Why Wives are Always Complaining?

Why Wives are Always Complaining?

(Disclaimer: The writer is taking a definite mortal risk by even thinking(forget writing and posting it publicly. They did tell him there was a thin line between bravery and foolishness!) about this never-answered-dilemma. Our girls are the biggest blessings to us in our lives (until they are not!!). They make our lives heaven (Until some of them do send us there(literally)  or make us want to go there(literally)). This is a light hearted , brainless analysis and DOES NOT reflect the authors opinions or suggestions. The writer will strongly motivate you to just read it and forget it. Don’t even try to solve this puzzle because  no human has ever gone beyond “Why?”.)


Ok then.

Door locked. Check.

No one around. Check.


Let’s Go!!

“Ah, the melodic symphony of complaints—the soundtrack of marriage.

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a sitcom where the laugh track is replaced by an infinite loop of ‘Honey, we need to talk’?

Welcome to the bewildering world of ‘Why Wives Are Always Complaining?’

Have you ever wondered why your wife always complains about everything?

Is it because she’s unhappy, insecure, resentful, or just plain mean?

Or is it because you’re doing something wrong, and she’s trying to tell you in the most annoying way possible?

If you’ve ever pondered why wives seem to have an endless supply of grievances, you’re not alone.

But fear not!

We’re diving headfirst into this mystery.

Why does she gripe about the way you fold socks, the temperature of your coffee, or your mysterious inability to read her mind?

Let’s unravel this enigma together and maybe( Well, you won’t!) survive with our sanity intact.

Buckle up,gentlemen (and anyone else along for the roller coaster)!!

…….because we’re about to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of marital quibbles. decipher if it’s an ancient code or just plain old frustration, and sprinkle in some survival tips(Disclaimer: These tips are mere figments of writer’s imagination. They don’t work!).


Reason 1: She’s insecure and wants your attention

Every morning in the writers’ household felt like navigating a minefield.

Denny, the unsuspecting husband, would casually ask,

“Good Morning, honey, how’d you sleep?”

But little did he know that this seemingly meaningless and innocent question had the potential to unleash a storm of gargantuan proportions.


“You never listen!”


echoed through the kitchen as Denny sipped the last of his hot-chocolate, now wishing he’d inquired about the weather instead.

His wife, Penny, with a microscopic frown, had transformed into The Great Sherlock Holmes, seeking validation amidst breakfast chaos.

It wasn’t about sleep; it was about the subtle art of acknowledging her existence.

Possible Solution:  BE ALERT! SILENCE IS DEADLY.

Denny learned the hard way that nodding and smiling “in the right places” was the marital Morse code.

Silence meant ‘I don’t care’ in a language only wives seemed to understand.


Reason 2: She’s resentful and wants to hurt you

As the weekend approached, Denny—brimming with enthusiasm, and with a very short term memory—shared his grand plans for a movie night.

Little did he know that the ‘seemingly  romantic and  simple’ act of planning led to a heart-to-heart about the kids outing (that never happened) he promised three weeks ago.

The popcorn , as you rightly guessed, remained untouched as resentment brewed like a storm cloud in their living room that night. The movie? Who cares!



It dawned on Denny that apologies weren’t about admitting guilt; they were survival tactics.

He apologized for everything from the lack of family time  to the dinosaurs’ extinction, hoping to appease the resentment monster.

( Yes, you are right, even apologies work for a very short duration. So apologize periodically, fault or no fault. Hell, keep an alarm that reminds you twice a day , at minimum, to seek forgiveness from the All Mighty!)


Reason 3: She’s right and you’re an idiot

In the midst of a debate about the proper way to load the dishwasher, Denny—like a bold matador facing an angry bull—decided to challenge Penny’s logic.

Big Mistake!!

That decision, instantaneously, felt more like walking into a bear trap.

Her arguments, akin to Einstein’s theories, seemed flawless, while his resembled a hastily written grocery list.


Possible Solution: SURRENDER , CUZ YOU CAN’T WIN!

Denny, had by now mastered the art of conceding defeat, embraced the ‘You’re Right’ mantra like a prayer.

It was the marital code for ‘I surrender,’ ensuring survival in the perilous land of marital discussions.

(Its better to keep your sanity than your logic. Your science and concepts will mean nothing with a whirlwind of turmoil in your head and you running the risk of a heart attack. Accept you are an idiot and live longer!)




So, there you have it.

Now, armed with a dash of wit, a sprinkle of wisdom, and a newfound appreciation for the symphony of marital banter, go forth and conquer the mysterious land of complaints( Disclaimer: No one has ever conquered it and you will be no different. Not discouraging. It is what it is!)


Hold on to your socks (neatly folded or not), for this is merely the trailer to a never-ending sitcom that is marriage!


Listen, apologize (even when you’re not entirely sure why), and when all else fails, offer a hug like a superhero offering a peace treaty.( THIS DOES WORK! If she lets you hug her in the first place! I usually don’t risk it as my wife has a very strong right arm which I have learnt in the 12 years of our blissful marriage!)


And remember, when in doubt, a warm cup of tea and a genuine ‘I’m here for you’ can often work wonders. ( Keep your distance though. And do serve sugar separately! The days of food-fads and weight consciousness, I tell you!)


So, before signing off…..

There were “Some” of the possible reasons why wives complain, and how you can handle them with humor and grace.

Of course, these are not the only reasons, and…….

……..every wife is different.

Maybe your wife has a valid reason to complain, and you should listen to her more.

Maybe she’s just having a bad day, and you should give her a hug.

Or maybe she’s just a nagging shrew, and you should run for the hills.

Whatever the case, remember this: laughter is the best medicine, unless your wife is allergic to it.


In that case, you’re on your own.

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