Tag Archives: space

10 Space Missions of 2024: Moon, Mars, and Beyond!

10 Space Missions of 2024



The crew of Artemis II ( Pic Courtesy- NASA)

NASA’s Ambitious Artemis II Mission

Artemis II and III

Embarking on a celestial odyssey in November, Artemis II will see four astronauts orbit the moon, a daring feat not attempted since the space race. This mission, a prelude to Artemis III’s lunar landing in 2024, propels humanity back into the cosmic spotlight and we aim to land the first woman on the surface of moon, for the first tim


Artemis II- launch delayed to September 2025

Artemis III- launch delayed to September 2026




SpaceX’s Epic Quest to Conquer Space

In 2024,  Elon Musk owned SpaceX’s Starship, the veritable titan of rocketry, faces trials after two failed test launches in 2023.

With ambitions reaching Mars, Starship’s journey intertwines with NASA’s Artemis III, setting the stage for a space odyssey.

Starship is proposed to carry the astronauts from the Orion spacecraft as it orbits the moon and land them on the lunar surface.

But SpaceX needs to figure out

  • How to launch Starship safely and take it into orbit?
  • Land and reuse both the rocket booster and spacecraft though it has mastered that art in its falcon heavy rocket series.
  • How to refuel the colossal vehicle while it’s in orbit(this is the most challenging task at hand)

Launch dates– Not been released.





NASA’s Mission to Jupiter’s Enigmatic Moon- Europa

Journeying to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October, NASA’s Europa Clipper promises to unveil mysteries that could redefine our understanding of extraterrestrial life.

With high-tech instruments and a multitude of flybys, it’s a cosmic detective story in the making.

Launch dates- October 2024






NASA’s Robotic Crusaders Explore the Moon

Besides having extensive programs in place for taking their citizens to the moon, NASA and other countries also have extensive plans for the robotic exploration of our moon.

2023 has seen several nations and companies race to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon.

So far, only India has succeeded.

China has also been succesful in that in the past. Russia failed in its attempt, and the United States hasn’t even tried till 2023.

NASA’s CLPS program was to unleash robotic explorers on lunar terrain in 2024, led by Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander. But sadly the mission ran into unforeseen issues and the lander was lost although the rocket (Vulcan Centaur) made by joint Boeing and Lockheed Martin venture called United Launch Alliance performed as expected.

So, the first space test of 2024 failed. Now that’s not the right way of starting a year, is it?




SLIM( Pic Source- Japan Aerospace Exploration agency)

Japan’s “Moon Sniper” Aims for Lunar Glory by Precision Landing

Japan’s SLIM ( Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) mission, aptly nicknamed the “Moon Sniper,” gears up for a precision landing on the lunar surface in January 2024, although it was launched  in September 2023.

Armed with high-precision technology, it’s a daring pursuit of lunar glory, offering insights into the moon’s enigmatic landscape and thus paving the way for precise and safe landings for further missions to the moon and beyond.





ESA’s Hera Mission Deciphers Asteroid Impact

Following NASA’s DART( Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission in 2022 , European Space Agency’s Hera mission in October 2024 unravels the aftermath of a celestial collision, marking humanity’s first intentional shift of an asteroid’s trajectory.

A cosmic detective story unfolds, providing crucial data for planetary defense.

 Launch date – October 2024


7. Beyond the Belt

Polaris Dawn’s Daring Venture into Deep Space

Billionaire Jared Isaacman sponsors Polaris Dawn, aiming for the first private spacewalk beyond the Van Allen radiation belt.

This daring venture promises unprecedented insights into the effects of space radiation, surpassing the boundaries set since the Apollo era.



Pic source- Virgin Galactic

Axiom’s Military Mission and ISS Sojourn*

AXIOM-3-Launch date- January 2024

As more companies jump into the hotting race of space tourism. Along with NASA, SpaceX the latest one is Houston based Axiom.

Axiom-3’s imminent space escapade, featuring only military professionals and government astronauts, adds a new chapter to space tourism. This cosmic sojourn promises a unique blend of military precision and celestial exploration on the International Space Station.

The usual players- Launch dates- Multiple.

The usual players like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin will continue offering space ride seats to people who can afford them.

VIRGIN-GALACTIC – Sixth mission in January 2024

BLUE ORIGIN – Sometime in 2024 -dates undisclosed.


pic courtesy- Sierra Space

Starliner’s Crewed Debut and Dream Chaser’s Maiden Flight


Boeing’s Starliner, overcoming setbacks, gears up for its first crewed launch in 2024, joining SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in ferrying astronauts to the ISS.


Simultaneously, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a shuttle-like cargo ship, promises a visually stunning maiden flight, diversifying the future of space travel.



NASA’s Sentinel Missions Monitor Our Planet

In 2024, NASA’s PACE and NISAR(NASA & ISRO collaboration ) missions will be launched.

These sentinel missions will

  • Become Earth’s vigilant guardians.
  • Offer a crucial perspective on our planet’s health

a testament to space exploration’s role in understanding and addressing the climate crisis.

PACE(Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem)– Launch date February 2024

  • will assess air quality and the health of our oceans. ( By phytoplankton mapping)


NISAR(NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) – Launch Date- 2024 (Not Yet Declared)

  • will deepen understanding of climate change , deforestation, melting glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes and more.



 2024 ‘s 1st meteor shower : The Quadrantid shower: Is it the best one in 2024?

 Its here!! 2024 ‘s 1st meteor shower : The Quadrantid shower on Jan. 3


The year’s first meteor shower, coming to North America Jan. 3 and 4.

At peak activity the meteor count could be 120 meteors per hour at a speed of 25.5 miles (41 kilometers) per second.

These Meteor showers are active from Dec.26,2023 to January 16, 2024 but will peak on January 4th 2024.

Best Meteor Shower of the year

These just about don’t make it to the strongest Meteorite shower of the year because of their short length of maximum activity ( Just 6 hours) and poor weather experienced in early January, as per the American Meteor Society.

The best meteor shower still remains the Geminid Meteor Shower in December every year.


The Quadrantids lack persistent trains but do produce bright fireballs.

Quadrantids are also known for their bright fireball meteors.

Fireballs are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak.

Unfortunately the people in living in south America will not be able to witness this celestial extravaganza as the Quadrantids have a high northernly declination.



Best time to watch

Predictions show a peak between local hours 1 AM -5 AM. Observers in western regions will get to see it earlier in this time frame when its darker.

Photo by Lucas Pezeta:


Expert advice

American Meteor Society warns that the half illuminated moon( 51% Full) will interfere somewhat with the viewing but you can negate the moons effect by blocking the moon with a tree or a building and viewing towards the northern half of the sky.


So, it will likely be not worth travelling to dark skies as the moonlight floods the sky with light and makes it difficult to see fainter shooting stars (though the Quadrantids are known to produce bright fireballs that cut through light pollution of all kinds)


Why is it called Quadrantid Meteor?


Meteor showers are typically named after the constellation from which they appear to come from. In the case of the Quadrantids, that’s the Constellation Bootes( originally Quadrans Muralis, though it is no longer recognized as a constellation).

The constellation for which a meteor shower is named only serves to aid viewers in determining which shower they are viewing on a given night.

The constellation is not the source of the meteors.

Also, you should not look only to the constellation of Bootes to view the Quadrantids – they are visible throughout the night sky.



Because of its position in the sky, the Quadrantid meteor shower is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where do Meteors come from?

Shooting stars are meteoroids — small, rocky particles that strike Earth’s atmosphere.

Meteors come from leftover comet particles and bits from broken asteroids. When these objects come around the sun, they leave a dusty trail around their orbits. Every year the Earth passes through these debris trails, which allows the bits to enter our atmosphere where they disintegrate and burn  to create fiery and colorful streaks in the sky.


The Quadrantid meteor shower is thought to be caused by dust and debris left in the inner solar system by the asteroid ( or possibly a “rock: comet)2003 EH1, which orbits the sun every 5.5 Earth years.

2003 EH1 was discovered on March 6, 2003, by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS). 2003 EH1 is a small asteroid( It is possible that 2003 EH is a “dead comet” or a “rock comet.”) – its diameter measures only about two miles (three kilometers) across. It was astronomer and research scientist Peter Jenniskens who discovered that 2003 EH1 is the source for the Quadrantid meteors.


10 Expectations For 2024

2024 CAN be the most transitional year in the history of Mankind!


If we look at the evolution of man and his cognitive development we will realize that the advancements in lifestyle and developments in his  manufacturing processes did not follow a linear curve but a sort of a J-Curve or an exponential curve.

Development of a clan/society, development of tools, harnessing fire, harnessing other natural resources, harnessing technology and then came the use of all those in both positive and negative ways.

SO much so that today we  live in a world where wars have ravaged for years and we all live in a constant state of questioning, ” is this the beginning of WW 3?” and that has continued in 2023.

Hopefully and expectedly 2024 will be a year of change that has waited to cross the threshold for eternity.

Hyperbole? You bet!

Here are my 1o expectations ( not predictions as only people with feeble mind make predictions and others with even more feeble minds trust those predictions) from 2024

1. A.I.. Oh yes! It will change our world in more ways than one!!


This will be the paradigm shift we all have talked about for years. Musks and Bezos and other who’s-who have been investing and advocating( in favor or against) for its use in our daily lives but 2024 it will be all around you. Big Tech giants like HP, Intel are coming out with chips with AI built in. Is this the beginning of the end? It will be swift if it is. You will not feel a thing as we all don’t feel anything these days. Offer those prayers and hope AI goes the right way.


2. Quantum computers


Quantum Computing will make super computers look like hand-held calculators.

If you think the Macs and Intels are fast wait till quantum computing hits the shelf. Then your 2023 model supercomputers will feel like $10 calculator.

4. Star Ship takes us into Orbit. Multiple times!


SpaceX has to be the one of the path breaking company and I will be wrong if I said , “We don’t want more Musks!” ( but not in the way Mr Musk is making them!) He is one of the most revered scientist the world over and we all believe if someone can do miracles with science its him! ]

So SpaceX will strengthen its foothold as the leading space company and will for sure place many Star Ships in orbit. A beginning of the journey towards the Red!

5. Fusion energy.


Still a bit far in the future for a full scale commercially viable project but Fusion energy will dig deeper and technological milestones will simplify it further.

6. Transportation.

Drone liners are here.

We can expect boats that fly on water merely touching it!

Captain less ships fully equipped to take on storms.

Driverless cars that traverse the continents.

Electrification of commercial transport will rise( I never said it will become mainstream!)


7. The 4-day week/ 70 hour work week!


Already happening around the world. though proponents in developing world are asking for a 70 hour work week. these two ideas might just coexist and might consume the either one.  Though desired most of the people will end up working a lot on workdays and spending 3 day weekends all year long. Wait and see on which side the coin lands.

8. Degrees vs. Skills


Emphasis from pieces of paper to actual deliverance will increase. especially in the tech world. Mediocrity will be thrown out of the window and excellence will be rewarded.

9. Climate Change


Don’t believe any one who says you can save the planet. Well it seems that’s how evolution happens or ends. 5 mass extinctions later the earth is headed for the next churn.

Don’t worry it wont happen in 2024.

Temperatures will keep on rising.

People will become more aware of their nature and resources.

Inventions will try to reduce the impact of our centuries of wrong doing.

Carbon dioxide absorbers, Ocean cleaning machines, Smoke solidifying contraptions will increase and give us hope.

10. New world order

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

East and the West will see a new world order either in military supremacy or intelligence supremacy.

Cold wars will continue and so will the wars going around the world.

As they say, “If you want peace go to war!”

Now its time to claim stake outside earth. Let the games begin!