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Why Namaste is not a Hello?

In a world marked by diverse cultures and languages, greetings often serve as the first point of contact between individuals. “Namaste” and “Hello,” two seemingly simple words, embody the diversity of expressions that mark our connections with one another.

While both are used to acknowledge someone’s presence, the cultural and spiritual history behind “Namaste” sets it apart from the casual and commonplace “Hello.”


Originating from Sanskrit, “Namaste” is deeply rooted in Sanatana Dharma culture and philosophy.

It is not merely a salutation but a profound gesture that acknowledges the divine within oneself and others. The word itself carries significant spiritual connotations, with “namah” meaning bow, “as” meaning I, and “te” meaning you. Therefore, “Namaste” can be translated as “I bow to you,” signifying a recognition of the divine essence in each individual.


On the other hand, “Hello” is a universal greeting widely used in various cultures and languages. Its origins are traced back to the 19th century, and it has evolved into a simple and common way to initiate conversation or acknowledge someone’s presence.

Unlike “Namaste,” “Hello” lacks the profound spiritual and cultural associations, making it a more casual and everyday greeting.

While both “Namaste” and “Hello” are expressions used to greet others, the depth of meaning behind “Namaste” extends beyond a mere acknowledgment.

“Namaste” serves as a spiritual and cultural gesture, recognizing the divine within oneself and others, whereas “Hello” remains a straightforward and casual way to initiate communication.



The Spiritual Essence of Namaste

The term “Namaste” finds its roots in ancient Hindu philosophy, particularly in sacred texts like the Rigveda, where it serves as an expression of deep reverence and humility. In the Rigveda, scholars have traced instances where “Namaste” is used to convey a sense of bowing or recognizing the divinity in the person being greeted.

( Please note that Hello carries no such respect or acknowledgement to the divine. It remains as a simple acknowledgement of the bodily presence of another being in the micro-environment of the other being)

This acknowledgment of divinity is further expounded upon in The Upanishads, which explore the profound philosophy that underlies the greeting.

These texts emphasize the concept of Atman, the divine and eternal essence of each individual, which persists across multiple bodies and lifetimes or soul within each individual, reinforcing the idea that “Namaste” is not a mere salutation but a recognition of the sacred within oneself and in others.

The spiritual teachings continue to unfold in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy. Within the Yoga Sutras, the practice of recognizing the divine within oneself and extending that recognition to others aligns closely with the essence of Namaste. This spiritual dimension is further enriched in the Bhagavad Gita, where the concept of recognizing the divine within oneself is intricately woven into the fabric of self-realization and the path to spiritual fulfillment.

In essence, “Namaste” transcends the realm of a conventional greeting, becoming a spiritual practice that fosters a sense of interconnectedness and reverence for the divine essence within all beings.

Namaste has been a term or greeting for centuries. Excavations of Indus Valley Civilizations (which lasted from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE) uncovered terracotta figurines or small statues in the namaste position (with their hands held in prayer).

In contemporary practices of yoga and spirituality, the word “Namaste” has become a mantra, echoing not just in the physical practice of yoga but also in broader spiritual communities. It serves as a reminder of the deeper meaning of human connection and the shared divine presence that binds individuals together.

The spiritual essence of Namaste extends beyond cultural boundaries, resonating with those who seek a more profound and mindful way of interacting with the world around them. As individuals adopt yoga and mindfulness practices globally, the spiritual depth encapsulated in Namaste continues to inspire a sense of unity and reverence for the sacred within and beyond oneself.

The Evolution of Hello

In stark contrast, the origin of “Hello” is more pragmatic and less rooted in spirituality.

Derived from the Old English greeting “hǣl, meaning good health, its evolution over time has made it a simple and conventional way of initiating conversation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary provide insights into the historical transformation of “Hello” from an expression of good health to a common and neutral greeting.

The Oxford English Dictionary says the first published use of “hello” goes back only to 1826. And it wasn’t mainly a greeting back then. People in the 1830’s said hello to attract attention (“Hello, what do you think you’re doing?”), or to express surprise (“Hello, what have we here?”). Hello didn’t become “hi” until the telephone arrived.

Cultural Reflections in Usage

Comparing the usage of namaste and hello reveals distinctive cultural values and norms. Articles by The Content Authority and The Conversation explore how namaste goes beyond a mere greeting, reflecting a deeper sense of respect and acknowledgment deeply ingrained in Indian culture and beyond.

On the other hand, the universality and simplicity of “Hello” make it a more casual and widely adopted form of greeting across diverse cultures. Makes me wonder how something that simple and carrying very less literal or spiritual association become so popular.


The Oxford Dictionary says it was Thomas Edison who put hello into common usage. He urged the people who used his phone to say “hello” when answering.

The Tone and Gesture of Respect

Examining the tone and gesture of namaste and hello uncovers nuances in formality and respect.

Learn Religions, wikiHow, and Yoganum offer insights into how the traditional namaste gesture, with palms pressed together and a slight bow, conveys a sense of reverence and formality.

In contrast, the more informal and casual nature of “Hello” is reflected in its use in various settings, often accompanied by a wave or a simple nod.

Namaste and hello are not interchangeable.

They reflect different cultural values and norms. Namaste is more than a greeting, it is a way of showing reverence and recognition of the sacred spark within oneself and others. Hello is a brief and informal way of signaling someone’s existence or starting a dialogue.

Further , although I believe in the divinity inside of the living beings , religions who donot believ in a sikkilar idea might not allow you to use Namaste in your life.

Lets see!

Are you a Christian?

Can you say Namaste to each other?

Well… you can and you should ( considering Covid is still there to stay and many more pandemics are to come , and you donot want to share contact with anyone!) but what does your religion say about it?

Should Christians Say It?

Namaste means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you,”. That can be a person, an animla, a rock, a tree or any inanimate thing.

Namaste might conflict with teachings of Christianity because the Bible teaches that humans are not gods and that humans are only to bow to the one true God, Yahweh.

“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols” (Isaiah 42:8).

“You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

If you are a Christain you might as well revisit the practice of Namaste as you are placing divinity in your ownself and also in to everyone along with your one true God, Yahweh.

I am fine with everyone using a non-contact greetings where your physical and spiritual energy stays with you only. Putting this into perspective as you might not clearly know what you are doing when you are folding your hands in front of the other to greet them.


Should Muslims Say it?

“Namaste” means ‘ I bow to the divine in you’ which is contrary to the Islamic belief as Namaste seems to imply God resides in us or that God is everywhere or that we are a part of God Himself (nauzubillah) which is against Tawheed.

Tawheed is belief in one God.

Islams advocates Allah is not a part of us nor are we a part of Him. The creator and the creation are different entities.

So as per Islamic scholars saying Namaste is wrong( or Haram).

So if you believe in Islam and never knew this , now you know and now you can make a better choice of either to use Namaste or not in place of Hello.

Namaste is for everyone

The aim of this piece is not to tell people that namaste is not meant for you or for me, aim is to dispell the misconceptions people hve. It is to bring about a better understanding that love and divinity is everywhere.

We acknowledge it by saying Namaste.

We acknowledge that you are special and the kindness in your heart can make the world a better place.

If one seeks to find “it” he/she can find “it” in anything they want. Some find it in books, some in idols, some find it in on mountain tops, some find it in the depths of the oceans.

In considering the possibility that Namaste may not have originally been intended for all, it becomes essential to reflect on the evolving nature of cultural practices.

If Namaste were initially intended for a specific group or community, the broader acceptance and global popularity it has gained suggest a broader resonance.

The evolution of Namaste from its traditional roots to a more inclusive symbol reflects a shared human desire for connection, respect, and understanding. As it traverses cultural and religious borders, Namaste has become a universal gesture, emphasizing our collective humanity.

It is interconnecting people at a divine level where mutual respect and love surpasses all the divergent and divisive teachings of different religions.

In the end, the power of Namaste lies in its ability to bring people together rather than setting them apart.

Is India the next China?

China’s ascent to global prominence

stands as a testament

to its remarkable journey,

marked by a series of chronological advancements that have shaped its economy, influence, and technological prowess.




There have been many reasons for this ascent

Economic Reforms


Initiatives like Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms in the late 1970s opened up China’s economy, encouraging foreign investment and market-oriented policies.


Manufacturing Hub


 China became the “factory of the world” by offering cheap labor, efficient infrastructure, and a vast manufacturing base


Global Trade Integration


China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 facilitated its integration into global trade networks.


Infrastructure Development


Massive investments in infrastructure, including roads, ports, and telecommunications, helped modernize the country and support economic growth.


 Investment in Education and Technology


Focused efforts on education and technology development boosted China’s human capital and innovation capabilities, leading to advancements in various industries.


 Government Policies


 Strategic government interventions, such as industrial policies and state support for key sectors, played a crucial role in fostering economic growth and development.


Globalization Strategies


China engaged in strategic partnerships and investments worldwide, expanding its influence and securing access to resources and markets globally. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013, exemplifies the same.



Flexible Labor Policies


 China’s large labor force and flexible labor policies provided a competitive advantage for businesses seeking scalable production.


Rapid Urbanization


The movement of people from rural areas to cities supported economic growth by creating a significant consumer base and driving demand for goods and services.


Currency Manipulation


At times, China’s management of its currency, keeping it relatively undervalued, helped in making its exports more competitive on the global market.



In recent years, China has been navigating a transition from being a mass producer to a high-tech innovator. Efforts to foster indigenous innovation and move up the value chain have been underway. However, challenges such as intellectual property rights and a shift towards a more innovation-driven economy have posed hurdles in this transition.


China’s chronological advances, from economic reforms to global trade integration, infrastructure development, technological innovation, and global engagement, collectively define its remarkable rise on the world stage. As the nation continues to evolve, its trajectory stands as a testament to the power of strategic planning, economic foresight, and relentless pursuit of progress.



“But times have changed and…”



Recently, rating agency Moody’s downgraded the outlook for China’s economy from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ owing to persistently lower medium-term economic growth and the ongoing downsizing of the property sector in the country.


Chinese borrowers’ default rates have hit an all-time high since the onset of the pandemic, as per recent reports. Authorities have placed 8.54 million individuals on ablacklist  a  figure that  has risen from 5.7 million defaulters in early 2020, roughly accounting for 1% of working-age adults in China. With online payment platforms like Alipay and WeChat replacing cash as the dominant method, this trend has seen a significant impact.

“China is facing serious warning signs for its economy,

which has historically been highly regarded globally.”


China’s economy will slow next year, with annual growth falling to 4.5% from 5.2% this year despite a recent recovery spurred by investments in factories and construction and in demand for services, the World Bank has projected.



The reasons for such a  down-turn are

Failure of China’s post pandemic Zero Covid policies.



The persistent real estate crisis has subdued consumer confidence.



Mounting debt is burdening the economy, while foreign investors are losing faith. Many multinational companies are exiting China.



Unemployment and deflation are persistent issues in the world’s second-largest economy.


In economic terms, when a country experiences deflationary pressures, it indicates a general decrease in the prices of goods and services over time. This decline in consumer prices, as observed in China’s case, suggests a potential decrease in consumer spending. It can lead to reduced business revenues, profitability, and economic activity, impacting overall economic growth negatively. Additionally, deflation can pose challenges for debt repayment and hinder investments, affecting the overall health of an economy.


President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on private businesses compounds these challenges.Many private business owners have ‘disappeared” like Jack Ma.


 The aging population leads to a shrinking labor force and increased welfare spending, highlighting a significant challenge.



Additionally, China’s strained relations with the US and the West threaten its substantial export industry as Western nations diversify their supply chains

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:


Transitioning to a high-tech economy from a mass production hub is a complex task for China. Achieving growth in the tech industry demands innovation and a liberated private sector, contrary to Xi’s preference for tighter control. Recent disappearances of several top business leaders underscore this challenge.


Recent reports, such as ‘China Slows India Grows’ by S&P, predict a shift in Asia-Pacific’s growth engine from China to South and Southeast Asia. While India may not replicate China’s economic miracle, it’s increasingly seen as a replacement in driving global growth and manufacturing. S&P Global Ratings forecasts India to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2026-27, showcasing a 7% GDP growth in that fiscal year .


As China faces economic setbacks, India emerges as a promising contender to fill the void. India’s youthful demographic is a significant advantage, although skill gaps hinder its potential. Nurturing expertise, especially in new-age tech, could propel India’s growth for decades.


Several factors contribute to India being considered as a replacement or alternative to China.

Photo by Studio Art Smile


Manufacturing Potential 


India boasts a significant manufacturing base and a skilled workforce, making it an attractive destination for companies seeking alternatives to Chinese production.



Market Size


India has a large domestic market, which is attractive to businesses aiming to expand and diversify their customer base beyond China.



Geopolitical Factors


Recent tensions and trade disputes involving China have prompted businesses to diversify their supply chains and reduce dependency on a single country.



Government Initiatives


India has introduced policy reforms and initiatives to enhance ease of doing business, promote foreign investment, and build infrastructure, making it more appealing to investors.



Demographic Dividend


India has a young and growing population, providing a significant workforce and consumer base for businesses.


Technology and Innovation


India’s focus on technology, innovation hubs, and advancements in various sectors make it an attractive destination for research, development, and innovation.

Photo by Markus Spiske:

Natural Resources


India possesses diverse natural resources, encouraging industries that rely on raw materials.


Global Trade Agreements


Participation in international trade agreements and diplomatic relations have positioned India favorably in global commerce and investment.

Shift in Global Supply Chains


The reconfiguration of global supply chains due to geopolitical changes and the impact of the pandemic has encouraged businesses to consider India as an alternative manufacturing hub.



China’s recent foreign direct investment data, showing its first quarterly deficit, emphasizes the challenges in attracting overseas companies amid capital outflows and Western governments’ risk-reducing measures


While speculation about China’s economic decline may be overstated, indicators of India’s ascent are evident. India must gear up for a potential power shift in Asia

10 Expectations For 2024

2024 CAN be the most transitional year in the history of Mankind!


If we look at the evolution of man and his cognitive development we will realize that the advancements in lifestyle and developments in his  manufacturing processes did not follow a linear curve but a sort of a J-Curve or an exponential curve.

Development of a clan/society, development of tools, harnessing fire, harnessing other natural resources, harnessing technology and then came the use of all those in both positive and negative ways.

SO much so that today we  live in a world where wars have ravaged for years and we all live in a constant state of questioning, ” is this the beginning of WW 3?” and that has continued in 2023.

Hopefully and expectedly 2024 will be a year of change that has waited to cross the threshold for eternity.

Hyperbole? You bet!

Here are my 1o expectations ( not predictions as only people with feeble mind make predictions and others with even more feeble minds trust those predictions) from 2024

1. A.I.. Oh yes! It will change our world in more ways than one!!


This will be the paradigm shift we all have talked about for years. Musks and Bezos and other who’s-who have been investing and advocating( in favor or against) for its use in our daily lives but 2024 it will be all around you. Big Tech giants like HP, Intel are coming out with chips with AI built in. Is this the beginning of the end? It will be swift if it is. You will not feel a thing as we all don’t feel anything these days. Offer those prayers and hope AI goes the right way.


2. Quantum computers


Quantum Computing will make super computers look like hand-held calculators.

If you think the Macs and Intels are fast wait till quantum computing hits the shelf. Then your 2023 model supercomputers will feel like $10 calculator.

4. Star Ship takes us into Orbit. Multiple times!


SpaceX has to be the one of the path breaking company and I will be wrong if I said , “We don’t want more Musks!” ( but not in the way Mr Musk is making them!) He is one of the most revered scientist the world over and we all believe if someone can do miracles with science its him! ]

So SpaceX will strengthen its foothold as the leading space company and will for sure place many Star Ships in orbit. A beginning of the journey towards the Red!

5. Fusion energy.


Still a bit far in the future for a full scale commercially viable project but Fusion energy will dig deeper and technological milestones will simplify it further.

6. Transportation.

Drone liners are here.

We can expect boats that fly on water merely touching it!

Captain less ships fully equipped to take on storms.

Driverless cars that traverse the continents.

Electrification of commercial transport will rise( I never said it will become mainstream!)


7. The 4-day week/ 70 hour work week!


Already happening around the world. though proponents in developing world are asking for a 70 hour work week. these two ideas might just coexist and might consume the either one.  Though desired most of the people will end up working a lot on workdays and spending 3 day weekends all year long. Wait and see on which side the coin lands.

8. Degrees vs. Skills


Emphasis from pieces of paper to actual deliverance will increase. especially in the tech world. Mediocrity will be thrown out of the window and excellence will be rewarded.

9. Climate Change


Don’t believe any one who says you can save the planet. Well it seems that’s how evolution happens or ends. 5 mass extinctions later the earth is headed for the next churn.

Don’t worry it wont happen in 2024.

Temperatures will keep on rising.

People will become more aware of their nature and resources.

Inventions will try to reduce the impact of our centuries of wrong doing.

Carbon dioxide absorbers, Ocean cleaning machines, Smoke solidifying contraptions will increase and give us hope.

10. New world order

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

East and the West will see a new world order either in military supremacy or intelligence supremacy.

Cold wars will continue and so will the wars going around the world.

As they say, “If you want peace go to war!”

Now its time to claim stake outside earth. Let the games begin!