrative of ambition, each a verse in the poem of prosperity. They stand as monuments to the fact that the finest things in the world, the tangible testaments to our existence, are indeed not free. They are priceless.

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!


Tangibles as Investments

Beyond their immediate allure, tangible items can be prudent investments. Like fine wine, they often appreciate with time. First edition books and vintage Christmas ornaments, once nestled in obscurity, now command prices that rival contemporary luxuries.

As we traverse the landscape of tangible investments, we find ourselves amidst a realm where the passage of time serves not as a corrosive force, but as a meticulous craftsman, enhancing value with each tick of the clock.

Consider the first edition books, those venerable tomes that rest upon the shelves of the discerning collector. They are not mere compilations of paper and ink, but vessels of thought, carrying the original breath of the author’s spirit. Once cradled in the obscurity of a printer’s workshop, they now sit enthroned in the pantheon of literary treasures, commanding sums that rival the wealth of nations.

Then there are the vintage Christmas ornaments, delicate baubles that once adorned the humble boughs of yesteryear’s evergreens. These fragments of festivity, once purchased with mere pennies and the laughter of children, have matured into coveted relics. They are sought after not only for their beauty but for the nostalgia they evoke, a tangible connection to the Christmases of a bygone era.

These items, and countless others like them, stand as testament to the wisdom of tangible investments. They remind us that in the right hands, what is ordinary today may become the extraordinary heirlooms of tomorrow. They are the silent arbiters of taste and time, the guardians of history, and the heralds of a future where the best things in life are not only cherished but also accrued with the astuteness of foresight.

There are several other examples of tangible investments that can appreciate over time:

These are just a few examples of tangible assets that individuals might consider adding to their investment portfolios. Each comes with its own set of risks and potential rewards, and they can serve as a counterbalance to more traditional investments like stocks and bonds.

P.S. Remember, it’s important to conduct thorough research and consider your own financial goals and risk tolerance before making any investment.

But one thing that remains constant is…

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!


The Cost of Craftsmanship


In a world of mass production, the bespoke touch of craftsmanship remains a coveted luxury. Handmade watches that tick with precision, custom furniture that tells of artisanal lore, and artwork that captures the human essence are all valued for the skill and time invested in their creation.

In the relentless march of mass production, where uniformity reigns and quantity trumps quality, the ancient art of craftsmanship emerges as a beacon of the extraordinary. It is a realm where the human hand and the human spirit converge to create not just objects, but legacies.

Handmade Watches: Within the quiet corners of the watchmaker’s atelier, time is a craft, not a commodity. Here, precision is the child of patience, and every gear and spring is placed with intention. The watchmaker’s loupe is a portal to a world of minute perfection, where each tick is a testament to the mastery of time itself.

Custom Furniture: The woodworker’s studio is scented with the promise of creation. From the rugged bark emerges a form, guided by hands that know every grain and nuance. This furniture is not built; it is born, a testament to the tree’s journey and the artisan’s vision. It tells of artisanal lore, where every joint and curve holds a story, a whisper of the forest and the fireside.

Artwork: On the canvas of the artist, the soul finds its palette. Here, emotion and essence are captured in strokes bold and tender. The artwork is a mirror to the human condition, a dance of color and shadow that speaks of love, loss, and the infinite shades of being. It is the artist’s gift to the world, a piece of their essence rendered immortal through brush and pigment.

These creations, wrought from skill and time, are the antithesis of the disposable culture that surrounds us. They are the treasures of a world that yearns for connection, for the touch of the real in an age of the virtual. They are valued not just for their beauty or function, but for the stories they embody, the hands that crafted them, and the legacy they will leave in their wake. The cost of craftsmanship is measured not in currency, but in the currency of the human spirit, an investment in the timeless over the temporal.

Absolutely, craftsmanship extends far beyond the realms of watches, furniture, and art. Here are additional examples where the touch of a skilled artisan transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary:

These examples showcase the breadth of craftsmanship, a celebration of human skill and creativity across various mediums and cultures. Each crafted piece stands as a testament to the maker’s dedication to their craft and the enduring value of handmade goods.

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!

Technological Marvels

The march of progress is measured in technological marvels, each more advanced and costly than the last. These gadgets, symbols of the modern age, carry price tags that reflect their cutting-edge nature.

The relentless march of innovation propels us forward, and at the vanguard of this progression stand technological marvels—testaments to human ingenuity and harbingers of the future. These devices and systems, once the fodder of science fiction, now punctuate our daily lives with their omnipresence and utility.

Smartphones: These pocket-sized portals to the digital world are more than mere communication devices; they are the command centers of our personal universe, from which we navigate the complexities of modern existence.

Electric Vehicles (EVs): The sleek silhouettes of EVs gliding silently along our streets are not just vehicles but symbols of a cleaner, more sustainable approach to mobility, harnessing the power of electrons to challenge the reign of fossil fuels.

Drones: Once the playthings of hobbyists, drones have ascended to become the eyes in the sky, serving purposes as varied as aerial photography, logistics, and even life-saving medical deliveries.

Virtual Reality (VR): VR headsets transport us to realms unbound by the physical laws, allowing us to experience worlds both conjured and real, from the comfort of our living rooms.

3D Printers: These remarkable machines are the alchemists of the modern age, transmuting spools of filament into three-dimensional objects, from prototype parts to life-saving medical devices.

Robotic Surgery Systems: In the sterile sanctum of the operating room, robotic arms perform dances of precision, guided by the steady hands of surgeons, enhancing the capabilities of human skill with mechanical precision.

Quantum Computers: At the bleeding edge of computation lie quantum computers, harnessing the peculiar properties of quantum mechanics to process information in ways traditional computers cannot fathom.

Each of these marvels carries a price tag commensurate with its novelty and complexity. They are the jewels in the crown of contemporary civilization, each a sparkling node in the network of progress, each a costly but invaluable investment in the unfolding story of humanity’s technological ascent.

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!

The Price of Rarity

Scarcity is the mother of value. Items that exist in limited quantities become the treasures of tomorrow. They are sought after not only for their inherent qualities but also for the prestige that ownership confers.

In the intricate dance of supply and demand, rarity choreographs a ballet of value. The allure of the scarce is an age-old siren call, beckoning collectors and connoisseurs alike to its exclusive embrace. The treasures of tomorrow are not forged in abundance but in the fires of scarcity, each item a rare gem in the vast mine of the mundane.

Vintage Wines: In the cellars of the world, vintage wines rest like sleeping monarchs, their worth maturing with each silent, passing year. The rarest vintages, born from a serendipitous blend of soil, weather, and winemaker’s art, become liquid legends that command the price of fortunes.

Limited Edition Timepieces: Watchmakers, in their pursuit of perfection, often release timepieces in numbers as finite as the moments they measure. These limited edition watches are not mere keepers of time but guardians of exclusivity.

Artisanal Spirits: The craft of distillation, when touched by the hands of a master, yields spirits so unique that they are coveted as much for their taste as for their rarity. Small batch releases from remote distilleries often become the holy grails of spirit enthusiasts.

Exotic Gemstones: Beyond the familiar sparkle of diamonds lie the exotic gemstones—taaffeite, red beryl, jadeite—whose very names evoke a sense of the extraordinary. Their rarity is not a mere happenstance but the result of geological caprice, making them the crowning jewels of any collection.

Numismatic Coins: The realm of numismatics is a treasure hunt where the rarest coins—mistakes of the mint, relics of fallen empires—hold stories in their metal hearts. To possess such a coin is to hold a piece of history in the palm of one’s hand.

Autographed Memorabilia: The signature of a legend, the scribble of a genius, when affixed to an object, transforms it from the ordinary to the coveted. Autographed memorabilia are the relics of the modern age, each signature a testament to a moment when paths crossed with greatness.

These rarities, each in their own right, are the alchemy of value. They are sought after not merely for their inherent qualities but for the prestige that ownership confers. To possess such items is to be whispered about in the halls of the elite, to be known as a curator of the exceptional, a guardian of the rare.

The Best Things in the World Are Definitely Not Free!

In conclusion, while life’s intangible joys may not demand financial outlay, the best tangible items certainly do.

They are the artifacts of human endeavor, the tangible touchstones of our journey through time, and they come with a price—a price that speaks of rarity, craftsmanship, and the ceaseless pursuit of excellence.

As we close this narrative, we invite readers to reflect on the tangible treasures in their own lives and the value they hold, not in currency, but in the stories they tell and the legacy they will leave.



Fooled by Randomness

The Randomness of the Universe

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the luck in the world, while others struggle to catch a break?

Have you ever prayed for a miracle, or cursed your fate, or wished upon a star?

Have you ever thought that there is a hidden plan or purpose behind everything that happens in your life?

Have you ever thought why the same prayer is answered by God to some and not to others. Afterall we all pray and seek the same stuff when we fold our hands in obeisance to our Supreme Power? Long life, more money, more happiness, more health, more fun!

If you answered yes to any of these questions, congratulations, you are not alone!

Be ready to be surprised that the outcome of your life is largely determined by random events over which you have no control!

That’s right, its Randomness!

And it is everywhere in our universe, and it affects our lives and beliefs in ways that we often don’t realize or appreciate.

It governs your luck, it governs your prayers, it governs your fate, even free will,  chance, and destiny!

Randomness challenges our common assumptions and expectations about reality, causality, and morality. It is important to understand what randomness means in mathematics and science, and how it differs from determinism and causality.

Believe me when I say, randomness influences our philosophy and psychology. Randomness impacts our society and culture, and shapes our religion, ethics, and behavior.

So, are you ready to enter the universe of randomness?

Ohk, that did not sound right. We are already living in a Universe of Randomness. 😊

So, let’s begin by understanding what randomness is? And where it comes from?

Then I am sure you will understand the topic of discussion (and I might not have to write anything about its implications at all, who knows!)



Randomness refers to the lack of pattern or predictability in events or outcomes.

In essence, it describes situations where there is no discernible order or predetermined sequence governing the occurrence of events.

In various disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and statistics, randomness is often quantified using probabilities. Events or outcomes are considered random if they cannot be precisely determined or predicted, even with complete knowledge of the relevant circumstances.

The origins of randomness are deeply intertwined with the fundamental nature of the universe. In the realm of quantum mechanics, for example, phenomena at the subatomic level exhibit inherently probabilistic behavior. Particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed, and their behavior follows probabilistic laws rather than deterministic ones.

In everyday life, randomness emerges from the complex interplay of countless variables and factors, both known and unknown. Factors such as chance encounters, unforeseen circumstances, and the inherent complexity of systems contribute to the presence of randomness in our experiences.

“Overall, randomness is a fundamental aspect of reality, arising from the intricate web of interactions and uncertainties that characterize the universe.”


Randomness and Mathematics/Science

What is randomness and where does it come from?

Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events or phenomena.

In other words, randomness means that we cannot know for sure what will happen next, or why something happened the way it did.

Randomness can be measured and tested by different criteria, such as:

  • Uniformity: Randomness implies that all possible outcomes or values have the same probability of occurring, or that they are equally likely or distributed. For example, a fair coin toss or a fair dice roll are examples of uniform random events, where each side or number has a 50% or 16.67% chance of showing up, respectively. Also called The Gambler’s Fallacy.
  • Independence: Randomness implies that each outcome or value is not influenced or affected by any previous or future outcomes or values, or that they are unrelated or uncorrelated. For example, a series of coin tosses or dice rolls are examples of independent random events, where the result of each toss or roll does not depend on or affect the result of any other toss or roll.
  • Complexity: Randomness implies that the outcomes or values are not simple or regular, or that they are difficult or impossible to compress, predict, or explain. For example, a sequence of digits or letters that are randomly generated or encrypted are examples of complex random events, where the sequence has no pattern, rule, or meaning that can be easily identified or reproduced.

Why is randomness important and interesting in mathematics and science?

Randomness also reveals some of the mysteries and paradoxes of our universe, such as:

Probability theory:

    • Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that studies the likelihood and behavior of random events or phenomena.
    • Probability theory also helps us understand and deal with uncertainty, risk, and decision making, using frameworks and principles such as game theory, decision theory, utility theory, etc.


    • Statistics is the branch of mathematics that collects, organizes, summarizes, and interprets data or information.
    • Statistics helps us describe and infer randomness, using methods and measures such as mean, median, mode, range, quartile, standard error etc.
    • Statistics also helps us compare and contrast randomness, using techniques and tests such as  t-test, chi-square test, etc.


    • Cryptography is the branch of computer science that protects and secures data or communication.
    • Cryptography uses randomness to create and break codes or ciphers.
    • Cryptography also uses randomness to generate and verify keys or passwords.
    • Cryptography also uses randomness to ensure and enhance privacy and anonymity, using schemes and networks such as encryption, decryption, steganography, onion routing, etc.

Computer science:

    • Computer science is the branch of science that studies the design and operation of computers and software. Computer science uses randomness to create and improve algorithms or programs, to explore and discover new possibilities or solutions, using methods and strategies such as search algorithms, optimization algorithms, machine learning, etc.


    • Biology is the branch of science that studies the structure and function of living organisms and their interactions. Biology uses randomness to explain and understand the origin and evolution of life, using theories and mechanisms such as abiogenesis, natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, recombination, etc.
    • Biology also uses randomness to examine and manipulate the behavior and properties of life, using tools and techniques such as DNA sequencing, gene editing, synthetic biology, etc.


    • Physics is the branch of science that studies the nature and behavior of matter and energy.
    • Physics uses randomness to explore and reveal the fundamental laws and principles of our universe, using models and frameworks such as quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, etc.
    • Physics also uses randomness to demonstrate and illustrate the complexity and unpredictability of our universe, using phenomena and effects such as quantum entanglement, quantum tunneling, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, etc.
    • Physics also uses randomness to challenge and question the reality and causality of our universe, using paradoxes and interpretations such as Schrödinger’s cat, the EPR paradox, the many-worlds interpretation, etc.

Randomness and philosophy/psychology

How does randomness affect our free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose?

Randomness poses some of the most fundamental and challenging questions for our philosophy and psychology.

One of the most important and controversial questions is: How does randomness affect our free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose?

Free will is the ability or power to act or choose according to one’s own will or preference, without being constrained or determined by external factors or forces.

Moral responsibility is the obligation or duty to act or behave in a certain way, based on moral principles or values, and to be accountable or liable for the consequences of one’s actions or choices.

Sense of purpose is the feeling or belief that one’s life has meaning or significance, and that one’s actions or choices are aligned with one’s goals or aspirations.

  1. Free Will: Randomness can challenge the traditional concept of free will, which suggests that individuals have the ability to make choices independent of deterministic or random influences. If events are truly random and beyond our control, it may call into question the extent to which we have genuine autonomy in decision-making. Some philosophers argue that even if certain events are random, our responses to those events still reflect our character and values, preserving a sense of agency and responsibility.
  2. Moral Responsibility: Randomness can complicate notions of moral responsibility by introducing uncertainty about the causes of certain actions or outcomes. If an action or consequence arises from a random event, it may be less clear who or what is ultimately responsible. However, many ethical theories emphasize the importance of intention, deliberation, and foreseeable consequences in determining moral responsibility, rather than solely focusing on the causal chain of events.
  3. Sense of Purpose: Randomness can challenge individuals’ sense of purpose by introducing unpredictability and uncertainty into their lives. If significant events are determined by random factors rather than personal agency or external forces, individuals may struggle to find meaning or direction in their experiences. However, some people may find a sense of purpose in responding adaptively to random events, embracing uncertainty as an inherent aspect of life and finding meaning in their efforts to navigate unpredictable circumstances.

Ultimately, the impact of randomness on free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose is a matter of ongoing philosophical inquiry and personal interpretation.

Are Prayers, Luck, and Fate All Random?

Have you ever wondered how much of your life is determined by prayers, luck, and fate?

Do you believe that there is a divine plan for you, or that you are at the mercy of chance, or that you can create your own destiny?

In this article, we will challenge the common assumptions and beliefs about these concepts, and show that they are all random and not predetermined.

Although you may choose to differ. As has been done for ages by man, as it gave him a sense of safety, belonging and positivity.

What are Prayers, Luck, and Fate?

Prayers, luck, and fate are concepts that have fascinated humans for centuries. They refer to the different ways that events and outcomes are influenced by our wishes, by chance, or by destiny. Here are some definitions of these terms:

  • Prayers are the expressions of our desires, hopes, or requests to a higher power, such as God, the universe, or the angels. Prayers are often used to ask for help, guidance, protection, or blessings in our lives.
  • Luck is the phenomenon of experiencing good or bad events that are random and unpredictable, and that can have positive or negative consequences for us. Luck is often attributed to external factors, such as fortune, fate, or karma.
  • Fate is the idea that everything that happens is predetermined by a higher power, such as God, the stars, or the laws of nature. Fate is often seen as inevitable, unavoidable, or unchangeable.

Why are Prayers, Luck, and Fate All Random?

Many, if not all, people believe that prayers, luck, and fate are not random, but rather have a logic, a purpose, or a meaning behind them. They believe that there is a reason for everything that happens, and that nothing is a coincidence. They believe that prayers are answered, luck is influenced, and fate is fulfilled.

They are the Believers.( Simply put they are men of faith. Faith being a non-scientific and a non-Darwinian term)

However, there is no evidence or proof to support these beliefs(I will refrain from calling these all as facts as they lack definitive scientific proof). In fact, there are many arguments and facts that show that prayers, luck, and fate are all random and not predetermined. Here are some of them:

Prayers are not answered

    • There is no scientific or empirical way to measure or verify the effects of prayers.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is heard, granted, or ignored by a higher power.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is aligned with the will, the plan, or the intention of a higher power. For some one who is terminally ill and who believes in the supreme power still prays for long life. Will that prayer be in contradiction to the Supreme power’s intention of ending that person’s life?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is self-fulfilling, placebo, or confirmation bias.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is influenced by other factors, such as human actions, natural causes, or random events. Yes, if u ask for success in an examination and get down to study for it then you might be granted your prayer. But in actuality , you would not have needed the prayer in the first place.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is consistent, fair, or just. I pray that my neighbor should face the worst things in life because he parks his cars in my parking slot and plays loud music. Will this prayer be just?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is ethical, moral, or good.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is beneficial, harmful, or neutral. I pray I should loose 30 pounds and have a lean chiseled body? How would I know if what I asked for is beneficial to me or not?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is effective, useless, or counterproductive.
    • There is no way to know whose prayer will be “heard” and “granted”. You and the millions of people in the world ask for eternal youth, long life, happiness, health. Some are “granted” their wishes , some in part, some in totality and some keep praying hoping for a “miracle”.

We spend decades of our lives praying for things we don’t need.

Believers will argue that praying gives them a sense of comfort, a connect with their Father, sense of security and it allays their fears. Well, that’s about it.

It is a psychological comforter.

Though you have to do, what you have to do , to reach wherever you want to in life ,a prayer works like a distant object which helps you maintain your balance( psychological here) when you have to stand on one foot.

All you do when you pray is seek reduction of randomness( from the universe ,maybe!). Less the randomness more the probability. More the probability more the chance of occurrence of a particular event.

So there you are.

You can pray!  But it doesn’t work the way you think it does.

Its not like someone in the sky is listening to it and taking shorthand notes, to be forwarded to the director of your destiny, asking him to make certain asked-for changes in your life plot.

The only person who listens to your prayers is your inner self, the subconscious mind and that, my friend, is the biggest power you have.

Luck is not influenced

    • There is no logical or causal way to explain or predict the occurrence of luck.
    • There is no way to know if luck is determined by fate, karma, or destiny.
    • There is no way to know if luck is affected by prayers, wishes, or curses.
    • There is no way to know if luck is related to symbols, rituals, or superstitions.
    • There is no way to know if luck is dependent on skills, efforts, or choices.
    • There is no way to know if luck is proportional, balanced, or fair.
    • There is no way to know if luck is deserved, earned, or gifted.
    • There is no way to know if luck is positive, negative, or neutral.
    • There is no way to know if luck is permanent, temporary, or cyclical.

Mathematically speaking, luck might not always be a zero-sum game.

It’s like stumbling upon a unicorn at a bus stop – highly improbable yet not entirely impossible.

Life, with its billions of moving parts and interactions with the outside world, is a chaotic dance where the least probable events occasionally steal the spotlight.

Most of the time, life’s script unfolds predictably, like a well-rehearsed play. But every now and then, out of the blue, an unexpected twist emerges. These curveballs, propelled by external forces and cosmic whims, defy the odds and make a grand entrance into our lives.

We call this phenomenon “luck.”

So basically “luck” too is a randomness.

I remember when I was in school and we had examinations. We would, obviously unable to read all the books in their entirety, just flipped over the book and wherever it stopped we would just read the topics. Obviously when ,the next day, we did face our fears in the examination center some of the students who had done the same act of random topic revision yesterday did well and some didn’t, as they had not touched some topics. Randomly!

We had basically done a randomization of the probability of some question to appear the next day in the examination paper.

And called it …… luck (good or bad) the next day!

Getting the point?

Though there are people who believe that the evidence strongly suggest that luck and opportunity play an underappreciated role in determining the final level of individual success..

Relying too much on luck can make us beholden to external forces, but by mastering our minds, we can diminish its hold on us.

The key lies in finding joy in our endeavors, where hard work becomes effortless, allowing us to minimize the role of luck and pursue our passions with purpose.


Fate is not predetermined

    • There is no philosophical or metaphysical way to justify or accept the existence of fate.
    • There is no way to know if fate is imposed by a higher power, or chosen by ourselves.
    • There is no way to know if fate is fixed, flexible, or changeable.
    • There is no way to know if fate is known, unknown, or unknowable.
    • There is no way to know if fate is compatible, incompatible, or independent of free will.
    • There is no way to know if fate is rational, irrational, or paradoxical.
    • There is no way to know if fate is meaningful, meaningless, or absurd.
    • There is no way to know if fate is good, bad, or indifferent.
    • There is no way to know if fate is real, imaginary, or illusory.

We like to think we’re the masters of our own destiny, captains of our own ship navigating the seas of life.

But in reality, we’re mere passengers on a wild ride through the chaotic currents of fate.

No matter how carefully we plan, how diligently we strive, there’s always an element of unpredictability lurking just around the corner.

Fate is simply the wild unpredictability of nature, where chance reigns supreme and outcomes are determined by the roll of cosmic dice with n-number of faces!

How to Live with Randomness?

If prayers, luck, and fate are all random and not predetermined, how can we live with this uncertainty, unpredictability, and chaos?

How can we cope with the lack of control, order, and purpose in our lives?

How can we find happiness, peace, and fulfillment in a random world?

Learn to live with randomness:

Accept Randomness

The first step is to accept the reality of randomness, and to stop denying, resisting, or fighting it.

Randomness is not something to be feared, hated, or avoided, but rather something to be embraced, appreciated, and enjoyed.

Randomness is not a problem to be solved, a challenge to be overcome, or a threat to be eliminated, but rather an opportunity to be explored, a mystery to be discovered, or a gift to be received.

Randomness is not a curse, a punishment, or a mistake, but rather a blessing, a lesson, or a surprise.

Randomness is not a flaw, a defect, or a weakness, but rather a feature, a quality, or a strength.

And we do accept it. We ask for wishes from our Supreme power, and when they donot realize we convince ourselves that He must be having a better plan for us. We rationalize the act of randomness and move on.

Keeping faith gives us comfort and believing that your acts are being watched and noted and your deeds will be punished or rewarded we stay grounded.

Adapt to randomness

The second step is to adapt to the changes, variations, and fluctuations that randomness brings.

Adaptation is not about giving up, conforming, or compromising, but rather about learning, growing, and evolving.

Adaptation is not about losing, failing, or suffering, but rather about winning, succeeding, and thriving.

Adaptation is not about settling, stagnating, or regressing, but rather about improving, progressing, and advancing.

Adaptation is not about surviving, coping, or enduring, but rather about living, creating, and enjoying.

Thats what religion/sects preach. Do not question. Believe. Do not despair. Hope. Do not fail. Try and win.

Basically they all preach adaptation to randomness, which might disappoint you(often!) but when it does reward you(rarely!), you will be content.

Create your own meaning

The third step is to create your own meaning, purpose, and value in a random world.

Meaning is not something that is given, imposed, or predetermined by a higher power, by fate, or by luck, but rather something that is created, chosen, and determined by ourselves, by our actions, and by our decisions.

Meaning is not something that is fixed, absolute, or universal, but rather something that is dynamic, relative, and personal.

Meaning is not something that is found, discovered, or revealed, but rather something that is made, invented, or expressed.

Meaning is not something that is passive, reactive, or dependent, but rather something that is active, proactive, and independent.

As we all create meanings when randomness disappoints us. We fall upon bad-luck and we derive that something worse could have happened and a little bad averted the larger one.

We create meaning of different verses of God according to our own comfort.

We imbibe what suits us.


Prayers, luck, and fate are all random.

They are dynamic and interactive. They might seem to be  influenced by our beliefs, actions, and reactions but they are what they are…randomness of the universe at play.

They are part of the mystery and the beauty of life.

So, the next time you wonder how much of your life is determined by prayers, luck, and fate, remember that you have the power to create your own meaning, to adapt to randomness, and to accept the unknown.


So, we saw, how randomness is everywhere in our universe, and how it challenges our common assumptions and expectations about reality, causality, and morality. We ,hopefully ,now know what randomness means in mathematics and science, and how it differs from determinism and causality.  Randomness influences our philosophy and psychology, and we can relate it to concepts such as free will, luck, chance, and destiny. We examined how randomness impacts our society and culture, and how it shapes our religion, ethics, and behavior.

I hope that this article has given you a new perspective and appreciation of randomness, and that you have learned something new and interesting about this fascinating and mysterious concept. I also hope that this article has inspired you to think more critically and creatively about randomness, and how it affects your life and beliefs.

Randomness can be seen as a curse or a blessing, depending on how we view and cope with it. Randomness can be a source of fear, anxiety, or frustration, or a source of wonder, curiosity, or joy. Randomness can be a barrier to our goals, plans, or dreams, or a catalyst for our learning, growth, or discovery. Randomness can be a threat to our identity, values, or beliefs, or an opportunity for our diversity, creativity, or innovation.

The choice is yours.

How will you deal with and benefit from randomness? What do you think about randomness and how it affects your life and beliefs? Do you agree or disagree with any of the points or arguments I have made? Do you have any stories or examples of randomness that you would like to share? Do you want to learn more about randomness and how to use it to your advantage?

Do read The 10 Life Strategies: Live the Life of your Dreams! to reduce the randomness in your life and increase the probability of success.

If so, please leave a comment below, share this article with your friends. Thank you for reading, and until next time, stay random! 😊


25 Reasons why Stay-at-Home Parent is the Job You Would Not want!

In contemporary society, the role of a stay-at-home parent, one of the toughest jobs in the world, is often misconstrued, with prevalent assumptions downplaying the significance of their work. The common misconception suggests that staying at home with children is somehow less demanding or less substantial than engaging in a paid, traditional job. However, the reality contradicts such beliefs.

It’s a role that requires an immense amount of dedication, patience, and multitasking skills.

Being a stay-at-home parent is undeniably a genuine job, and in many ways, it presents challenges that surpass those faced in a typical workplace. One of the fundamental distinctions lies in the absence of a fixed start and finish to the day, blurring the lines between work and personal life.

Despite the lack of a formal job title or a paycheck, stay-at-home parents work tirelessly to create a nurturing and loving environment for their children.

I grew up with our Mom assuming the role of a stay-at-home parent. She gave up her career as a Published  Economist ( her work has been used by many international authors as reference for their work)to raise her kids into what we are today.

Now a parent myself I can understand the emotions and sacrifices our parents went through while raising us.

This is it.


The Myth of the Easy Life

A domestic custodian,, stewarding the progeny in their formative years, perennially confronts an array of challenges(which we will discuss extensively), wherein the quotidian struggle unfolds ceaselessly, at times with metronomic precision, punctuating each passing second with an enigmatic amalgamation of demands and intricacies.


Babies are like tiny timekeepers with no set schedule, making sleep a bit of a rollercoaster ride. This unpredictable sleep dance can turn your snooze routine into a wild, irregular pattern, leaving you in a chronic state of exhaustion.

It’s like trying to catch z’s in a game of hide and seek with your little one. The constant back-and-forth between being wide awake and chasing after sleep turns tiredness into your sidekick in this parenting adventure.



Being a full-time parent is like diving into a non-stop adventure, and in the whirlwind of diapers and playdates, it’s easy to misplace your own identity.

It’s like your personal “me time” takes a backseat in the minivan of parenting. Suddenly, you might find yourself wondering, “Wait, who am I again?” It’s a bit like playing hide-and-seek with your own sense of self amidst the chaos of raising little humans.


3.Going out

Heading out with a baby?

Get ready for a whole new level of adventure! It’s not just a quick grab-the-keys routine anymore.

It’s like gearing up for a baby expedition.

Diapers, snacks, toys – it’s almost like preparing for a cute and tiny road trip. Leaving the house turns into a hilarious mix of baby gear and tactical planning. Buckle up; it’s a wild ride!



Feeding your baby in public can sometimes get some raised eyebrows from people around, making an already challenging job a bit more stressful. It’s like juggling a demanding role while also handling a side serving of societal scrutiny. Talk about multitasking!

And…Ah, yes, because who doesn’t love an impromptu audience when you’re just trying to feed your baby?

It’s like the universe decided your private mom moment needed a fan club of prying eyes. Because, you know, nothing says relaxation like an audience critique during breastfeeding. Cheers to the unsolicited reviews on the most intimate performance in town!



Forging connections with the childless crowd can sometimes feel like navigating uncharted waters, thanks to the distinct viewpoints on parenting challenges.

It’s like trying to explain the intricacies of a complex board game to someone who’s never played it – there’s a bit of a communication gap.

The world of baby wipes and sleepless nights can be like a foreign language to those yet to experience the joys (and chaos) of parenting.



The never-ending expectations and judgments from society can feel like a relentless downpour, adding an extra layer of pressure to the already challenging job of being a parent.

It’s as if there’s an invisible scoreboard somewhere, and everyone’s suddenly a judge on the “Perfect Parenting Olympics.”

Because, you know, raising tiny humans wasn’t challenging enough without the grandstand of societal expectations!


7.Unsolicited advice

Navigating through a storm of unsolicited advice is like trying to find a needle in a haystack of opinions.

Sure, some nuggets of wisdom might be genuinely helpful, but then there’s the other side – the avalanche of intrusive suggestions that make you feel like you’ve stumbled into a free-for-all advice buffet.

It’s like a crash course in diplomacy while trying to raise your little one!



Bearing the sole responsibility for a tiny, vulnerable life is like shouldering the weight of the world’s tiniest but most precious atlas.

It’s as if you’ve been handed a delicate cargo, and suddenly the enormity of keeping this little being safe and sound feels like you’re carrying the weight of a thousand bedtime stories and lullabies on your shoulders.

The responsibility is both daunting and incredibly profound.


9.Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression: because who doesn’t love an unexpected emotional rollercoaster ride after the miracle of childbirth? It’s the VIP pass to the “I-love-my-baby-but-I-also-need-a-moment” club – where sleep deprivation and hormonal acrobatics are the main attractions.

It’s the post-baby blues, turning the journey of parenthood into a drama with plot twists even Shakespeare would envy.

It’s the sequel no one signed up for, but we’re rewriting the script with caffeine, baby giggles, and a sprinkle of self-love.


10.Support system

Finding your way around the twists and turns of parenthood without a nearby support system is like trying to juggle flaming torches without a safety net.

It’s as if you’re on a solo expedition through the wilderness of diapers and tantrums, and the lack of a support squad turns the journey into a one-parent circus act.

Because, let’s face it, even superheroes need a sidekick or two when tackling the chaos of raising tiny humans!


Oh, joy!

Dealing with a perpetually wailing baby is like being stuck in a never-ending avant-garde performance of the world’s loudest opera.

It’s a test of patience that makes waiting in line at the DMV seem like a spa day.

Because nothing says “parenting bliss” like a soundtrack of incessant cries and screams, right?

But hey, who needs sanity when you can have the melodic serenade of a cranky baby on repeat?

Parenthood, it seems, is the ultimate crash course in patience, served with a side of earplugs and a splash of humor.

Why no one ever warns us of this? WHY?



Grrrrrrrr……… the never-ending saga of diaper changes – a task that feels like an eternal loop of mess and frustration, especially for the stay-at-home parent.

It’s like being stuck in a Groundhog Day of poopocalypse, where every diaper change feels like a Herculean effort.

Juggling endless diaper duties can turn even the most patient parent into a tired, frustrated champion of the changing table.

Diapering has to be the ultimate test of endurance, leaving stay-at-home parents in a fatigue-fueled, frustration-laden battle against the relentless forces of the mess , you cannot even imagine, a baby, a mere foot in size ,can create.



Oh, the  concept of a “structured lunchtime” for stay-at-home parents – as mythical and elusive as a unicorn in a desert.

It’s like trying to plan a Michelin-star meal in the middle of a tornado.

Lack of designated breaks turns the once-sacred lunch hour into a chaotic survival mission. Are we supposed to eat or perform a culinary Houdini act between tantrums and naps?

The audacity of expecting a structured lunch when it’s more like a desperate grab-and-gobble affair!

Structured lunchtime? Please, that’s as likely as finding a five-course meal in the Bermuda Triangle.

Hunger, exhaustion, anger, and disbelief: the daily specials for stay-at-home parents desperately trying to find time to grab a grub.



Ah, the grand financial tightrope walk – transitioning from a dual-income extravaganza to a solo-income spectacle is like trading a comfortable cruise for a rollercoaster of budget acrobatics.

The stay-at-home parent who was making money for oneself in now dependent on the one who is earning.

It’s as if your wallet went from a bustling metropolis to a quiet village overnight.

The symphony of stress plays out in bills, budgets, and a constant background hum of “Can we afford this?”

Because, let’s face it, financial acrobatics were not part of the plan, and now it’s a tight rope walk without a safety net.

Welcome to the circus of single-income survival, where every penny is a high-stakes performer and you, its director!


15.No co-workers

You tend to miss the thrilling world of solo office life – the absence of daily banter with colleagues feels like working on an isolated island where the only conversation partner is a potted plant.

It’s as if your social circle, overnight, went from a bustling city to a deserted island.

The isolation hits like a daily wave, turning the house into a solitary confinement chamber(with a hungry monster who is always crying and pooping!).

Lack of colleague chit-chat?

Welcome to the lonely realm of stay-at-home parent, where the only happy hour is with yourself……in the washroom.


16.Sick days??

The perks of the parent job- It’s like having a position with a 24/7 contract, no sick days allowed.

While the rest of the working world gets to nurse their colds with a cozy blanket and Netflix, parents soldier on through runny noses and headaches, playing the role of the perpetually on-duty superhero.

Taking a day off?

Oh, that’s reserved for the dreams of uninterrupted sleep and quiet naps – the elusive perks of parenthood!

As a stay-at-home parent the only thing contagious is the chaos, and sick days are but a distant memory.


Complain about work, and you’re relatable; complain about parenting, and suddenly you’ve committed a cardinal sin.

It’s like society hands you a participation trophy for griping about the office but raises an eyebrow when you mention the trials of toddler tantrums.

Because, apparently, parenting should come with a mute button, and any complaint is met with a chorus of “you signed up for this.”

Society’s verdict: parenting complaints are the black sheep of whining.

The unspoken rule of parenthood complaints – where airing your parenting grievances is akin to opening Pandora’s diaper bag, inviting the judgmental specters of society


18.Adult conversation:

In the thrilling saga of parenting, the lack of grown-up banter is like surviving on a diet of baby talk and toddler tunes. It’s like living in a tiny world of goo-goos and gaa-gaas.

The stay-at-home parent misses the grown-up chats about, well, anything that doesn’t involve snack time or nap schedules. It’s a bit like living in a baby babble bubble, and sometimes they just want to burst it and have a good old adult conversation.

You will miss those regular talks that didn’t involve decoding baby gibberish!

The absence of regular adult chit-chat turns the domestic scene into a lonely echo chamber, where even the plants seem to be gossiping about you.



Trying to catch a break as a parent is like chasing after a unicorn – you’ve heard about it, but it’s pretty elusive.

With all the kiddo demands, finding time to relax feels like hunting for a treasure that’s playing hide and seek.

It’s a bit like being a detective in the mystery of the missing “me time.”



Even with a little one around, it’s like having a tiny buddy who’s great at peekaboo but not so much at adult conversation.

Loneliness sneaks in because, let’s be real, baby giggles don’t quite replace a good chat with a fellow grown-up.

t’s like having a cute sidekick, but you still miss having a proper buddy for some real talk.

Baby company is adorable, but there’s nothing like a good adult chat to fill the loneliness gap.



Dealing with folks who haven’t walked in stay-at-home-parent shoes is like trying to explain a foreign language – they smile, nod, but the real understanding is MIA.

It’s a bit like juggling invisible balls of stress while attempting to make others see the circus.

Lack of empathy can turn the casual conversation into a battlefield of conflicting opinions, and suddenly you’re the diplomat in a war of words.

Stay-at-home parents struggle with their partners as the lack of understanding turns daily life into a tale of conflicts and head-nodding diplomacy.


Dealing with the same daily routine day in and day out is like hitting repeat on a not-so-favorite song – it gets old, fast.

It’s as if life has turned into a loop of Groundhog Day, and you’re stuck in a cycle of monotony.

The frustration sneaks in when every day feels like a remix of yesterday, with no new beats in sight. Breaking free from the monotony becomes the ultimate quest, and suddenly, stay-at-home parents start looking for ways to spice up the mundane and adding a little zest to the daily playlist. Guess what, they fail at even that!


23.Distance in Relationship:

The joy of parenting detours!

The les we talk of them the better.

When  parenting paths start wandering in opposite directions, it’s like they’re both reading different scripts for the same movie.

Suddenly, the emotional connection starts to feel like a glitchy video call – fuzzy, frustrating, and full of disconnection static.

Divergent parenting: turning the once-harmonious duet into a solo performance with a side dish of anger and frustration.

Who knew raising tiny humans could feel like battling on separate islands?



The thrilling circus act of stay-at-home parenting – juggling tasks like a one-person show.

It’s like a constant game of multitasking bingo, where the stakes are high, and the rewards are… well, just surviving the day.

The energy is there, but so is a lingering sadness, as the never-ending juggle feels like a perpetual loop of tasks with no grand finale in sight.

Juggling multiple tasks the stay-at-home superheroes try to keep all the balls in the air, even if it their hands, feet and mostly the brain as well, go numb.



Apparently, folks out there think stay-at-home parenting is a leisurely stroll in the park, not a marathon of chaos and kid-induced pandemonium.

They underestimate the challenges as if stay-at-home parents’ day is just one big Instagram-worthy moment.

It’s infuriating!

The constant workload is like a silent scream, and yet, some people think it’s all rainbows and unicorns.

Newsflash: it’s not.

Underestimating stay-at-home parenting is like assuming a tornado is just a gentle breeze.

Frustration level? Through the roof!


The Final Word

Apparently, stay-at-home parenting is as an exceptionally challenging and multifaceted role, demanding unwavering dedication both mentally and physically.

While it may be tempting to undermine the difficulties of stay-at-home parenting, the myriad responsibilities, emotional toll, and constant demands on one’s time and energy paint a vivid picture of the profound difficulty of this job.

It requires a unique set of skills, resilience, and adaptability that often go unrecognized. It’s a testament to the strength and endurance of stay-at-home parents that they navigate these challenges daily, providing invaluable care and support for the next generation.

In acknowledging the mental and physical strains involved, it becomes evident that stay-at-home parenting is not just the toughest job out there job; it’s an extraordinary and unparalleled journey that deserves the utmost respect and appreciation.

100 or a 1000 years? How long is it that you will want to live?

The Endless Life

The day he was born, he wished to live forever

To see the wonders of the world and never say never

To love and laugh and learn and grow and never know sorrow

To chase his dreams and hopes and goals and always have tomorrow


But as he grew, he saw the truth of life’s fragility

He lost his friends and family to war and disease and tragedy

He felt his body weaken and his mind grow weary

He realized that living long was not the same as living fully


He searched for ways to stop the clock and reverse the aging process

He tried to find the secret of eternal youth and happiness

He spent his fortune and his time on science and magic and religion

He finally found the elixir of immortality, but it came with a condition


He had to drink it every day, or else he would expire

He had to live alone, or else he would endanger those he admired

He had to watch the world change, or else he would be left behind

He had to face the fact that he was not meant for life of this kind


He drank the elixir for a while, but soon he felt a void

He missed the joys and pains of living, the things that he had once enjoyed

He longed for the company of others, the ones who understood him

He yearned for the end of his journey, the one that he had begun with


He decided to stop drinking the elixir, and let nature take its course

He wrote a letter to the world, explaining his decision and remorse

He said he was sorry for his selfishness, and thanked everyone for their kindness

He said he was ready to meet his maker, and hoped to find some peace and forgiveness



He lay down on his bed, and closed his eyes, and waited for the final breath

He felt a surge of pain, and then a wave of calm, and then he felt…nothing else

He died with a smile on his face, and a tear in his eye, and a poem in his heart

He died with the knowledge that he had lived enough, and that it was time to depart.


Now this little poem does give away the end of this article.

But I will insist you read on as the body is what will open your eyes to reality and by the time you do reach the end of this article you might have changed your decision.

No body wants to die. I hope we have a consensus on this?

I hear a resounding YES!!

Except from people who have suicidal tendencies for various psychological or health reasons.

They should either rethink their life or go ahead with the one they have decided for themselves, since I am not here to discourage anyone from anything. Period.

But then they will not be reading this article anyways. So.

For as long as humans have existed they have been smitten by the supernatural powers of immortality. So much so that they have portrayed their “Gods” as someone who is immortal.

If HE/SHE had any other powers was not that important.

His/Her immortality was what made them Gods and mortality well made us Human.

The cliched statement ” One who has been born has to die” has been the center of our existence.

Adam Leith Goffner, author of The Book of Immortality says, We should see existence for what it is: composed of as many summers as winters, of both sweetness and tragedy, of beauty pageants as well as degenerative diseases. Why prolong it? We’ve all been granted a life’s time. Ephemeral though it may be, that’s all we get. It’s a brief, extraordinary moment. Let’s make the most of this séjour while it lasts.”

Well that is soon going to change.


We are stepping into a new world where death and disease will be a thing of the past.

We will have a choice to decide our own life spans.

But why would anyone decide to live less when they can live…endlessly!

The answer is not that easy to answer.

When you will be served the fabled red pill of endless life you will have these 4 options.

  1. Endless Human life with natural ageing
  2. Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing
  3. Transhumanism ( Human-Machine interface) with natural ageing
  4. No ageing and Digital Immortality

These four options are , as we speak, subjects of fiction. and many dismiss them as unachievable.

They are those who live under a rock and have not seen autonomous driverless cars, unmanned attack airplanes, unmanned submarines and space probes reaching the edge of our Milky Way.

These things were a subject of fiction a few decades ago and now….here we are….seeing them.

So, its up to you to decide if its fiction and will remain fiction or not!

So lets begin with our choices.


Endless Human life with natural ageing

The current average U.S. life expectancy is 79 years and it is gradually rising. As of 2019, there were an estimated 72,000 centenarians living in the U.S.; the 2020 census officially counted 80,139, and the 2010 census had 53, 364. So people are living longer , as the numbers prove.

Much can be attributed to medical advances to address cancer and other potentially fatal conditions. It has been hypothesized that a cancer cure adds at least 3 years to the life. Such small yet meaningful treatments are fruitful in increasing the life expectancy of the general population.

Humans have  made tremendous progress in increasing life expectancy  over the past century but as a result we have a population that’s living older and older which puts them at risk for a number of different age-related diseases .

So ironically Aging in and of itself is now becoming the most important risk factor.

Some body has taken note of that and now there is immense research on how to….slow down ageing!

Slowing the pace of aging eventually also inhibit the onset of age-related diseases, delivering not only quantity but also quality of life. The longer people live healthy lives the less time they’ll spend living with illness toward the end of their lives, thus making the whole process meaningful.

“Delayed aging is about adding healthy life years rather than disabled life years,” Dana Goldman, director of the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Southern California.

Some of the nation’s brightest minds and the deepest pockets have declared an all-out war against aging.

Google has made significant investment in Calico, the California Life Company, to advance research into new approaches for extending life. Its main focus will be on biotechnology and will focus more on life extension than disease fighting.

They are aiming at slowing the ageing process. But we will age nonetheless.

And eventually, with age will come its baggage. Disease, Senility, reduced cognition, failing muscle tone, withering memories, incontinent activity, increased dependence on kids/grand-kids/great-grand kids,  lonely years in nursing homes and eventually extended end-of-life care on ventilators with tubes pushing and pulling liquids in and out of your body, small chips implanted into the heart making it beat, neural chips keeping your brain functions going and artificial kidneys filtering your blood.

There will be robots taking care of the elderly and they will be the only ones for your emotional support (which by then robots will have in their protocols)

For those who are not at the end of their lives will have exoskeletons supporting them in their mobility and everyday chores like doing groceries and doing the gardens. Small inconspicuous robots will run and hover around the house taking care of the daily chores of cleaning and cooking. They will pills designed to take care of any deficiencies that might occur and to take care that no cancers develop.

Having all said and done , bottom line is, YOU WILL AGE!

And become weak. And even after the  best possible facilities that money can buy for you by the time you are 120 or 130 or 150 you will be reduced to a pile of flesh and bones with tubes in every orifice of your body and more chemicals/drugs in your blood than its normal ingredients.

Even at that time, death will not come to pick you up.

But is that the way you would want to stay for ever?


Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing

So I believe its clear that mere ageing will not lead you to a green pasture of happiness. On the contrary it will be a bigger sorrow than a shorter life.

Suddenly dying young sounds much better than dying very old!! Things will become clear , keep reading!

Somewhere somehow envisioned this possibility and knowingly or unknowingly started working on it.

And still is.

The quest for eternal youth is probably longer than the quest of eternal life.

You must have heard of a lady who used to drank small amounts of gold to stay young for ever.

Well she didn’t. But, at least she tried!

Nowadays the approach is more scientific, though it was not always the case.

Stanford researchers have shown the joining of circulatory systems (known as parabiosis) between old and young mice to be effective in rejuvenating organs, muscles and stem cells.

Can that work in humans as well?

You may ask, jumping out of your chair.

It has been tried long long back by one,  Andreas Libavius, a physician who in 1615( yes ! almost 400 years ago)  proposed connecting the arteries of an old man to those of a young man. He hoped that the fountain of youth will flow from the young to the old and all his weakness will be dispelled. The results of that experiment are not known.

But had it been good it would have been a breakthrough of a millenia and we would all be young.

But we are not!

As we speak  similar things are being done elsewhere in the world.

The secret of Youth in the Vein

A clinic in San-Fransisco conducted a trial where over 100 patients above the age of 60 years were given two and  a half liter of FFP( Fresh frozen Plasma) taken from young people. And the Scientist, Jesse Karmazin,32, trained in Stanford, who conducted it says that the results are promising.

The secret of Youth in the Air

Scientists from Tel-Aviv University say they’ve successfully reversed the aging process of elderly people through “oxygen therapy” in a first-of-its-kind study. They believe they have found the Holy Grail for staying young forever.


Lets assume that by a stroke of serendipity the elixir of eternal youth is found tomorrow.

And we can all have fit bodies devoid of any disease for the next 100 years starting from tomorrow( though its too farfetched to imagine that everyone will have access to that kind of treatment because only the super rich will be able to afford such things and only after a decade or so will it percolate down to general population who might again not be able to buy it. )

but for the sake of science and hypothesis lets assume that you and me can buy it tomorrow.

Now before you rejoice that we have beaten ageing and start imagining that you have escaped disease, senility, reduced cognition, failing muscle tone, withering memories, incontinent activity, increased dependence on kids/grand-kids/great-grand kids,  lonely years in nursing homes, eventually extended end-of-life care on ventilators with tubes pushing and pulling liquids in and out of your body, small chips implanted into the heart making it beat, neural chips keeping your brain functions going and artificial kidneys filtering your blood, I am sorry to burst your bubble of happiness.

Though you may be able to live young forever but there is a thing known as generation gap. Have you ever imagined why your parents cannot use the gadget that you think is the simplest one on the planet? Why cannot your grandpa use the simple tv remote when all there is to it are 5 buttons. Why cannot you accept the concepts of your grandparents when they tell you that in their times things were done in a particular way?

That’s called a Generation Gap.

As you grow old your brain grows to follow certain patterns in a  certain way. It doesn’t want to change and if new things are imposed on it may or may not be ready to accept them.

Thats why the biggest qualities that one can have today are

  1. Ability to learn new things.
  2. Ability to learn them fast.

If you lack either of these two qualities who are bound to become a relic yourself joining the endless ones that roam the earth these days.

Disclaimer: I do not intend to state that old people cannot learn newer things. They can. But we are talking about the majority.

The hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, shrink with age. These areas are important for learning, memory, and executive functions. As a result, older adults may have more difficulty encoding new information and updating their existing knowledge.

With grown age human tend to have  less synaptic plasticity, which is the ability of synapses to change their strength and structure in response to new experiences.

The blood flow in the brain may decrease with age, which can affect the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells.

Now you may argue that eternal youth will grant us cure against all these things and you may be right. or wrong. Time will tell.

Brain is still one organ of the body that we know very little about.

So i will assume that brain will continue to work as it works as of now. Thus entailing that with each passing 50 years of your life you will be nothing but an outdated bag of information. Much like you learnt DOS and now everything works on Python. Get the drift?

You might argue that you can learn new things since you will have endless life to do that. But would you really want to do that? Delete your brain after every 50 years or even earlier only to fill it up with new information which might be confounding with the one already in the system?

I will leave you with that question to answer.

As your answer will decide at what point of time you choose to not update yourself and that day will become the day when you choose to take the different road into the woods. The one which ends!


Transhumanism ( Human-Machine interface) with natural ageing

If you have been saving your information on your cell phones and data clouds ( much like everyone of us), if you have a pacemaker implanted into your chest sending excitatory signals to your heart periodically, sport carbon-based body modifications called “tattoos,” have replaced worn out joints with ceramic alloy equivalents and as of today have a NeuraLink chip inside your brain you my friend are already a Transhuman.

Congratulations on that!

A Transhuman is any human whose any aspect of humanity can potentially be enhanced and replaced by its technological equivalent. These enhancements can be derived from nanotechnology, biotechnology,
information technology and cognitive science, via tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, genetic and stem cell engineering, and cryogenic freezing.

Transhuman is a stage of evolution of Humans to Posthumans, Human 2.0.

Nick Bostrom, the lead scientist on the subject,  defines a posthuman as a being that possesses at least one general capacity greatly exceeding the maximum attainable by any current human being without recourse to technological means.

You can understand the concept of a transhuman in the following examples:

  • A kidney failure patient whose survival depends upon endless dialysis sessions or a transplant gets an artificial kidney which is computer controlled and put inside the body which now functions better than a biological kidney. This patient is now a transhuman.
  • A patient who has been paralyzed waist down for decades is offered an exoskeleton that can be hooked up to his spinal cord remnants and he gets to walk after decades. He will be a transhuman.
  • A blind man who lost his eyes in a  freak accident years ago is offered a digital eye that can help him see his daughter , his mom and his life again. He is a transhuman.
  • A war veteran who has lost his legs to a mine explosion gets a pair of mechanized legs that can outperform a normal human athlete. He is a transhuman.
  • A cardio-pulmonary failure patient gets a complete cardio-pulmonary apparatus that is more compact and efficient than what we have biologically becomes a transhuman.
  • A paraplegic or someone with a cerebral palsy gets to walk again with mechanized prosthesis is a transhuman.
  • A person who today received a Neuralink Chip is a transhuman.


The quest of replacing almost all body parts with machines that can outperform the naturally evolved has been there for centuries. Though it has been possible recently to find such superior alternatives to normal biological systems.

Come to think of it , such a method seems a pathway to literal immortality if we are able to replace “all” body parts with mechanized units.

But we as humans are not all blood and bones. Th brain, yes the brain again, is what makes the blood and bones a human. The genius of human evolution is the brain! one which we have not been able to find  a replacement for even after so much computing development.

How Much Computational Power Does It Take to Match the Human Brain?

Many scientists are working on this question as they believe that once we know the exact specifications then that can help us replace the human brain.

An experiment done in 2013, used a supercomputer to calculate the human brains computational ability. It took 40 minutes with the combined muscle of 82,944 processors in K computer to get just 1 second of biological brain processing time. While running, the simulation ate up about 1PB of system memory as each synapse was modeled individually.

We are , nonetheless making advancements in the right direction.

Earlier brain was thought to work on a 1/0 model. New research suggests our brains use quantum computation.

Quantum Computing could be the answer for unlocking the secrets of the brain.

Till the day it is done and we can replace the human brain with a ultracompact super-efficient computer we are still living with a biological brain.

We can replace 99% of the human body with machines and make interfaces between neurons and machines so that the unit works seamlessly but we will have that 1% biological component that will be the power station of the 99% of the mechanized body.

It will age , and will not be upgradeable.

Which will take us back to the second condition, Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing,

And its implications.

Though people might try to find a hint of immortality in being a transhuman but it is unclear that a
vastly extended lifespan would be a benefit to the enhanced.


No ageing and Digital Immortality

Well digital immortality is the conversion of your consciousness into a software which can then be saved, transferred, downloaded, modified and edited as a computer program.

(Remember Neo in Matrix!)

You get the idea.

Now this is what will truly make us immortal.

I cannot say it will make humans immortal because once this happens, humans as we know them will cease to exist.

Which raises the next question, about personal identity!

Once you loose your physical body and are just a program uploaded onto a computer do you still remain, you?

Yes and No!

With the advancement of stem cell technology we can now grow artificial skin to cover any mechanized endoskeleton that we want to make (if we want to make it, that is!) to make us look more human. (Remember Terminator 2!)

So physical form will not be a problem.

There are bigger concerns. I might want to look like Elon Musk much like a million other people. That will raise the problem of identity! Then there will be other who might want to keep changing their identity for some reasons. A woman today a man tomorrow!

And then there will be those who will want to stay as a software and not exist physically.  They might want to live only in programs and endless communications routes that will engulf the earth sooner than we think(think StarLink satellite systems). They will present at more than one place at once. they will travel from earth to moon in seconds. They will be the ones who will become interstellar and interplanetary in the true sense.

As an upload you will be truly immortal. You could enhance your self in any way possible by adding code to your software or might want to take off some code that gives your personality some unwanted trait.

All this sounds very fiction.

But I have always believed, ” If one man can think of an idea, the other is already working on it to make it a reality.”

Off course there will be no human body to age so you need not worry about aging. And the brain? Well the world’s best computers will be your brain and the data cloud will be your memory. You will have access to all the information in the world in seconds.

But considering all this, you will have to decide. Are you alive?


The Money

Well money makes the world go around!

So deeper your pockets the quicker the access to all these options when they do become available.

(Watch the Amazon Prime series Upload)

So, as we navigate the potential paths towards immortality, it’s clear that the pursuit of endless life comes with its own set of challenges, choices, and consequences. The whimsical dreams of living forever, free from the grasp of time and mortality, often fail to consider the practicalities and trade-offs involved.

One cannot help but wonder, in this quest for eternal life, who holds the power, and more importantly, who can afford it?

As advancements in science and technology open up possibilities for extending life, the reality is that these options might be reserved for the privileged few, leaving the majority to face the inevitable cycle of life and death.

The irony lies in the fact that while the wealthy may fret over the intricacies of immortality, the less fortunate find solace in the simplicity of a normal lifespan.

It becomes almost comical to imagine a world where the poor can peacefully accept the inevitability of death, while the rich grapple with the complexities of how to navigate an eternity.

As we contemplate these fantastical scenarios and the potential triumph over death, let us not lose sight of the present, where life’s brevity gives it meaning. The pursuit of endless life may be a fascinating concept, but the value of each fleeting moment, with its joys and sorrows, should not be overshadowed by the allure of an eternal existence that remains uncertain and complex.

In the end, the question lingers — is the pursuit of immortality worth sacrificing the essence of what it means to be human?

The article invites you to ponder this question, recognizing that while the desire to live forever is deeply ingrained in human nature, the journey of life, with all its imperfections, is what truly defines our existence.


Why Namaste is not a Hello?

In a world marked by diverse cultures and languages, greetings often serve as the first point of contact between individuals. “Namaste” and “Hello,” two seemingly simple words, embody the diversity of expressions that mark our connections with one another.

While both are used to acknowledge someone’s presence, the cultural and spiritual history behind “Namaste” sets it apart from the casual and commonplace “Hello.”


Originating from Sanskrit, “Namaste” is deeply rooted in Sanatana Dharma culture and philosophy.

It is not merely a salutation but a profound gesture that acknowledges the divine within oneself and others. The word itself carries significant spiritual connotations, with “namah” meaning bow, “as” meaning I, and “te” meaning you. Therefore, “Namaste” can be translated as “I bow to you,” signifying a recognition of the divine essence in each individual.


On the other hand, “Hello” is a universal greeting widely used in various cultures and languages. Its origins are traced back to the 19th century, and it has evolved into a simple and common way to initiate conversation or acknowledge someone’s presence.

Unlike “Namaste,” “Hello” lacks the profound spiritual and cultural associations, making it a more casual and everyday greeting.

While both “Namaste” and “Hello” are expressions used to greet others, the depth of meaning behind “Namaste” extends beyond a mere acknowledgment.

“Namaste” serves as a spiritual and cultural gesture, recognizing the divine within oneself and others, whereas “Hello” remains a straightforward and casual way to initiate communication.



The Spiritual Essence of Namaste

The term “Namaste” finds its roots in ancient Hindu philosophy, particularly in sacred texts like the Rigveda, where it serves as an expression of deep reverence and humility. In the Rigveda, scholars have traced instances where “Namaste” is used to convey a sense of bowing or recognizing the divinity in the person being greeted.

( Please note that Hello carries no such respect or acknowledgement to the divine. It remains as a simple acknowledgement of the bodily presence of another being in the micro-environment of the other being)

This acknowledgment of divinity is further expounded upon in The Upanishads, which explore the profound philosophy that underlies the greeting.

These texts emphasize the concept of Atman, the divine and eternal essence of each individual, which persists across multiple bodies and lifetimes or soul within each individual, reinforcing the idea that “Namaste” is not a mere salutation but a recognition of the sacred within oneself and in others.

The spiritual teachings continue to unfold in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy. Within the Yoga Sutras, the practice of recognizing the divine within oneself and extending that recognition to others aligns closely with the essence of Namaste. This spiritual dimension is further enriched in the Bhagavad Gita, where the concept of recognizing the divine within oneself is intricately woven into the fabric of self-realization and the path to spiritual fulfillment.

In essence, “Namaste” transcends the realm of a conventional greeting, becoming a spiritual practice that fosters a sense of interconnectedness and reverence for the divine essence within all beings.

Namaste has been a term or greeting for centuries. Excavations of Indus Valley Civilizations (which lasted from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE) uncovered terracotta figurines or small statues in the namaste position (with their hands held in prayer).

In contemporary practices of yoga and spirituality, the word “Namaste” has become a mantra, echoing not just in the physical practice of yoga but also in broader spiritual communities. It serves as a reminder of the deeper meaning of human connection and the shared divine presence that binds individuals together.

The spiritual essence of Namaste extends beyond cultural boundaries, resonating with those who seek a more profound and mindful way of interacting with the world around them. As individuals adopt yoga and mindfulness practices globally, the spiritual depth encapsulated in Namaste continues to inspire a sense of unity and reverence for the sacred within and beyond oneself.

The Evolution of Hello

In stark contrast, the origin of “Hello” is more pragmatic and less rooted in spirituality.

Derived from the Old English greeting “hǣl, meaning good health, its evolution over time has made it a simple and conventional way of initiating conversation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary provide insights into the historical transformation of “Hello” from an expression of good health to a common and neutral greeting.

The Oxford English Dictionary says the first published use of “hello” goes back only to 1826. And it wasn’t mainly a greeting back then. People in the 1830’s said hello to attract attention (“Hello, what do you think you’re doing?”), or to express surprise (“Hello, what have we here?”). Hello didn’t become “hi” until the telephone arrived.

Cultural Reflections in Usage

Comparing the usage of namaste and hello reveals distinctive cultural values and norms. Articles by The Content Authority and The Conversation explore how namaste goes beyond a mere greeting, reflecting a deeper sense of respect and acknowledgment deeply ingrained in Indian culture and beyond.

On the other hand, the universality and simplicity of “Hello” make it a more casual and widely adopted form of greeting across diverse cultures. Makes me wonder how something that simple and carrying very less literal or spiritual association become so popular.


The Oxford Dictionary says it was Thomas Edison who put hello into common usage. He urged the people who used his phone to say “hello” when answering.

The Tone and Gesture of Respect

Examining the tone and gesture of namaste and hello uncovers nuances in formality and respect.

Learn Religions, wikiHow, and Yoganum offer insights into how the traditional namaste gesture, with palms pressed together and a slight bow, conveys a sense of reverence and formality.

In contrast, the more informal and casual nature of “Hello” is reflected in its use in various settings, often accompanied by a wave or a simple nod.

Namaste and hello are not interchangeable.

They reflect different cultural values and norms. Namaste is more than a greeting, it is a way of showing reverence and recognition of the sacred spark within oneself and others. Hello is a brief and informal way of signaling someone’s existence or starting a dialogue.

Further , although I believe in the divinity inside of the living beings , religions who donot believ in a sikkilar idea might not allow you to use Namaste in your life.

Lets see!

Are you a Christian?

Can you say Namaste to each other?

Well… you can and you should ( considering Covid is still there to stay and many more pandemics are to come , and you donot want to share contact with anyone!) but what does your religion say about it?

Should Christians Say It?

Namaste means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you,”. That can be a person, an animla, a rock, a tree or any inanimate thing.

Namaste might conflict with teachings of Christianity because the Bible teaches that humans are not gods and that humans are only to bow to the one true God, Yahweh.

“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8).

“You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

If you are a Christain you might as well revisit the practice of Namaste as you are placing divinity in your ownself and also in to everyone along with your one true God, Yahweh.

I am fine with everyone using a non-contact greetings where your physical and spiritual energy stays with you only. Putting this into perspective as you might not clearly know what you are doing when you are folding your hands in front of the other to greet them.


Should Muslims Say it?

“Namaste” means ‘ I bow to the divine in you’ which is contrary to the Islamic belief as Namaste seems to imply God resides in us or that God is everywhere or that we are a part of God Himself (nauzubillah) which is against Tawheed.

Tawheed is belief in one God.

Islams advocates Allah is not a part of us nor are we a part of Him. The creator and the creation are different entities.

So as per Islamic scholars saying Namaste is wrong( or Haram).

So if you believe in Islam and never knew this , now you know and now you can make a better choice of either to use Namaste or not in place of Hello.

Namaste is for everyone

The aim of this piece is not to tell people that namaste is not meant for you or for me, aim is to dispell the misconceptions people hve. It is to bring about a better understanding that love and divinity is everywhere.

We acknowledge it by saying Namaste.

We acknowledge that you are special and the kindness in your heart can make the world a better place.

If one seeks to find “it” he/she can find “it” in anything they want. Some find it in books, some in idols, some find it in on mountain tops, some find it in the depths of the oceans.

In considering the possibility that Namaste may not have originally been intended for all, it becomes essential to reflect on the evolving nature of cultural practices.

If Namaste were initially intended for a specific group or community, the broader acceptance and global popularity it has gained suggest a broader resonance.

The evolution of Namaste from its traditional roots to a more inclusive symbol reflects a shared human desire for connection, respect, and understanding. As it traverses cultural and religious borders, Namaste has become a universal gesture, emphasizing our collective humanity.

It is interconnecting people at a divine level where mutual respect and love surpasses all the divergent and divisive teachings of different religions.

In the end, the power of Namaste lies in its ability to bring people together rather than setting them apart.

Flying Cars in India! Why we are better without them?

Flying Cars in India! Really??

What is happening around me??

Oh, that truck is driving in the wrong direction!!

There is a cow sitting in the middle of the road!

Red light? What red light? No matter what the traffic light says for all practical purposes it means it is green!!


Yes!Never in my 40 years of existence in India had I ever felt so overwhelmed by the chaos around me.

You see I had finally lived in a place where there were traffic rules that were bieng followed and there was a certain pleasure in driving because you were not worried about that one abomination that might curtail your life on the road.

You were one with your car and , for somebody who had been driving inline fours ,it was even more pleasurable with that glorious V6 under the hood pushing you through the air with panache and some insane velocities.

I had been in the Americas. North to be specific!

And after having “earned” my driving license ( Which is a story for another day!) I had finally “learnt” how to drive. What lane manners were, what a shoulder check was meant to be and what it meant when you saw a pedestrian crossing the road??

To someone who has been to India and more so who has driven in India these questions are the ones separating a driver from India and the one from the west.

Not for nothing are the Indian roads considered to be the world’s most dangerous roads.

Endless traffic jams, relentless honking, cuss words flying here and there, fist fights on even small insignificant things, cows sitting in the middle of the road that too on a flyover, religious/political processions throwing the cities out of rhythm.

The occasional VIP cavalcade causing the traffics to magnify, the usual ambulance stuck in traffic with no one letting it through, the cars trucks busses motorcycle cycle rickshaw and these days the e-rickshaws jostling for space  and in the process leaving their paint and sometimes body parts on the other, pedestrian risking their lives by crossing roads with cars crawling and sometimes flying around them.

People try to save fuel by driving on the wrong side of the road to take that turn which otherwise would have made them drive another 200 meters extra( talk about thrifty habits), the endless queues at the filling stations where employees are tirelessly filling up gasoline into small piddly cars and two wheelers.

Then lest we forget the road has been encroached not just by the animals of religious significance but by other factors as well. The shops display their goods on the walkways thus leaving no space for the pedestrians who have no option but to walk on the roads. The constructions are so smartly done that at the end of it the whole building is a foot wider in all directions, the holy encroachment, and more often than not it is towards the roads.

That organized chaos is Indian traffic.


So as you may have thanked The Almighty  by now , thanking Him that you are not driving in India or may be you are one of those adventurous types who would have it no other way than see it for yourself or maybe you have ,in your head , thought of ways to decongest the streets by maybe introducing flying cars in India……………………………….WHAT??!!!!!!!

Flying cars in India??

You must be crazy to even think about such  thing as a flying car in India.

Not because India doesn’t have open skies, it does!

Its not because India doesn’t have people who can afford it, it does.

Its not that India is not modern enough to envision such a thing, it does.

Not because India doesn’t have the political will to do it, it does.

But then why-oh-why do I say that you must be crazy thinking about a flying car era in India???


That my friend opens a Pandora’s box.

Let me tell you why this idea of yours is definitely not doable in India.

You better take the heart medication that you are on!

You better do some meditation before you read it further as it might numb your brain.

You better sit down at a safe place lest you fall down shocked and amazed.

You better keep that wine glass on the table.

You my friend might have just started a World War III. Joking!

In a land where the chaos on the streets is practically an art form and “organized chaos” is a lifestyle, the idea of unleashing flying cars into the Indian skies might seem whimsically adventurous.

However, hold on to your aviator hat, because now we’ll explore why launching flying cars in India could turn its lively streets into an airborne calamity, leaving you to ponder:

Is the sky really the limit, or have we finally exceeded our collective good sense?


Here we go!

Rain of Unwanted Surprises

In India you will find cars sparklingly clean from the inside with idols of gods and goddesses adorning the dashboards and fragrances soothing the passengers. A reason for that is that most Indian drivers usually don’t let garbage sit in their cars.

They just empty it out on the road! While on the move!

You won’t be surprised to see a car driving ahead of you slightly open its window and slide a banana peel onto the road as you zip along at a 100kmph.

Habits seldom change and so something similar done while flying a car can only be imagined.

Or not!

It will be an airborne carnival of garbage.

You’re walking down the street, soaking in the sun, and suddenly, without warning, a barrage of discarded wrappers, banana peels, and mysterious bits of who-knows-what comes raining down from above. It’s like a confetti of chaos, but instead of celebrating, you find yourself questioning your life choices.

Picture this:

You’ve just stepped out for a leisurely stroll, and suddenly, you’re in the middle of a garbage-themed surprise party. It’s not just wrappers; it’s a wild assortment of items, each descending like a quirky gift from the skies. Feeling lucky? You might get a plastic bottle or maybe even an unexpected fruit peel to jazz up your day.

Still want the flying cars in India?

Wait. And oh, the sights! Witness as the skies transform into a chaotic canvas of airborne oddities. It’s like a bizarre parade, only instead of floats, you have flying cars unleashing an assortment of items that would make any circus clown proud.

So, the next time you daydream about flying cars in India , remember that the fantasy might come with an unexpected souvenir for people on land(and there are plenty!) – a direct hit from the garbage brigade above.

Who would need rainbows when you can have a shower of surprises from the sky?



The Great Pan Spit Elevation

Indians love their mouth-fresheners.

The most popular being The Pan.

And somebody who has driven on Indian roads or even walked besides them knows what I mean by the spitting culture on Indian roads.

The roadsides are painted red by the red pan-spit of the millions of people who drive/ride or walk on them.

You will hardly come across any structure man made or otherwise which has not been embellished by these human salivary art forms.


Prepare for a tale that elevates the infamous practice of this pan spitting to a whole new level.

Quite literally.

Picture this: you’re on the 10th floor, enjoying the view from your apartment, when suddenly, your window becomes the unsuspecting target of a peculiar form of aerial bombardment. It’s not raindrops you’re hearing; it’s the unmistakable sound of pan enthusiasts turning the skies into their very own spitball arena.


Once reserved for the ground-level adventurers, the audacious act of post-pan consumption spitting has now ascended to unprecedented heights. No floor is safe from the airborne salivary assault, as even the 50th-floor residents find themselves unwittingly participating in this surreal rain dance of betel nut residue.


Imagine trying to unwind in the comfort of your own home, only to be greeted by a splatter on your window pane that would make modern art blush. It’s not just about dodging spit on the streets anymore; it’s about safeguarding your sanctuary from a descending deluge of pan-flavored precipitation.


And here’s the kicker – forget about leaving your windows open to enjoy a breath of fresh air. The risk of an uninvited, gravity-defying load of spit entering your living room has turned every window into a potential entry point for this peculiar brand of precipitation.

Close the windows, lock the doors, because the skies above have become a spitfire zone.


So, the next time you gaze out from your lofty abode, remember that even the highest floor is not immune to the airborne antics of pan enthusiasts.



Airborne Altercations

I believe road rage must have been invented ……..or at least perfected by Indian drivers.

They have highly inflated and very  fragile egos. They get offended very easily and anger is usually their first reaction when something untoward happens on the roads.

Considering the roads as their private property, they trudge around in their mechanized chariots and the more expensive the car they are riding the more pronounced the feeling becomes.

It is not an uncommon sight to see people arguing, fighting or even killing each other in a fit of road rage on Indian roads.

So when we think of flying cars in India we have to get ready for a turbulence of a different kind as we explore the phenomenon of “Air Rage” where the spirited macho spirit of Indian road rage takes to the skies.

Picture this: the air is filled with the roar of engines, and flying cars are jostling for airspace like territorial birds in mating season. Suddenly, two airborne vehicles collide, and what follows is not a civil exchange of information but a full-blown aerial altercation.


In the world of flying cars, the typical Indian road rage takes on a whole new dimension. No longer confined to heated arguments or occasional fisticuffs on the streets, our enthusiastic aviators engage in a war of words and, occasionally, airborne brawls.

It’s not just a fender-bender; it’s an aerial showdown, where the skies become a canvas for the art of vehicular vengeance.


The air is thick with tension and testosterone as our macho aviators exchange not-so-pleasantries in the realm where road rage meets air rage.

You might as well have a full-blown war in the air, with guns blazing!


And here’s the twist – instead of waiting for the authorities to sort things out, these high-flying warriors prefer settling their disputes mid-air, with words and their fists ,with the occasional gun fires adding a dramatic flair to the proceedings. It’s not about exchanging insurance information; it’s about asserting dominance in the wild blue yonder.


So, the next time you envision the freedom of flying cars especially in India , remember that with it comes a potential for airborne altercations, where the term “air rage” takes on a whole new meaning.


Airborne Nausea: The Unwanted Aerial Symphony


Well if you have been on Indian roads you have not been spared by the sight of people vomiting out of moving cars not only painting their own vehicles with their own gastric juices and its byproducts but also splattering pedestrians and other vehicles in its vicinity.

Now imagine this…….( Yup..yup….I am sure you got that picture in your head now… but for those unartistic minds who cannot paint the picture let us do it for you!)


Picture it: A motion-sick auntie, caught off guard by the twists and turns of the airborne journey, decides that the only logical response is to unleash the contents of her stomach into the great blue expanse. The once pristine air ( Not really…Indian pollution is world renowned)  now carries the unexpected aroma of airborne emissions, transforming the whimsical journey into a slightly less enchanting experience.

As the airborne journey unfolds,  the mere mortals on the ground now, must come to terms with the fact that the skies are  now full of emetic-projectiles being attracted towards the land by the not-so-absent gravity , which can land anywhere and lend “taste of the skies” a new meaning.

So now the pedestrians need to carry an umbrella or better a vomit-shield to protect the sanctity of their bodies and their clothes.

The windows of all the buildings will have to be kept closed at all times unless you want to re-do the paint on your interiors.



Drunk Flying Disasters

Lawlessness is the law on Indian roads.

Drunk driving is style!

So when you even so as dream about a flying car in India you must be….inebriated!!!

No offense. Let me explain!

Imagine a scenario where an inebriated(No offence to you my dear reader!) pilot takes to the skies, weaving through the clouds in a state of tipsy turbulence. The once-clear flight path now resembles a drunken zigzag, putting not only the intoxicated aviator at risk but also those sharing the airspace.

The unthinkable happens—an airborne fender-bender with a commercial airplane. The collision not only endangers the lives of those in the flying cars but also sends shockwaves through the aviation world, raising questions about the practicality of sharing airspace with larger aircrafts.

The risk of misjudged altitudes , just like misjudged distances under the influence, becomes a nightmare when one of these airborne vehicles collides with a building on ….say the 20th floor. The once-safe haven for families now becomes an unexpected landing pad for a wayward flying car, testing the structural integrity of buildings and challenging the architects’ foresight.

So a flying car with an under the influence driver/pilot will be a ticking time bomb in Indian Traffic scenarios.


The Aerial Parking Rebellion

Go through any Indian newspaper and you are sure to come across a news piece where a seemingly-harmless altercation over a parking space ended in one of the person being shot dead.

Yes! Its such a big problem.

India being one of the biggest economies and the world’s biggest country, population wise, seems to be running out of land…Ahh….so that’s why you thought about flying cars, I See!!!

But more people , more cars, more houses, less land…….. You are sure to have some sparks fly when u put flammable particles that close.

Hell! Bollywood has movies made on this evil called Parking!

So, the parking woes should be over in India if flying cars do come…. Only in your dreams!

Long story short- It will be a wild world of parking pandemonium where the concept of “to hell with the world” takes flight.

Imagine this: the streets, once neatly lined with cars, now resemble a chaotic jigsaw puzzle of flying vehicles haphazardly parked on rooftops, balconies, and any available flat surface. The flying car revolution will have brought with it an era of parking anarchy.


With the newfound freedom of the skies, some adventurous aviators will adopt a carefree attitude toward parking etiquette.

The mantra will become, “My work is done; to hell with the world.”

No longer confined by earthly constraints like parking lots or designated spaces, flying car owners nonchalantly land their vehicles wherever their hearts desire, leaving chaos in their wake.

Picture this:

You’re climb up to your roof top for a quick smoke or just to soak in some sun and what do you see. There are 3-4 cars parked there consuming all the space. you wonder when and who parked these cars here. You call the residents of the building and no one sems to know whose cars are these.

And the audacity hasn’t stopped there. Flying car owners, having completed their airborne escapades now abandon their vehicles with a laissez-faire attitude, oblivious to the inconvenience they have caused to you. “Parking spot? Who needs one when you can park on top of someone else’s home?” seems to be the prevailing philosophy.

You curse the drivers and pray to God to take you back to the times when people were just blocking your entry gates with their cars and you at least had a roof to sit and relax. Well, now, even that’s not possible as the time machine hasn’t been invented , YET!

And oh dare you tell those mischiefs not to park atop your roof Because they may just shoot you in your already empty head!





This is an evolving article.

Please Share your views and I will try to twist a tale around it in the most fascinating way possible.




10 Quotes of Swami Vivekananda for 2024.

10 Quotes of Swami Vivekananda for 2024.

Swami Vivekananda‘s teachings continue to inspire and hold significance.

They emphasize self-realization, the importance of action, compassion, and the recognition of divinity in every individual—values that remain timeless and applicable to our lives today.


Here are the 10 best quotes that will make your 2024 worthwhile.


“Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached.”

Get up, stay motivated, and don’t quit until you’ve achieved what you set out to do.

Take action and persevere.

 Instead of hitting the snooze button, get out of bed and start your day with a positive mindset.

Take small steps daily toward your goals.

 “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

Focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual well-being;

it starts from within.

Spend time in self-reflection, journaling, or meditation to understand your values and priorities.

Seek personal development through experiences that resonate with your inner self.

“The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.”

Be authentic, trust yourself, and stay true to your values;

that’s the key to a fulfilling life.

Embrace your uniqueness.

Pursue hobbies and interests that genuinely make you happy,

even if they don’t align with societal expectations.


“Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can, build your hope on none.”

Don’t procrastinate.

Take initiative, be proactive, and build your future with your own efforts.

Start that project or hobby you’ve been putting off.

Your actions and determination can be the source of your hope and motivation.


“The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him—that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.”

Practice empathy and respect for others;

find freedom in recognizing the inherent value in every person.

 Approach disagreements with understanding and respect, recognizing the shared humanity in others.


“All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.”

Realize your potential; often, it’s our own limiting beliefs that hold us back.

The power is within you.

Take on challenges with a positive mindset.

Believe in your abilities to learn.

And overcome obstacles rather than focusing on perceived limitations.


“Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide.”

Embrace challenges, take calculated risks, and learn from both success and failure.

It’s all part of the journey.

Pursue opportunities outside your comfort zone, whether it’s starting a new project, learning a skill, or taking on a leadership role.

Embrace the lessons, regardless of the outcome.


“Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.”

Practice kindness and understanding.

Offer help when you can, and if you can’t, wish others well on their journey.

Offer support to a friend or colleague going through a tough time.

If you can’t directly assist,

express your well-wishes and respect their journey.

“The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.”

Believe in your strength and capabilities.

Self-doubt is the real enemy; don’t let it hold you back.

Face a fear or challenge you’ve been avoiding.

Recognize that your perceived weakness may be a temporary mindset, and you have the strength to overcome it.

“In a day when you don’t come across any problems, you can be sure that you are traveling on a wrong path.”

Challenges are part of growth.

If things seem too easy, reevaluate your goals and push yourself to aim higher.

If everything seems too easy, reassess your goals.

Challenges indicate growth.

Consider setting more ambitious targets that push you out of your comfort zone.

I am sure if you can imbibe these teachings in your life 2024 will be a cracker of an year for you.


Wishing you a Rockin’ 2024!

Go! Touch the stars!

10 Expectations For 2024

2024 CAN be the most transitional year in the history of Mankind!


If we look at the evolution of man and his cognitive development we will realize that the advancements in lifestyle and developments in his  manufacturing processes did not follow a linear curve but a sort of a J-Curve or an exponential curve.

Development of a clan/society, development of tools, harnessing fire, harnessing other natural resources, harnessing technology and then came the use of all those in both positive and negative ways.

SO much so that today we  live in a world where wars have ravaged for years and we all live in a constant state of questioning, ” is this the beginning of WW 3?” and that has continued in 2023.

Hopefully and expectedly 2024 will be a year of change that has waited to cross the threshold for eternity.

Hyperbole? You bet!

Here are my 1o expectations ( not predictions as only people with feeble mind make predictions and others with even more feeble minds trust those predictions) from 2024

1. A.I.. Oh yes! It will change our world in more ways than one!!


This will be the paradigm shift we all have talked about for years. Musks and Bezos and other who’s-who have been investing and advocating( in favor or against) for its use in our daily lives but 2024 it will be all around you. Big Tech giants like HP, Intel are coming out with chips with AI built in. Is this the beginning of the end? It will be swift if it is. You will not feel a thing as we all don’t feel anything these days. Offer those prayers and hope AI goes the right way.


2. Quantum computers


Quantum Computing will make super computers look like hand-held calculators.

If you think the Macs and Intels are fast wait till quantum computing hits the shelf. Then your 2023 model supercomputers will feel like $10 calculator.

4. Star Ship takes us into Orbit. Multiple times!


SpaceX has to be the one of the path breaking company and I will be wrong if I said , “We don’t want more Musks!” ( but not in the way Mr Musk is making them!) He is one of the most revered scientist the world over and we all believe if someone can do miracles with science its him! ]

So SpaceX will strengthen its foothold as the leading space company and will for sure place many Star Ships in orbit. A beginning of the journey towards the Red!

5. Fusion energy.


Still a bit far in the future for a full scale commercially viable project but Fusion energy will dig deeper and technological milestones will simplify it further.

6. Transportation.

Drone liners are here.

We can expect boats that fly on water merely touching it!

Captain less ships fully equipped to take on storms.

Driverless cars that traverse the continents.

Electrification of commercial transport will rise( I never said it will become mainstream!)


7. The 4-day week/ 70 hour work week!


Already happening around the world. though proponents in developing world are asking for a 70 hour work week. these two ideas might just coexist and might consume the either one.  Though desired most of the people will end up working a lot on workdays and spending 3 day weekends all year long. Wait and see on which side the coin lands.

8. Degrees vs. Skills


Emphasis from pieces of paper to actual deliverance will increase. especially in the tech world. Mediocrity will be thrown out of the window and excellence will be rewarded.

9. Climate Change


Don’t believe any one who says you can save the planet. Well it seems that’s how evolution happens or ends. 5 mass extinctions later the earth is headed for the next churn.

Don’t worry it wont happen in 2024.

Temperatures will keep on rising.

People will become more aware of their nature and resources.

Inventions will try to reduce the impact of our centuries of wrong doing.

Carbon dioxide absorbers, Ocean cleaning machines, Smoke solidifying contraptions will increase and give us hope.

10. New world order

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

East and the West will see a new world order either in military supremacy or intelligence supremacy.

Cold wars will continue and so will the wars going around the world.

As they say, “If you want peace go to war!”

Now its time to claim stake outside earth. Let the games begin!