9 Ways to know if you are a writer?

How to know if you are a writer?



“Have you ever wondered if you are a writer?

If you have a passion for words, stories, and ideas, and if you enjoy expressing yourself through writing, you might be one.

 But how can you tell for sure?

 What are the signs and traits that distinguish a writer from a non-writer?

And why does it matter?”


In a world that constantly questions identities and passions, have you ever found yourself pondering whether the scribbles in your notebook or the musings in your mind could label you as a writer?


The pursuit of understanding this creative calling often starts with introspection

—a journey to decipher the signs that unveil a writer’s soul.



My childhood was painted with the strokes of a typewriter, an old faithful companion to my father—a prominent author renowned for his poignant narratives on poverty.


His ceaseless clattering on the keys, stringing together words that illuminated societal struggles, became the symphony that orchestrated my upbringing. I found myself engrossed in his world of ink-stained pages and unspoken emotions, absorbing the essence of storytelling through observation and osmosis.



Growing up amidst the cadence of my father’s typing, I began to question the echoes of his passion within me.


Was it the curiosity for untold stories, the urge to paint emotions with words, or the unrelenting pursuit of truth that echoed his essence within my own aspirations?


Hence, this article serves as a compass, not only deciphering the subtleties that define a writer but also emphasizing the profound importance of acknowledging this innate inclination.


It’s not just about identifying whether you fit the label; it’s about understanding the potential power of your narrative voice.




Here are some of the key indicators that you might have what it takes to be one.



 Passion for Reading and Learning


A fundamental trait of a writer often lies in their love for reading and learning from other writers. Writers are avid readers who find inspiration, techniques, and diverse perspectives within the pages of various authors’ works. Exploring different genres, styles, and voices widens their creative horizons, nurturing a deeper understanding of storytelling.


Consistent Writing Habits


Writing regularly, even during moments of reluctance, distinguishes a writer. Consistency in writing cultivates discipline, honing the craft regardless of the fleeting waves of inspiration. It’s about dedication, showing up at the page, and weaving words into sentences, even when the muse seems elusive.

J.K. Rowling, the mastermind behind the “Harry Potter” series, personifies consistent writing habits. Rowling carved out time to write daily, often amid personal challenges. Her commitment to her craft, even when faced with rejections and adversity, underscored her unwavering dedication to storytelling.



 Embracing Feedback


Seeking feedback and criticism reflects a writer’s commitment to growth. Constructive criticism serves as a guiding light, helping refine the raw essence of their work. Writers absorb feedback like sponges, using it to reshape, polish, and enhance their writing.


 Cultivating Unique Voice and Style


A writer’s authenticity shines through their unique voice and style. Instead of imitation, writers carve their own path, staying true to their individuality. It’s about embracing quirks, idiosyncrasies, and perspectives that make their writing distinct.


  The Art of Collecting Words


Word collection becomes an obsession for authors—an assemblage of captivating phrases, words, and sentences. These linguistic treasures often find their way into their works, enriching their writing with vivid imagery and evocative expressions.


  Utilizing Lists for Organization


Lists serve as an author’s organizing tool. Whether cataloging ideas, scenes, or character traits, lists provide structure, aiding in the organization of thoughts and concepts.

  Embracing the Role of Storyteller


Authors possess an innate inclination towards storytelling, relishing the art of weaving narratives. Be it through pen or spoken word, they captivate audiences, painting vibrant worlds with their tales.

Mark Twain, famed for his wit and storytelling prowess, was a captivating raconteur. Twain’s ability to spin engaging tales, whether in his novels or during public readings, exemplified the essence of a natural-born storyteller.


  Curiosity and Exploration


Curiosity fuels a writer’s creativity. They’re perpetual explorers, delving into the unknown, asking questions, and using writing as a vessel for discovery.


  Finding Inspiration Everywhere


Litterateurs perceive the world as a wellspring of inspiration. From mundane moments to extraordinary events, everything holds potential for a story, an insight, or a revelation waiting to be penned.

Virginia Woolf found inspiration in the ordinary. Her stream-of-consciousness writing style, inspired by everyday occurrences and inner thoughts, transformed seemingly mundane moments into profound literary reflections.


This isn’t a checklist; it’s a mirror reflecting the intrinsic connection between the writer and their art. It’s about acknowledging the quirks, passions, and relentless pursuit of storytelling that define us.



Unveiling the Writer’s Essence


In the symphony of words, each writer dances to a unique rhythm—a melodic blend of passion, persistence, and boundless imagination.


The legacy of renowned authors—Stephen King’s insatiable reading habits, J.K. Rowling’s unwavering writing commitment, and Maya Angelou’s embrace of a unique voice—illuminates the path for aspiring writers.


These luminaries weren’t merely creators; they were relentless pursuers of their craft, embodying the very essence of what it means to be a writer.


So, are you a writer?


Perhaps the answer lies not in a definitive label but in the embrace of these inherent traits

  • the love for words
  • the courage to create,
  • the resilience to weather the storms of doubt.



“Write to discover what you know.”

—Isabel Allende


With these whispered words,  may this journey of self-reflection embolden you to wield the pen with unwavering confidence, to etch your stories upon the pages of existence, and to fearlessly explore the infinite possibilities within


May your journey be as exhilarating as your destination.



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