Tag Archives: 2024

10 Space Missions of 2024: Moon, Mars, and Beyond!

10 Space Missions of 2024



The crew of Artemis II ( Pic Courtesy- NASA)

NASA’s Ambitious Artemis II Mission

Artemis II and III

Embarking on a celestial odyssey in November, Artemis II will see four astronauts orbit the moon, a daring feat not attempted since the space race. This mission, a prelude to Artemis III’s lunar landing in 2024, propels humanity back into the cosmic spotlight and we aim to land the first woman on the surface of moon, for the first tim


Artemis II- launch delayed to September 2025

Artemis III- launch delayed to September 2026




SpaceX’s Epic Quest to Conquer Space

In 2024,  Elon Musk owned SpaceX’s Starship, the veritable titan of rocketry, faces trials after two failed test launches in 2023.

With ambitions reaching Mars, Starship’s journey intertwines with NASA’s Artemis III, setting the stage for a space odyssey.

Starship is proposed to carry the astronauts from the Orion spacecraft as it orbits the moon and land them on the lunar surface.

But SpaceX needs to figure out

  • How to launch Starship safely and take it into orbit?
  • Land and reuse both the rocket booster and spacecraft though it has mastered that art in its falcon heavy rocket series.
  • How to refuel the colossal vehicle while it’s in orbit(this is the most challenging task at hand)

Launch dates– Not been released.





NASA’s Mission to Jupiter’s Enigmatic Moon- Europa

Journeying to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October, NASA’s Europa Clipper promises to unveil mysteries that could redefine our understanding of extraterrestrial life.

With high-tech instruments and a multitude of flybys, it’s a cosmic detective story in the making.

Launch dates- October 2024






NASA’s Robotic Crusaders Explore the Moon

Besides having extensive programs in place for taking their citizens to the moon, NASA and other countries also have extensive plans for the robotic exploration of our moon.

2023 has seen several nations and companies race to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon.

So far, only India has succeeded.

China has also been succesful in that in the past. Russia failed in its attempt, and the United States hasn’t even tried till 2023.

NASA’s CLPS program was to unleash robotic explorers on lunar terrain in 2024, led by Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander. But sadly the mission ran into unforeseen issues and the lander was lost although the rocket (Vulcan Centaur) made by joint Boeing and Lockheed Martin venture called United Launch Alliance performed as expected.

So, the first space test of 2024 failed. Now that’s not the right way of starting a year, is it?




SLIM( Pic Source- Japan Aerospace Exploration agency)

Japan’s “Moon Sniper” Aims for Lunar Glory by Precision Landing

Japan’s SLIM ( Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) mission, aptly nicknamed the “Moon Sniper,” gears up for a precision landing on the lunar surface in January 2024, although it was launched  in September 2023.

Armed with high-precision technology, it’s a daring pursuit of lunar glory, offering insights into the moon’s enigmatic landscape and thus paving the way for precise and safe landings for further missions to the moon and beyond.





ESA’s Hera Mission Deciphers Asteroid Impact

Following NASA’s DART( Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission in 2022 , European Space Agency’s Hera mission in October 2024 unravels the aftermath of a celestial collision, marking humanity’s first intentional shift of an asteroid’s trajectory.

A cosmic detective story unfolds, providing crucial data for planetary defense.

 Launch date – October 2024


7. Beyond the Belt

Polaris Dawn’s Daring Venture into Deep Space

Billionaire Jared Isaacman sponsors Polaris Dawn, aiming for the first private spacewalk beyond the Van Allen radiation belt.

This daring venture promises unprecedented insights into the effects of space radiation, surpassing the boundaries set since the Apollo era.



Pic source- Virgin Galactic

Axiom’s Military Mission and ISS Sojourn*

AXIOM-3-Launch date- January 2024

As more companies jump into the hotting race of space tourism. Along with NASA, SpaceX the latest one is Houston based Axiom.

Axiom-3’s imminent space escapade, featuring only military professionals and government astronauts, adds a new chapter to space tourism. This cosmic sojourn promises a unique blend of military precision and celestial exploration on the International Space Station.

The usual players- Launch dates- Multiple.

The usual players like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin will continue offering space ride seats to people who can afford them.

VIRGIN-GALACTIC – Sixth mission in January 2024

BLUE ORIGIN – Sometime in 2024 -dates undisclosed.


pic courtesy- Sierra Space

Starliner’s Crewed Debut and Dream Chaser’s Maiden Flight


Boeing’s Starliner, overcoming setbacks, gears up for its first crewed launch in 2024, joining SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in ferrying astronauts to the ISS.


Simultaneously, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a shuttle-like cargo ship, promises a visually stunning maiden flight, diversifying the future of space travel.



NASA’s Sentinel Missions Monitor Our Planet

In 2024, NASA’s PACE and NISAR(NASA & ISRO collaboration ) missions will be launched.

These sentinel missions will

  • Become Earth’s vigilant guardians.
  • Offer a crucial perspective on our planet’s health

a testament to space exploration’s role in understanding and addressing the climate crisis.

PACE(Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem)– Launch date February 2024

  • will assess air quality and the health of our oceans. ( By phytoplankton mapping)


NISAR(NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) – Launch Date- 2024 (Not Yet Declared)

  • will deepen understanding of climate change , deforestation, melting glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes and more.



6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!

6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!


— Bette Davis

In this intricate dance of life, parents often become architects, fashioning the blueprint of their children’s existence.


The quote by Bette Davis succinctly encapsulates this paradoxical essence of parenthood, reflecting the delicate balance between nurturing and letting go.


As parents, they bequeath life itself, yet as their offspring grow, the urge to impart their own lived experiences and aspirations can overshadow the individual journey each child is destined to traverse.


I know, I know, we all have felt this way. The burden of our unfulfilled dreams lies on our kids’ shoulders.


Super-parenting, an evolving concept, transcends the conventional boundaries of guardianship.


Imagine a world where parental encouragement isn’t shackled by predefined paths, but rather acts as a nurturing catalyst for their children’s dreams.



It’s envisioning a scenario where parenting becomes a gentle gust, steering aspirations, yet never imposing limits or fears. These narrative invites reflection upon the prospects of embracing a form of parenting that liberates potential and fosters genuine happiness.




Now to the 6 Steps of Super-Parenting.

Let’s Go!






Super-parenting begins with active, empathetic listening.

Consider a scenario where a child expresses an interest in painting. Instead of immediately guiding them towards a more “practical” pursuit, actively engage with their enthusiasm.

Ask questions.

understand their passion.


support their journey, even if it diverges from conventional norms.

Here are some practical methods to implement active listening with empathy and curiosity:

1. Scheduled “Chat” Sessions

  • Designate specific times during the week for uninterrupted conversations.
  • These sessions can be dedicated to discussing anything your child wants, encouraging them to open up about their thoughts, dreams, or even concerns without feeling judged or rushed.

2. Reflective Listening

  • Practice reflective listening by paraphrasing what your child shares to ensure you understand correctly.
  • This technique shows them that you’re actively engaged and interested in comprehending their perspective.

3. Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Use open-ended questions to delve deeper into their thoughts or experiences.
  • Questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” will encourage your child to express themselves more fully.


4. Engage in Shared Activities

  • Participate in activities that your child enjoys, like playing their favorite game, going for a walk, or engaging in a hobby together.
  • Shared experiences create comfortable settings for conversations to flow naturally.


5. Empathize and Validate

  •  When your child shares their feelings, acknowledge and validate them.
  • Express empathy by acknowledging their emotions( even if you might not fully understand or agree with their perspective.)

6. Respect Their Silence

  • Sometimes, children might need time before they’re ready to share.
  • Respect their silence, offering support without pressure.


“Let them know.

You’re available,


they’re ready to talk.”





A super-parent nurtures curiosity and exploration. Encourage your child’s diverse interests – whether it’s coding, dancing, or gardening. Provide avenues for growth, such as enrolling them in classes or simply offering time and resources to pursue these passions.


Here are some practical ways to encourage and support your child’s exploration of their interests:


1. Exposure to Varied Activities

  • Introduce your child to a diverse range of activities.
  • Visit museums, attend workshops, or explore different hobbies to expose them to various interests and talents.

2. Allow Freedom for Exploration

  • Create an environment where your child feels free to explore their interests without feeling pressured to excel immediately.
  • Encourage experimentation and learning through trial and error.

3. Provide Resources and Opportunities:

  • Invest in tools or resources related to their interests.
  • If they show an interest in painting, provide art supplies or enroll them in art classes to further develop their skills.

4. Celebrate Small Achievements

  • Acknowledge and celebrate their progress, no matter how small.
  • This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue exploring and honing their talents.

5. Encourage Curiosity

  • Foster curiosity by asking your child what they find fascinating and why.
  • Engage in conversations about their interests, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for their discoveries.

6. Support Extracurricular Pursuits

  • Encourage participation in extracurricular activities aligned with their interests.
  • Whether it’s joining a sports team, music lessons, or a coding club, support their involvement and commitment.

7. Create a Learning Environment

  • Cultivate a home environment that encourages learning and exploration.
  • Have books, tools, or equipment related to their interests easily accessible.

By providing opportunities, resources, and unwavering support,

you’ll empower your child

to explore their passions freely


cultivate a sense of enthusiasm for lifelong learning.






Recognize and respect your child’s individuality.


Embrace their uniqueness and foster an environment where they can make decisions, even if they occasionally falter.


It’s through these experiences that they’ll cultivate independence and resilience.


Practical ways to honor their uniqueness:


1. Decision-Making Opportunities

  • Offer choices within reasonable boundaries.
  • Let your child decide on non-critical matters, such as selecting their clothes, planning family activities, or choosing a weekend outing.

2. Respect Their Opinions

  • Encourage your child to voice their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment.
  • Even if their viewpoint differs from yours, acknowledge and discuss it respectfully.

3. Encourage Problem-Solving

  • Instead of providing immediate solutions to their problems, guide them through the process of finding solutions independently.
  • Support their critical thinking and decision-making skills.


4. Allow Space for Mistakes

  • Emphasize that making mistakes is a part of learning.
  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to make errors and learn from them without facing harsh criticism.

5. Validate Feelings

  • Validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t agree with their actions.
  • Understanding their feelings helps build trust and encourages them to express themselves freely.


6. Encourage Self-Expression

  • Support their creativity and self-expression, whether through art, writing, or any other form.
  • Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings in diverse ways.

7. Provide Individual Time

  • Dedicate one-on-one time with each child to understand their unique interests, strengths, and challenges.
  • Show them that their individuality is valued and respected.


“By respecting their autonomy and individuality,

you’re fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence in your child,

enabling them to navigate the world


a strong sense of identity and independence.”








Children learn values not just through words but through observing behaviors.


Model kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your own actions.


For instance, demonstrating gratitude by expressing thanks for small gestures can profoundly impact a child’s worldview.


Ways to instill values in your child through your own behavior:


1. Practice What You Preach

  • Be a role model by exhibiting the values you want your child to embrace
  • Demonstrate kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your daily interactions.

2. Communication is Key

  • Explain the importance of values and how they shape one’s character. Talk!
  • Share your own stories (nothing inspires a child more!) or anecdotes that illustrate these values in action and their positive impact.

3. Involve Children in Decision-Making

  • Include your child in family decisions and demonstrate how values guide your choices.
  • Explain how certain decisions align with family values.


4. Acknowledge Mistakes

  • When you make a mistake, openly acknowledge it and discuss how you plan to rectify it.
  • This shows that MISTAKES ARE NORMAL! And everyone, including adults, is constantly learning and growing.


5. Volunteer Together

  •  Engage in community service( Cleaning of a Community park, Serving at a food service) or volunteer work as a family(Donating to the orphanage/old age home)
  • Demonstrating kindness and empathy by helping others cultivates a sense of social responsibility.

6. Practice Gratitude

  • Establish a family routine of expressing gratitude
  • Share moments of thankfulness during meals or before bedtime, thanking for the love and abundance in your lives, highlighting things you appreciate.

7. Encourage Empathy

  • Encourage your child to consider others’ feelings and perspectives.
  • Discuss situations where empathy made a difference and encourage them to practice it.


“By embodying the values you wish to impart


involving your child in discussions and experiences

that emphasize these values,

you’re providing them with a powerful foundation


ethical decision-making and character development.”








Create an atmosphere of open dialogue.

Share your thoughts, experiences, and emotions openly.

This establishes trust and encourages them to confide in you, building a strong emotional connection.



Methods to foster open communication:


Active Listening

  • Actively listen when your child speaks.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • nod to show understanding.
  • clarifying questions to ensure you grasp their message accurately.


Create a Safe Space

  • Establish an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or repercussion.
  • Emphasize that their thoughts and feelings are valued.


Regular Check-ins

  • Schedule regular one-on-one time with each child to discuss their day, concerns, or interests.
  • Consistent communication builds trust and encourages them to share more openly.


Be Approachable

  • Be approachable and open to discussions on any topic.
  • Encourage them to ask questions
  • Assure them that no subject is off-limits for discussion.

Use Everyday Situations

  • Utilize everyday situations as conversation starters.
  • Discuss news events, movies, or books to encourage your child to share their opinions and thoughts.

Validate Their Feelings

  • Acknowledge and validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective.
  • Understanding their feelings fosters trust and openness.


Model Openness

  • Be open about your own feelings, experiences, and mistakes.
  • Sharing your vulnerabilities encourages your child to do the same.

“Encouraging open communication creates

an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and support,

allowing your child

 to freely express themselves


seek guidance when needed.”







Above all, a super-parent provides unwavering love and support.

“Assure your children

that your love isn’t tethered to their achievements or failures

but is steadfast

regardless of the circumstances.”



How to demonstrate unconditional love and support:


1. Express Affection

  • Show love through hugs, verbal affirmations, and gestures of affection.
  • These small actions reinforce your unwavering support and care.


2. Be Present

  • Spend quality time with your child regularly.
  • Engage in activities they enjoy and dedicate undivided attention to them during these moments.

3. Emphasize Acceptance

  • Emphasize that your love is not based on achievements or behavior but on who they are as individuals.
  • Communicate that you accept and love them unconditionally.


4. Support Their Choices

5. Encourage Independence

  • Allow them to make decisions and support their independence.
  • Offer guidance, but let them learn from their experiences and grow.


6. Be Their Safe Haven

  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • They should do so without fear of rejection or criticism.


7. Celebrate Their Uniqueness

  • Encourage and celebrate their individuality.
  • Embrace their strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, reinforcing that these traits make them special.

“By consistently showing

love, acceptance, and unwavering support,

you create a nurturing environment

where your child feels

valued, understood, and confident in pursuing their dreams and ambitions.”




“There is no such thing as being the perfect parent. So just be a real one.”
— Sue Atkins



It’s crucial to remember:

Being a stellar parent isn’t about attaining some unattainable perfection.

It’s about cherishing the simplicity of everyday moments and making the most of them.


The magic of super-parenting isn’t a lofty ambition; it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It’s in the laughter-filled evenings, the heartfelt conversations, and the shared experiences that create lasting bonds.


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all manual to being a super-parent. It’s about embracing the journey with enthusiasm and authenticity, knowing that every effort, no matter how small, counts.


It’s the little gestures of love, the moments of understanding, and the unwavering support that make a significant difference.


“It’s not about flawless execution but about heartfelt efforts.”


Being a super-parent is within reach for each one of us.

It’s about being there, loving unconditionally, and fostering an environment where our children can flourish.


Let’s take pride in this journey,

for it’s not about perfection but about the beautiful imperfections that make it uniquely ours.


May God Bless You and Your Family!







10 Expectations For 2024

2024 CAN be the most transitional year in the history of Mankind!


If we look at the evolution of man and his cognitive development we will realize that the advancements in lifestyle and developments in his  manufacturing processes did not follow a linear curve but a sort of a J-Curve or an exponential curve.

Development of a clan/society, development of tools, harnessing fire, harnessing other natural resources, harnessing technology and then came the use of all those in both positive and negative ways.

SO much so that today we  live in a world where wars have ravaged for years and we all live in a constant state of questioning, ” is this the beginning of WW 3?” and that has continued in 2023.

Hopefully and expectedly 2024 will be a year of change that has waited to cross the threshold for eternity.

Hyperbole? You bet!

Here are my 1o expectations ( not predictions as only people with feeble mind make predictions and others with even more feeble minds trust those predictions) from 2024

1. A.I.. Oh yes! It will change our world in more ways than one!!


This will be the paradigm shift we all have talked about for years. Musks and Bezos and other who’s-who have been investing and advocating( in favor or against) for its use in our daily lives but 2024 it will be all around you. Big Tech giants like HP, Intel are coming out with chips with AI built in. Is this the beginning of the end? It will be swift if it is. You will not feel a thing as we all don’t feel anything these days. Offer those prayers and hope AI goes the right way.


2. Quantum computers


Quantum Computing will make super computers look like hand-held calculators.

If you think the Macs and Intels are fast wait till quantum computing hits the shelf. Then your 2023 model supercomputers will feel like $10 calculator.

4. Star Ship takes us into Orbit. Multiple times!


SpaceX has to be the one of the path breaking company and I will be wrong if I said , “We don’t want more Musks!” ( but not in the way Mr Musk is making them!) He is one of the most revered scientist the world over and we all believe if someone can do miracles with science its him! ]

So SpaceX will strengthen its foothold as the leading space company and will for sure place many Star Ships in orbit. A beginning of the journey towards the Red!

5. Fusion energy.


Still a bit far in the future for a full scale commercially viable project but Fusion energy will dig deeper and technological milestones will simplify it further.

6. Transportation.

Drone liners are here.

We can expect boats that fly on water merely touching it!

Captain less ships fully equipped to take on storms.

Driverless cars that traverse the continents.

Electrification of commercial transport will rise( I never said it will become mainstream!)


7. The 4-day week/ 70 hour work week!


Already happening around the world. though proponents in developing world are asking for a 70 hour work week. these two ideas might just coexist and might consume the either one.  Though desired most of the people will end up working a lot on workdays and spending 3 day weekends all year long. Wait and see on which side the coin lands.

8. Degrees vs. Skills


Emphasis from pieces of paper to actual deliverance will increase. especially in the tech world. Mediocrity will be thrown out of the window and excellence will be rewarded.

9. Climate Change


Don’t believe any one who says you can save the planet. Well it seems that’s how evolution happens or ends. 5 mass extinctions later the earth is headed for the next churn.

Don’t worry it wont happen in 2024.

Temperatures will keep on rising.

People will become more aware of their nature and resources.

Inventions will try to reduce the impact of our centuries of wrong doing.

Carbon dioxide absorbers, Ocean cleaning machines, Smoke solidifying contraptions will increase and give us hope.

10. New world order

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

East and the West will see a new world order either in military supremacy or intelligence supremacy.

Cold wars will continue and so will the wars going around the world.

As they say, “If you want peace go to war!”

Now its time to claim stake outside earth. Let the games begin!