10 Expectations For 2024

2024 CAN be the most transitional year in the history of Mankind!


If we look at the evolution of man and his cognitive development we will realize that the advancements in lifestyle and developments in his  manufacturing processes did not follow a linear curve but a sort of a J-Curve or an exponential curve.

Development of a clan/society, development of tools, harnessing fire, harnessing other natural resources, harnessing technology and then came the use of all those in both positive and negative ways.

SO much so that today we  live in a world where wars have ravaged for years and we all live in a constant state of questioning, ” is this the beginning of WW 3?” and that has continued in 2023.

Hopefully and expectedly 2024 will be a year of change that has waited to cross the threshold for eternity.

Hyperbole? You bet!

Here are my 1o expectations ( not predictions as only people with feeble mind make predictions and others with even more feeble minds trust those predictions) from 2024

1. A.I.. Oh yes! It will change our world in more ways than one!!


This will be the paradigm shift we all have talked about for years. Musks and Bezos and other who’s-who have been investing and advocating( in favor or against) for its use in our daily lives but 2024 it will be all around you. Big Tech giants like HP, Intel are coming out with chips with AI built in. Is this the beginning of the end? It will be swift if it is. You will not feel a thing as we all don’t feel anything these days. Offer those prayers and hope AI goes the right way.


2. Quantum computers


Quantum Computing will make super computers look like hand-held calculators.

If you think the Macs and Intels are fast wait till quantum computing hits the shelf. Then your 2023 model supercomputers will feel like $10 calculator.

4. Star Ship takes us into Orbit. Multiple times!


SpaceX has to be the one of the path breaking company and I will be wrong if I said , “We don’t want more Musks!” ( but not in the way Mr Musk is making them!) He is one of the most revered scientist the world over and we all believe if someone can do miracles with science its him! ]

So SpaceX will strengthen its foothold as the leading space company and will for sure place many Star Ships in orbit. A beginning of the journey towards the Red!

5. Fusion energy.


Still a bit far in the future for a full scale commercially viable project but Fusion energy will dig deeper and technological milestones will simplify it further.

6. Transportation.

Drone liners are here.

We can expect boats that fly on water merely touching it!

Captain less ships fully equipped to take on storms.

Driverless cars that traverse the continents.

Electrification of commercial transport will rise( I never said it will become mainstream!)


7. The 4-day week/ 70 hour work week!


Already happening around the world. though proponents in developing world are asking for a 70 hour work week. these two ideas might just coexist and might consume the either one.  Though desired most of the people will end up working a lot on workdays and spending 3 day weekends all year long. Wait and see on which side the coin lands.

8. Degrees vs. Skills


Emphasis from pieces of paper to actual deliverance will increase. especially in the tech world. Mediocrity will be thrown out of the window and excellence will be rewarded.

9. Climate Change


Don’t believe any one who says you can save the planet. Well it seems that’s how evolution happens or ends. 5 mass extinctions later the earth is headed for the next churn.

Don’t worry it wont happen in 2024.

Temperatures will keep on rising.

People will become more aware of their nature and resources.

Inventions will try to reduce the impact of our centuries of wrong doing.

Carbon dioxide absorbers, Ocean cleaning machines, Smoke solidifying contraptions will increase and give us hope.

10. New world order

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

East and the West will see a new world order either in military supremacy or intelligence supremacy.

Cold wars will continue and so will the wars going around the world.

As they say, “If you want peace go to war!”

Now its time to claim stake outside earth. Let the games begin!

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