Tag Archives: parenting

25 Reasons why Stay-at-Home Parent is the Job You Would Not want!

In contemporary society, the role of a stay-at-home parent, one of the toughest jobs in the world, is often misconstrued, with prevalent assumptions downplaying the significance of their work. The common misconception suggests that staying at home with children is somehow less demanding or less substantial than engaging in a paid, traditional job. However, the reality contradicts such beliefs.

It’s a role that requires an immense amount of dedication, patience, and multitasking skills.

Being a stay-at-home parent is undeniably a genuine job, and in many ways, it presents challenges that surpass those faced in a typical workplace. One of the fundamental distinctions lies in the absence of a fixed start and finish to the day, blurring the lines between work and personal life.

Despite the lack of a formal job title or a paycheck, stay-at-home parents work tirelessly to create a nurturing and loving environment for their children.

I grew up with our Mom assuming the role of a stay-at-home parent. She gave up her career as a Published  Economist ( her work has been used by many international authors as reference for their work)to raise her kids into what we are today.

Now a parent myself I can understand the emotions and sacrifices our parents went through while raising us.

This is it.


The Myth of the Easy Life

A domestic custodian,, stewarding the progeny in their formative years, perennially confronts an array of challenges(which we will discuss extensively), wherein the quotidian struggle unfolds ceaselessly, at times with metronomic precision, punctuating each passing second with an enigmatic amalgamation of demands and intricacies.


Babies are like tiny timekeepers with no set schedule, making sleep a bit of a rollercoaster ride. This unpredictable sleep dance can turn your snooze routine into a wild, irregular pattern, leaving you in a chronic state of exhaustion.

It’s like trying to catch z’s in a game of hide and seek with your little one. The constant back-and-forth between being wide awake and chasing after sleep turns tiredness into your sidekick in this parenting adventure.



Being a full-time parent is like diving into a non-stop adventure, and in the whirlwind of diapers and playdates, it’s easy to misplace your own identity.

It’s like your personal “me time” takes a backseat in the minivan of parenting. Suddenly, you might find yourself wondering, “Wait, who am I again?” It’s a bit like playing hide-and-seek with your own sense of self amidst the chaos of raising little humans.


3.Going out

Heading out with a baby?

Get ready for a whole new level of adventure! It’s not just a quick grab-the-keys routine anymore.

It’s like gearing up for a baby expedition.

Diapers, snacks, toys – it’s almost like preparing for a cute and tiny road trip. Leaving the house turns into a hilarious mix of baby gear and tactical planning. Buckle up; it’s a wild ride!



Feeding your baby in public can sometimes get some raised eyebrows from people around, making an already challenging job a bit more stressful. It’s like juggling a demanding role while also handling a side serving of societal scrutiny. Talk about multitasking!

And…Ah, yes, because who doesn’t love an impromptu audience when you’re just trying to feed your baby?

It’s like the universe decided your private mom moment needed a fan club of prying eyes. Because, you know, nothing says relaxation like an audience critique during breastfeeding. Cheers to the unsolicited reviews on the most intimate performance in town!



Forging connections with the childless crowd can sometimes feel like navigating uncharted waters, thanks to the distinct viewpoints on parenting challenges.

It’s like trying to explain the intricacies of a complex board game to someone who’s never played it – there’s a bit of a communication gap.

The world of baby wipes and sleepless nights can be like a foreign language to those yet to experience the joys (and chaos) of parenting.



The never-ending expectations and judgments from society can feel like a relentless downpour, adding an extra layer of pressure to the already challenging job of being a parent.

It’s as if there’s an invisible scoreboard somewhere, and everyone’s suddenly a judge on the “Perfect Parenting Olympics.”

Because, you know, raising tiny humans wasn’t challenging enough without the grandstand of societal expectations!


7.Unsolicited advice

Navigating through a storm of unsolicited advice is like trying to find a needle in a haystack of opinions.

Sure, some nuggets of wisdom might be genuinely helpful, but then there’s the other side – the avalanche of intrusive suggestions that make you feel like you’ve stumbled into a free-for-all advice buffet.

It’s like a crash course in diplomacy while trying to raise your little one!



Bearing the sole responsibility for a tiny, vulnerable life is like shouldering the weight of the world’s tiniest but most precious atlas.

It’s as if you’ve been handed a delicate cargo, and suddenly the enormity of keeping this little being safe and sound feels like you’re carrying the weight of a thousand bedtime stories and lullabies on your shoulders.

The responsibility is both daunting and incredibly profound.


9.Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression: because who doesn’t love an unexpected emotional rollercoaster ride after the miracle of childbirth? It’s the VIP pass to the “I-love-my-baby-but-I-also-need-a-moment” club – where sleep deprivation and hormonal acrobatics are the main attractions.

It’s the post-baby blues, turning the journey of parenthood into a drama with plot twists even Shakespeare would envy.

It’s the sequel no one signed up for, but we’re rewriting the script with caffeine, baby giggles, and a sprinkle of self-love.


10.Support system

Finding your way around the twists and turns of parenthood without a nearby support system is like trying to juggle flaming torches without a safety net.

It’s as if you’re on a solo expedition through the wilderness of diapers and tantrums, and the lack of a support squad turns the journey into a one-parent circus act.

Because, let’s face it, even superheroes need a sidekick or two when tackling the chaos of raising tiny humans!


Oh, joy!

Dealing with a perpetually wailing baby is like being stuck in a never-ending avant-garde performance of the world’s loudest opera.

It’s a test of patience that makes waiting in line at the DMV seem like a spa day.

Because nothing says “parenting bliss” like a soundtrack of incessant cries and screams, right?

But hey, who needs sanity when you can have the melodic serenade of a cranky baby on repeat?

Parenthood, it seems, is the ultimate crash course in patience, served with a side of earplugs and a splash of humor.

Why no one ever warns us of this? WHY?



Grrrrrrrr……… the never-ending saga of diaper changes – a task that feels like an eternal loop of mess and frustration, especially for the stay-at-home parent.

It’s like being stuck in a Groundhog Day of poopocalypse, where every diaper change feels like a Herculean effort.

Juggling endless diaper duties can turn even the most patient parent into a tired, frustrated champion of the changing table.

Diapering has to be the ultimate test of endurance, leaving stay-at-home parents in a fatigue-fueled, frustration-laden battle against the relentless forces of the mess , you cannot even imagine, a baby, a mere foot in size ,can create.



Oh, the  concept of a “structured lunchtime” for stay-at-home parents – as mythical and elusive as a unicorn in a desert.

It’s like trying to plan a Michelin-star meal in the middle of a tornado.

Lack of designated breaks turns the once-sacred lunch hour into a chaotic survival mission. Are we supposed to eat or perform a culinary Houdini act between tantrums and naps?

The audacity of expecting a structured lunch when it’s more like a desperate grab-and-gobble affair!

Structured lunchtime? Please, that’s as likely as finding a five-course meal in the Bermuda Triangle.

Hunger, exhaustion, anger, and disbelief: the daily specials for stay-at-home parents desperately trying to find time to grab a grub.



Ah, the grand financial tightrope walk – transitioning from a dual-income extravaganza to a solo-income spectacle is like trading a comfortable cruise for a rollercoaster of budget acrobatics.

The stay-at-home parent who was making money for oneself in now dependent on the one who is earning.

It’s as if your wallet went from a bustling metropolis to a quiet village overnight.

The symphony of stress plays out in bills, budgets, and a constant background hum of “Can we afford this?”

Because, let’s face it, financial acrobatics were not part of the plan, and now it’s a tight rope walk without a safety net.

Welcome to the circus of single-income survival, where every penny is a high-stakes performer and you, its director!


15.No co-workers

You tend to miss the thrilling world of solo office life – the absence of daily banter with colleagues feels like working on an isolated island where the only conversation partner is a potted plant.

It’s as if your social circle, overnight, went from a bustling city to a deserted island.

The isolation hits like a daily wave, turning the house into a solitary confinement chamber(with a hungry monster who is always crying and pooping!).

Lack of colleague chit-chat?

Welcome to the lonely realm of stay-at-home parent, where the only happy hour is with yourself……in the washroom.


16.Sick days??

The perks of the parent job- It’s like having a position with a 24/7 contract, no sick days allowed.

While the rest of the working world gets to nurse their colds with a cozy blanket and Netflix, parents soldier on through runny noses and headaches, playing the role of the perpetually on-duty superhero.

Taking a day off?

Oh, that’s reserved for the dreams of uninterrupted sleep and quiet naps – the elusive perks of parenthood!

As a stay-at-home parent the only thing contagious is the chaos, and sick days are but a distant memory.


Complain about work, and you’re relatable; complain about parenting, and suddenly you’ve committed a cardinal sin.

It’s like society hands you a participation trophy for griping about the office but raises an eyebrow when you mention the trials of toddler tantrums.

Because, apparently, parenting should come with a mute button, and any complaint is met with a chorus of “you signed up for this.”

Society’s verdict: parenting complaints are the black sheep of whining.

The unspoken rule of parenthood complaints – where airing your parenting grievances is akin to opening Pandora’s diaper bag, inviting the judgmental specters of society


18.Adult conversation:

In the thrilling saga of parenting, the lack of grown-up banter is like surviving on a diet of baby talk and toddler tunes. It’s like living in a tiny world of goo-goos and gaa-gaas.

The stay-at-home parent misses the grown-up chats about, well, anything that doesn’t involve snack time or nap schedules. It’s a bit like living in a baby babble bubble, and sometimes they just want to burst it and have a good old adult conversation.

You will miss those regular talks that didn’t involve decoding baby gibberish!

The absence of regular adult chit-chat turns the domestic scene into a lonely echo chamber, where even the plants seem to be gossiping about you.



Trying to catch a break as a parent is like chasing after a unicorn – you’ve heard about it, but it’s pretty elusive.

With all the kiddo demands, finding time to relax feels like hunting for a treasure that’s playing hide and seek.

It’s a bit like being a detective in the mystery of the missing “me time.”



Even with a little one around, it’s like having a tiny buddy who’s great at peekaboo but not so much at adult conversation.

Loneliness sneaks in because, let’s be real, baby giggles don’t quite replace a good chat with a fellow grown-up.

t’s like having a cute sidekick, but you still miss having a proper buddy for some real talk.

Baby company is adorable, but there’s nothing like a good adult chat to fill the loneliness gap.



Dealing with folks who haven’t walked in stay-at-home-parent shoes is like trying to explain a foreign language – they smile, nod, but the real understanding is MIA.

It’s a bit like juggling invisible balls of stress while attempting to make others see the circus.

Lack of empathy can turn the casual conversation into a battlefield of conflicting opinions, and suddenly you’re the diplomat in a war of words.

Stay-at-home parents struggle with their partners as the lack of understanding turns daily life into a tale of conflicts and head-nodding diplomacy.


Dealing with the same daily routine day in and day out is like hitting repeat on a not-so-favorite song – it gets old, fast.

It’s as if life has turned into a loop of Groundhog Day, and you’re stuck in a cycle of monotony.

The frustration sneaks in when every day feels like a remix of yesterday, with no new beats in sight. Breaking free from the monotony becomes the ultimate quest, and suddenly, stay-at-home parents start looking for ways to spice up the mundane and adding a little zest to the daily playlist. Guess what, they fail at even that!


23.Distance in Relationship:

The joy of parenting detours!

The les we talk of them the better.

When  parenting paths start wandering in opposite directions, it’s like they’re both reading different scripts for the same movie.

Suddenly, the emotional connection starts to feel like a glitchy video call – fuzzy, frustrating, and full of disconnection static.

Divergent parenting: turning the once-harmonious duet into a solo performance with a side dish of anger and frustration.

Who knew raising tiny humans could feel like battling on separate islands?



The thrilling circus act of stay-at-home parenting – juggling tasks like a one-person show.

It’s like a constant game of multitasking bingo, where the stakes are high, and the rewards are… well, just surviving the day.

The energy is there, but so is a lingering sadness, as the never-ending juggle feels like a perpetual loop of tasks with no grand finale in sight.

Juggling multiple tasks the stay-at-home superheroes try to keep all the balls in the air, even if it their hands, feet and mostly the brain as well, go numb.



Apparently, folks out there think stay-at-home parenting is a leisurely stroll in the park, not a marathon of chaos and kid-induced pandemonium.

They underestimate the challenges as if stay-at-home parents’ day is just one big Instagram-worthy moment.

It’s infuriating!

The constant workload is like a silent scream, and yet, some people think it’s all rainbows and unicorns.

Newsflash: it’s not.

Underestimating stay-at-home parenting is like assuming a tornado is just a gentle breeze.

Frustration level? Through the roof!


The Final Word

Apparently, stay-at-home parenting is as an exceptionally challenging and multifaceted role, demanding unwavering dedication both mentally and physically.

While it may be tempting to undermine the difficulties of stay-at-home parenting, the myriad responsibilities, emotional toll, and constant demands on one’s time and energy paint a vivid picture of the profound difficulty of this job.

It requires a unique set of skills, resilience, and adaptability that often go unrecognized. It’s a testament to the strength and endurance of stay-at-home parents that they navigate these challenges daily, providing invaluable care and support for the next generation.

In acknowledging the mental and physical strains involved, it becomes evident that stay-at-home parenting is not just the toughest job out there job; it’s an extraordinary and unparalleled journey that deserves the utmost respect and appreciation.

6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!

6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!


— Bette Davis

In this intricate dance of life, parents often become architects, fashioning the blueprint of their children’s existence.


The quote by Bette Davis succinctly encapsulates this paradoxical essence of parenthood, reflecting the delicate balance between nurturing and letting go.


As parents, they bequeath life itself, yet as their offspring grow, the urge to impart their own lived experiences and aspirations can overshadow the individual journey each child is destined to traverse.


I know, I know, we all have felt this way. The burden of our unfulfilled dreams lies on our kids’ shoulders.


Super-parenting, an evolving concept, transcends the conventional boundaries of guardianship.


Imagine a world where parental encouragement isn’t shackled by predefined paths, but rather acts as a nurturing catalyst for their children’s dreams.



It’s envisioning a scenario where parenting becomes a gentle gust, steering aspirations, yet never imposing limits or fears. These narrative invites reflection upon the prospects of embracing a form of parenting that liberates potential and fosters genuine happiness.




Now to the 6 Steps of Super-Parenting.

Let’s Go!






Super-parenting begins with active, empathetic listening.

Consider a scenario where a child expresses an interest in painting. Instead of immediately guiding them towards a more “practical” pursuit, actively engage with their enthusiasm.

Ask questions.

understand their passion.


support their journey, even if it diverges from conventional norms.

Here are some practical methods to implement active listening with empathy and curiosity:

1. Scheduled “Chat” Sessions

  • Designate specific times during the week for uninterrupted conversations.
  • These sessions can be dedicated to discussing anything your child wants, encouraging them to open up about their thoughts, dreams, or even concerns without feeling judged or rushed.

2. Reflective Listening

  • Practice reflective listening by paraphrasing what your child shares to ensure you understand correctly.
  • This technique shows them that you’re actively engaged and interested in comprehending their perspective.

3. Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Use open-ended questions to delve deeper into their thoughts or experiences.
  • Questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” will encourage your child to express themselves more fully.


4. Engage in Shared Activities

  • Participate in activities that your child enjoys, like playing their favorite game, going for a walk, or engaging in a hobby together.
  • Shared experiences create comfortable settings for conversations to flow naturally.


5. Empathize and Validate

  •  When your child shares their feelings, acknowledge and validate them.
  • Express empathy by acknowledging their emotions( even if you might not fully understand or agree with their perspective.)

6. Respect Their Silence

  • Sometimes, children might need time before they’re ready to share.
  • Respect their silence, offering support without pressure.


“Let them know.

You’re available,


they’re ready to talk.”





A super-parent nurtures curiosity and exploration. Encourage your child’s diverse interests – whether it’s coding, dancing, or gardening. Provide avenues for growth, such as enrolling them in classes or simply offering time and resources to pursue these passions.


Here are some practical ways to encourage and support your child’s exploration of their interests:


1. Exposure to Varied Activities

  • Introduce your child to a diverse range of activities.
  • Visit museums, attend workshops, or explore different hobbies to expose them to various interests and talents.

2. Allow Freedom for Exploration

  • Create an environment where your child feels free to explore their interests without feeling pressured to excel immediately.
  • Encourage experimentation and learning through trial and error.

3. Provide Resources and Opportunities:

  • Invest in tools or resources related to their interests.
  • If they show an interest in painting, provide art supplies or enroll them in art classes to further develop their skills.

4. Celebrate Small Achievements

  • Acknowledge and celebrate their progress, no matter how small.
  • This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue exploring and honing their talents.

5. Encourage Curiosity

  • Foster curiosity by asking your child what they find fascinating and why.
  • Engage in conversations about their interests, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for their discoveries.

6. Support Extracurricular Pursuits

  • Encourage participation in extracurricular activities aligned with their interests.
  • Whether it’s joining a sports team, music lessons, or a coding club, support their involvement and commitment.

7. Create a Learning Environment

  • Cultivate a home environment that encourages learning and exploration.
  • Have books, tools, or equipment related to their interests easily accessible.

By providing opportunities, resources, and unwavering support,

you’ll empower your child

to explore their passions freely


cultivate a sense of enthusiasm for lifelong learning.






Recognize and respect your child’s individuality.


Embrace their uniqueness and foster an environment where they can make decisions, even if they occasionally falter.


It’s through these experiences that they’ll cultivate independence and resilience.


Practical ways to honor their uniqueness:


1. Decision-Making Opportunities

  • Offer choices within reasonable boundaries.
  • Let your child decide on non-critical matters, such as selecting their clothes, planning family activities, or choosing a weekend outing.

2. Respect Their Opinions

  • Encourage your child to voice their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment.
  • Even if their viewpoint differs from yours, acknowledge and discuss it respectfully.

3. Encourage Problem-Solving

  • Instead of providing immediate solutions to their problems, guide them through the process of finding solutions independently.
  • Support their critical thinking and decision-making skills.


4. Allow Space for Mistakes

  • Emphasize that making mistakes is a part of learning.
  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to make errors and learn from them without facing harsh criticism.

5. Validate Feelings

  • Validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t agree with their actions.
  • Understanding their feelings helps build trust and encourages them to express themselves freely.


6. Encourage Self-Expression

  • Support their creativity and self-expression, whether through art, writing, or any other form.
  • Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings in diverse ways.

7. Provide Individual Time

  • Dedicate one-on-one time with each child to understand their unique interests, strengths, and challenges.
  • Show them that their individuality is valued and respected.


“By respecting their autonomy and individuality,

you’re fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence in your child,

enabling them to navigate the world


a strong sense of identity and independence.”








Children learn values not just through words but through observing behaviors.


Model kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your own actions.


For instance, demonstrating gratitude by expressing thanks for small gestures can profoundly impact a child’s worldview.


Ways to instill values in your child through your own behavior:


1. Practice What You Preach

  • Be a role model by exhibiting the values you want your child to embrace
  • Demonstrate kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your daily interactions.

2. Communication is Key

  • Explain the importance of values and how they shape one’s character. Talk!
  • Share your own stories (nothing inspires a child more!) or anecdotes that illustrate these values in action and their positive impact.

3. Involve Children in Decision-Making

  • Include your child in family decisions and demonstrate how values guide your choices.
  • Explain how certain decisions align with family values.


4. Acknowledge Mistakes

  • When you make a mistake, openly acknowledge it and discuss how you plan to rectify it.
  • This shows that MISTAKES ARE NORMAL! And everyone, including adults, is constantly learning and growing.


5. Volunteer Together

  •  Engage in community service( Cleaning of a Community park, Serving at a food service) or volunteer work as a family(Donating to the orphanage/old age home)
  • Demonstrating kindness and empathy by helping others cultivates a sense of social responsibility.

6. Practice Gratitude

  • Establish a family routine of expressing gratitude
  • Share moments of thankfulness during meals or before bedtime, thanking for the love and abundance in your lives, highlighting things you appreciate.

7. Encourage Empathy

  • Encourage your child to consider others’ feelings and perspectives.
  • Discuss situations where empathy made a difference and encourage them to practice it.


“By embodying the values you wish to impart


involving your child in discussions and experiences

that emphasize these values,

you’re providing them with a powerful foundation


ethical decision-making and character development.”








Create an atmosphere of open dialogue.

Share your thoughts, experiences, and emotions openly.

This establishes trust and encourages them to confide in you, building a strong emotional connection.



Methods to foster open communication:


Active Listening

  • Actively listen when your child speaks.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • nod to show understanding.
  • clarifying questions to ensure you grasp their message accurately.


Create a Safe Space

  • Establish an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or repercussion.
  • Emphasize that their thoughts and feelings are valued.


Regular Check-ins

  • Schedule regular one-on-one time with each child to discuss their day, concerns, or interests.
  • Consistent communication builds trust and encourages them to share more openly.


Be Approachable

  • Be approachable and open to discussions on any topic.
  • Encourage them to ask questions
  • Assure them that no subject is off-limits for discussion.

Use Everyday Situations

  • Utilize everyday situations as conversation starters.
  • Discuss news events, movies, or books to encourage your child to share their opinions and thoughts.

Validate Their Feelings

  • Acknowledge and validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective.
  • Understanding their feelings fosters trust and openness.


Model Openness

  • Be open about your own feelings, experiences, and mistakes.
  • Sharing your vulnerabilities encourages your child to do the same.

“Encouraging open communication creates

an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and support,

allowing your child

 to freely express themselves


seek guidance when needed.”







Above all, a super-parent provides unwavering love and support.

“Assure your children

that your love isn’t tethered to their achievements or failures

but is steadfast

regardless of the circumstances.”



How to demonstrate unconditional love and support:


1. Express Affection

  • Show love through hugs, verbal affirmations, and gestures of affection.
  • These small actions reinforce your unwavering support and care.


2. Be Present

  • Spend quality time with your child regularly.
  • Engage in activities they enjoy and dedicate undivided attention to them during these moments.

3. Emphasize Acceptance

  • Emphasize that your love is not based on achievements or behavior but on who they are as individuals.
  • Communicate that you accept and love them unconditionally.


4. Support Their Choices

5. Encourage Independence

  • Allow them to make decisions and support their independence.
  • Offer guidance, but let them learn from their experiences and grow.


6. Be Their Safe Haven

  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • They should do so without fear of rejection or criticism.


7. Celebrate Their Uniqueness

  • Encourage and celebrate their individuality.
  • Embrace their strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, reinforcing that these traits make them special.

“By consistently showing

love, acceptance, and unwavering support,

you create a nurturing environment

where your child feels

valued, understood, and confident in pursuing their dreams and ambitions.”




“There is no such thing as being the perfect parent. So just be a real one.”
— Sue Atkins



It’s crucial to remember:

Being a stellar parent isn’t about attaining some unattainable perfection.

It’s about cherishing the simplicity of everyday moments and making the most of them.


The magic of super-parenting isn’t a lofty ambition; it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It’s in the laughter-filled evenings, the heartfelt conversations, and the shared experiences that create lasting bonds.


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all manual to being a super-parent. It’s about embracing the journey with enthusiasm and authenticity, knowing that every effort, no matter how small, counts.


It’s the little gestures of love, the moments of understanding, and the unwavering support that make a significant difference.


“It’s not about flawless execution but about heartfelt efforts.”


Being a super-parent is within reach for each one of us.

It’s about being there, loving unconditionally, and fostering an environment where our children can flourish.


Let’s take pride in this journey,

for it’s not about perfection but about the beautiful imperfections that make it uniquely ours.


May God Bless You and Your Family!