Heart Attack in the 20s!

The number of heart attack events in the United States is lower than it has been ever before!!

Karolina Grabowska


Before you leap in the air with joy, let me burst the bubble and break the news that Heart attack episodes are increasing in the young adults under the age of 40. And even people in their 20s and 30s are not safe.

If you are someone in their 20s 30s or 40s you might want to read this as it might just save you a trip to the hospital( and if I may say, a one way trip to the Graveyard!)

What is a heart attack?

A myocardial infarction (commonly called a heart attack) is an extremely dangerous condition that happens because of a lack of blood flow to your heart muscle.


The lack of blood flow can occur because of many different factors but is usually related to a blockage in one or more of your heart’s arteries. Without blood flow, the affected heart muscle will begin to die. If blood flow isn’t restored quickly, a heart attack can cause permanent heart damage and death

Heart attacks on the rise in 20-40 year olds!

Towfiqu barbhuiya

Traditionally , heart attacks were a problem of the elderly. It was a rare thing for young adults in their 30s or 40s to have a heart attack. Most of them were attributed to congenital defects( defects present since birth) and some to particular substance abuses.

Now 20% heart attack patients are younger than 40 years of age.

Another distrurbing fact is , hvin a heart attack is more common in your late 20s or early 30s.

During the two decades between 2000-2020 heart attack rate increased by 2% every year in the mentioned age group.

Before you think that your being young offers you a better outlook if you do get a heart attack,  please allow me to dispel your doubts , that you are wrong in thinking so.

Patients who do have a heart attack in their 20s and 30s face similar risks a older patients. In my experience of working with innumerous patients I will also go as far as to say that younger people have a higher risk of death following a heart attack partly because of a lack of gradual development of the organic blockage which gives less time for the collateral blood vessels to develop and save the heart.

More so, you have  a similar chance of dying from a second major heart event or stroke regardless of your age.


Diabetes: is the reason!

If you are an individual in your 20s or 30s with diabetes, you’re  at 2-4 times more risk to die from heart disease compared with adults who don’t have diabetes.

Diabetes is labelled when  your blood sugar isn’t controlled well enough to keep it within a healthy range. The reasons of Diabetes developing are simply bad eating habits and bad exercise habits  though other causes for its development are also known.


Persistently high blood sugar in the body damages your blood vessels, which increases the chance of fats building up in your arteries and causing atherosclerosis( accumulations of fatty substance inside the vessels that impedes blood flow)

If that was not enough patients with diabetes also suffer from bad nervous system and so are unable to get the warning symptoms of a heart attack( They usually get Silent Heart Attacks). This also leads to higher death rates due to heart attack  in diabetics

Patients with diabetes are also more likely to have other chronic health diseases that significantly increase the risk of a heart attack, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


High Blood Pressure in the Young!

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

In fact, high blood pressure is the No.1 cause of stroke and heart disease because it can damage, narrow and block arteries and blood vessels.

Unfortunately, just like the trend in heart attacks, the incidence of hypertension is rising faster in young adults than in older adults.

Los Muertos crew

The reasons for increasing blood pressure in the young are again bad eating habits and bad exercising habits along with sleeplessness and high stress work culture.

High blood pressure makes your heart muscles thicken, harms your blood vessels, and increases your risk of a heart attack.Sadly, each year in the United States stroke and heart disease cause more deaths than all types of cancer and respiratory diseases like COPD, emphysema, and asthma combined.

Overweight and obesity are key players in heart attacks

The obesity pandemic has left no corner of the globe untouched.

Much of this was fueled by industrialization but its effects only came to light after homes and home chores started to get automated. Now you can order a 1000 calorie dish online without even stepping into the kitchen. Add to that an utter disregard for physical activity and you have a sure short recipe to fatness.

Your body carrying extra weight places a higher demand on your heart.


Females are hormonally protected from the adverse effects of fat accumulation but the males are at a double disadvantage  as testosterone itself predisposes to heart issues. add to it the increasing incidence of obesity and males are at double the risk. Post menopausal females show similar risk as males of their age group.

Further, obese patients have other problems like high blood pressure , diabetes and mobility issues all of which distract from their heart health.

Smoking cigarettes and vaping are major risk factors for a heart attack

Smokers tend to die more than 10 years earlier than people who don’t smoke.

Smoking is known to

  • Decreased HDL (good) cholesterol and increased blood pressure (increasing risks for heart attack and stroke).
  • Lower oxygen to the heart and other tissues in the body (increasing risks for coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and diabetes).

And if you think, cigarette smokers have a much higher chance of getting a heart attack compared to ones who are vaping, then mind you even if you Vape you are not safe. E-cigarettes contain nicotine and other toxic compounds that cause tachycardia(accelerate your heart rate) and hypertension(raise your blood pressure). A recent study found that individuals who were vaping  had 34% more likelihood of having a heart attack compared to non smokers and non vapers.

Substance abuse takes a toll on your heart

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1. Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease:

Substance abuse, including alcohol, cocaine, and methamphetamine, is linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. [Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 2021]

2. Impact on Heart Function:

Prolonged substance abuse can weaken the heart muscle, leading to conditions like cardiomyopathy, where the heart becomes enlarged, thickened, or rigid, reducing its ability to pump blood effectively. [Source: American Heart Association, 2020]


3. Irregular Heartbeat and Arrhythmias:

Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine can cause irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), potentially leading to life-threatening situations like heart attacks or strokes. [Source: American College of Cardiology, 2018]

4. Elevated Blood Pressure:

Several substances elevate blood pressure, straining the heart and blood vessels, leading to an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, or other cardiovascular complications. [Source: Mayo Clinic, 2020]

5. Increased Vulnerability during Withdrawal:

Abrupt cessation of certain substances can cause withdrawal symptoms, including severe stress on the cardiovascular system, potentially triggering cardiac events. [Source: Cleveland Clinic, 2019]

These points highlight how substance abuse can significantly impact heart health, leading to various cardiovascular issues and complications.


Many heart attacks are preventable because you can change your risk factors by making lifestyle changes and taking medications if needed to protect your health.


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