Category Archives: Technology

Is your Tesla Charged 100%?

Is your Tesla Charged 100%?

Have you ever plugged in your Tesla overnight, expecting it to be fully charged at 100% by morning?

Imagining all the miles you will clock with all that 100% charge!!

Most of us have, but what if I told you that charging your Tesla to 100% might not be the best idea?

As a matter of fact, you cannot charge the poor thing till 100% no matter how much you want to!

Let’s dive into the world of battery charging and debunk some common misconceptions.

Understanding Battery Technology

Rechargeable devices typically use lithium-ion batteries.

These batteries work through a process of charging and discharging, where lithium ions move from one electrode to another.

When the battery charges, the ions move to the negative electrode, and during discharge, they move to the positive electrode.

The Truth About Charging to 100%

Charging a battery to 100% might seem like a good idea, but it can actually be harmful to the battery’s lifespan.

This is due to a phenomenon known as ‘lithium plating’.

When a lithium-ion battery is charged to its full capacity, the lithium ions can form a metallic lithium layer on the anode, a process known as plating.

This plating can cause the battery to degrade faster.

Lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used in rechargeable devices, have a limited number of charge cycles. Each time you charge your phone to 100%, it counts as one full charge cycle.

Additionally, constantly keeping your phone battery at maximum capacity can lead to a phenomenon known as “trickle charging.”

This occurs when the battery is continuously being charged even after reaching 100%. Trickle charging can generate excess heat, which can degrade the battery’s performance over time.

The Optimal Charging Range

So, what’s the solution?

Experts recommend keeping your battery charge between 20% and 80%.

This range is considered optimal for prolonging the life of a lithium-ion battery.

It’s like exercising – you wouldn’t want to be running at your maximum speed all the time, right?

The same principle applies to your Tesla’s battery.

Smartphone Power Management

Smart gadgets, like your Tesla, today come with advanced power management systems.

Who so ever said Tesla is a car has just landed in the 21st century!

These systems manage the power flow to the battery, ensuring it charges efficiently and safely.

So, when your Tesla says it’s charged to 100%, it’s not really at its maximum capacity.

The power management system just considers it as the optimal ‘full’ charge.

And shows just that to you!



Good to go!

Optimal Charging Practices

So, what is the best way to charge your phone?

Experts recommend keeping your phone battery level between 20% and 80% for optimal performance and longevity.

Avoid letting your battery drain completely or charging it to 100% regularly.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that fast charging technologies, while convenient, can also generate more heat and potentially reduce the lifespan of your battery.

If possible, opt for regular charging instead of fast charging to minimize heat buildup.

Practical Tips for Battery Maintenance

Maintaining your battery’s health isn’t just about managing the charging range.

It’s also about understanding your usage patterns and adjusting them accordingly.

For instance, if you’re a heavy user, consider charging your Tesla more frequently to keep it within the optimal range.

Remember, balance is key – between getting the most out of your battery and ensuring it lasts for a long time.

While it may be tempting to charge your phone to 100% overnight, it’s not necessarily the best practice for your battery’s health.

Instead, aim to keep your battery level between 20% and 80% for optimal performance and longevity.


In conclusion, while it’s technically possible to charge your battery to 100%, it’s not necessarily the best practice for your battery’s health.

By understanding how lithium-ion batteries work and how to maintain them, we can extend their lifespan and get the most out of our devices.

So, next time you plug in your Tesla, remember – 100% might not always be the best goal!

I hope this article provides valuable insights into mobile battery charging. Remember, it’s not just about keeping your phone powered up, but also about preserving your battery’s health. Happy charging! 😊



Are Males Going Extinct?

Yes! They are!

But to understand why, first we need to understand why do males exist, in the first place?


If you were attentive in your  biology class back when you were at school, you must have heard curiously and imbibed that humans reproduced by sexual methods and it was necessary to combine and mix genetic information from two different sexes—one male and one female—to increases variation in genetics of the next generation and it was this very variation that helped a species survive.

Unless you were not busy admiring the diagrams of the reproductive systems of your opposite sex!

In either case your biology text books were wrong!

Unfortunately, most evolutionary experts stopped believing in the concept of a male-female sexual reproduction , almost a century ago. (Your textbooks couldn’t keep up with the developments happening in the world!)

The first animal cloning was done in 1885, when Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch artificially twinned a sea urchin embryo by shaking it.

 However, the first animal cloning using nuclear transfer, was done in 1952, when Robert Briggs and Thomas King transferred the nucleus from an early tadpole embryo into an enucleated frog egg.

 Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell, was born in 1996.

First primate, A rhesus monkey, created by embryonic cell nuclear transfer in 1997. This proved that humans closest relatives could be cloned.


These advancements falsified the much followed concept, that two different sexes were needed for mammalian reproduction and that a sex-ratio balance between males and females was necessary for the continuation of the species.

Before that if you asked any one whether mammals could reproduce without sexual reproduction…The short answer would have been a no, mammals cannot reproduce with means other than sexual reproduction. It was believed mammals relied on genomic imprinting (a mechanism that labels which genes are inherited from the mother and which are from the father.) which prevented mammals from reproducing asexually. It was also believed that asexual reproduction resulted in clones that are genetically identical to the parent.

But with times, comes change and with change, comes evolution.

Scientific developments has now enabled us humans to evolve independent of nature and time. We have been able to achieve things like Cloning, Gene Splicing and Parthenogenesis , processes that defy the rules made by nature and evolution.

Have we finally defied the Darwinian theory of evolution?

Was there inherently something wrong with evolution?

The process of evolutionary struggle between the two sexes has been long and full of controversies with males, asserting their dominance, have long proclaimed themselves the stronger sex, attributing physically demanding and formidable tasks exclusively to their domain. Wars have been waged under the guise of safeguarding lands and protecting women. The female, historically deemed the weaker sex, found herself entrusted with the nurturing and rearing of the offspring, a role recently challenged as women increasingly delve into tasks once considered the sole purview of men. Yet, amidst this evolution, one must ponder:

Is this the course that nature intended all along?

Let’s see!


In an extremely simplified way, to describe the initial stages of fetal development, the early stages of development, the fetal gonads have the potential to become either testes or ovaries.

The default state is considered to be “female.” ( Men can be shocked here as nature’s default sex is Female!!!)

Both future males and future females fetuses start with similar structures in the early stages, and it is indeed the presence or absence of a specific chemical trigger that determines the differentiation into either a male or female.

This trigger is the release of hormones, specifically the presence of the Y chromosome in the male. If the fetus carries a Y chromosome (XY), this signals the gonads to develop into testes, which then produce hormones like testosterone. These hormones play a crucial role in the development of male reproductive organs and the differentiation of secondary sexual characteristics.

In the absence of a Y chromosome, the gonads will develop into ovaries, and the fetus will follow a female developmental pathway.

That would mean , in the words of Bryan Sykes,

“Men are basically genetically modified women – the female being the fallback developmental pathway for any fetus.”

Now, men, after you have digested that we can move forward. Shall we?


If that was not enough , throughout life, men are more vulnerable than women on most measures

1. Fetal Development:
Studies suggest that male fetuses may be more vulnerable to certain complications during pregnancy. For example, male fetuses may be at a higher risk of preterm birth and other prenatal challenges.

2. Infancy and Childhood:
Male infants may face a higher risk of certain health issues, including developmental disorders and certain congenital conditions. This vulnerability is not universal but may be influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

3. Adolescence:
During adolescence, males may engage in riskier behaviors compared to females. This behavioral difference can lead to a higher likelihood of accidents or injuries among adolescent males.

4. Adulthood:
Men, on average, have a shorter life expectancy compared to women.

The life expectancy of men in the U.S. is nearly six years shorter than that of women, according to new study in JAMA Internal Medicine.

They are more prone to certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer. Lifestyle factors, genetic predispositions, and hormonal differences contribute to these vulnerabilities.

5. Disease Predisposition:
Genetics and hormones play a role in disease susceptibility. For instance, men may be more predisposed to certain genetic conditions (Hemophilia, Color Blindness, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) while women’s hormonal profiles may offer protective effects against certain diseases until menopause.(Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease (postmenopausal), Autoimmune Diseases (more prevalent in women, especially postmenopausal) – Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis.)

6. Immune Response:
Studies suggest that women generally mount a more robust immune response compared to men. This difference may contribute to variations in vulnerability to infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions.

7. Mental Health:
Mental health vulnerabilities also differ between genders. While women may have higher rates of certain mental health disorders, men may be less likely to seek help, potentially leading to underdiagnosis and undertreatment.

8. Societal and Environmental Factors:
Social and environmental factors, including occupational exposures and societal expectations related to masculinity, may contribute to increased vulnerability in men. These factors can influence health behaviors and access to healthcare.


What???? Why has been a male put at so many disadvantages by nature?

Did evolution go wrong?

Why would a male exist if a female is the default state of natural selection and are more hardier ?

The various current theories about why males evolved and still remain in existence are nicely set out in Matt Ridley’s book The Red Queen.(It discusses the evolutionary role and persistence of males in the context of sexual reproduction & delves into the concept of sexual selection, where competition for mates drives the evolution of certain traits and behaviors. Ridley explores why sexual reproduction, involving both males and females, has persisted over asexual reproduction in many species.

In sexual reproduction, males and females contribute genetic material to produce offspring. Ridley discusses the advantages and evolutionary reasons behind having two distinct sexes, exploring the benefits of genetic diversity, the Red Queen hypothesis, and the arms race between the sexes. The idea is that the constant genetic reshuffling through sexual reproduction provides a mechanism for adapting to changing environments and combating parasites and diseases.

The book examines various aspects of sexual selection, including the evolution of secondary sexual characteristics, courtship behaviors, and the role of competition among males for access to mates.)

Evolution has created two different genetic rivals. The male has been “endowed” with the Y(chromosome) which a male can transfer to his son only(  though there are genetic disorders where Y can be present with XX (Klinefelter Syndrome) and can be absent in XX Male Syndrome but normally 46 XY is a male geno/phenotype) and the female has been given the mitochondrial DNA , which can be passed on from a female to a daughter only (The mitochondria in mammalian sperm are usually destroyed by the egg cell after fertilization!).

The mitochondrial DNA is a neat and efficient model, but the Y-chromosome is a bit messy and struggling with mutations.

The  mitochondria evolved a unique mechanism which maintains mtDNA integrity through degradation of excessively damaged genomes followed by replication of intact/repaired mtDNA. This mechanism is not present in the nucleus and is enabled by multiple copies of mtDNA present in mitochondria.

Why is the Y-chromosome, once a chromosome with many useful genes, now facing difficulties?

It took on the role of creating males, which likely happened around 100 million years ago due to a mutation, leading to its current situation which unfortunately doesn’t carry much significance. Over time, it has lost many of its useful genes and now only 27 remain- and they too are constantly at risk.

The Y chromosome plays a crucial role in spermatogenesis, which is the process of production of a mind-boggling 150 Million sperms per day. This crazy cell division predisposes to error-prone DNA copying thus providing ideal conditions for mutations.

How can these mutations manifest?


So much so that the male infertility crisis has increased  since the mid-1970s.

A 2017 meta-analysis found that sperm counts had declined by 52.4 percent between 1973 and 2011.

Moreover, when the dataset was restricted to more recent studies (post-2000), the declines in semen parameters became steeper. For instance, the decline in worldwide sperm concentration doubled, suggesting that these declines may be accelerating.

In roughly a quarter of cases of male primary infertility, the problem is traceable to new Y-chromosome mutations, which disable one or other of the few remaining genes.

So what does that mean? Are Y-Chromosome and males loosing relevance?

Kind of, yes.

With the advent of reproductive techniques like cloning, gene splicing and parthenogenesis will a male not be needed for procreation?


Fret not!

That’s not going to happen soon. At least not for the next 100,000 years considering the rate of decline in male fertility.

Well, this is only if humans don’t decide to opt for other methods of procreation or existence like digital immortality when the whole concept of Y- chromosome and even the X-Chromosome will be flushed down the Digital Recycle Bin.

But before we jump on to interpretations and conclusions I for one will want to see the Male evolution and his contributions to the earth.

Be warned as they are as bad as they are good in nature!


The Aggressor

While it may not  be impartial to attribute most acts of violence and aggression, ranging from local incidents to global events, predominantly to men, the connection remains robust, persistent, and indisputable. The world invaders, war going clans, nuclear explosions, chemical warfare etc you can think of as many examples where men killed fellow men and even women in children in the guise of saving their land or the lady. A less aggressive attitude would have saved so many lives.

For reference :

InvaderTime PeriodApproximate Death Toll
Genghis Khan12th-13th centuries30 to 40 million
Alexander the Great4th century BCE1 to 2 million
Attila the Hun5th centuryHundreds of thousands
Julius Caesar1st century BCETens of thousands
Napoleon Bonaparte19th centuryUp to 6 million
Adolf Hitler20th century11 to 17 million (including Holocaust
Joseph Stalin20th century20 to 25 million
Mao Zedong20th century45 to 75 million

Women very rarely commit violent crimes, become tyrants or start wars.

While there are examples of female rulers, warriors, and combatants in various cultures and periods, the overall narrative has predominantly been shaped by male military leaders. Notable historical figures such as Joan of Arc, Boudicca, and various female warriors from different cultures have been involved in military activities, but their numbers and impact on large-scale wars are relatively limited compared to men.

Moreover women have taken to arms to save her family against aggressor men.

Some will put forward the argument that there have been women murderers as well.

While the majority of notorious serial killers historically have been male, there have been a few infamous cases involving female serial killers. Here are a couple of examples:

  1. Aileen Wuornos: Aileen Wuornos is one of the most well-known female serial killers. She was convicted of killing seven men between 1989 and 1990 in Florida. Wuornos claimed that she acted in self-defense and was a victim of sexual assault by her victims. Her life story was later adapted into the movie “Monster” in 2003, where Charlize Theron portrayed Wuornos.
  2. Elizabeth Bathory: While not a traditional serial killer in the contemporary sense, Elizabeth Bathory, a Hungarian countess from the 16th century, is infamous for her alleged involvement in the torture and killing of hundreds of young women. She was accused of bathing in the blood of her victims to maintain her youth and beauty. The full extent of her crimes is debated among historians, and some consider the accounts to be exaggerated or even fictionalized.

It’s important to note that female serial killers are relatively rare compared to their male counterparts, and their cases often attract significant attention due to their rarity.


The Builder

No argument on that.

Men have toiled and died building the world we live in.

No authority can challenge the fact that places where men sweat are not even fathomable by a female. Even todays’ feminists who claim equal job opportunity and equality of pay also don’t even apply for openings where its sheer combination of will and muscle power is required.

They restrict their claims only to air conditioned offices or jobs where the actual brawn is needed.

Yes, women are closing in, as automation makes life simpler for such professions but till this date in time ,females have been labelled as the weaker sex( by men or themselves, is a subject of contention!) and handled less risky or laborious jobs.

Evolution , that damned process, has played its part here as well.

      • Men who are inclined to take risks might be favored by natural selection. As time passes, there could be a genetic predisposition for boys and men to engage in hazardous activities.
      • Alternatively, tribes ensuring the safety of girls and women may have had an advantage, as they could maintain larger group sizes.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the four most dangerous occupations in the United States in 2019 were fishing and hunting, logging, piloting a small plane or helicopter, and roofing.

Of the individuals who work in the four most dangerous jobs, more than 90% are men. Consequently, across all occupations, men are much more likely than women to be killed on the job. In 2017, for example, 4,761 men were killed at their workplace, compared to just 386 women.

That’s 10 times more chance of getting killed for men!

So males have played their part and in this regard evolution has been kind.


But we just discussed that the Y-chromosome is dying. Gradually!

How can we evade extinction( without going digital and staying more biological human) because no males will mean no second parent?

Well, you guessed it right.

Homo sapiens  are at least capable of being aware of our impending demise and we already have the methods to prevent it.

Cloning, Gene Splicing and Parthenogenesis will help us find a way round our death sentence

So will the human race need men? And for how much longer?

Only time will tell.

In the mean time gene splicing can help us splice genes off the Y-Chromosome and re-assemble them into small “chromosomal” packages and still retain the males.( Easier said than done!)

Who would do the tough jobs after all. Who would go out in hail and storm to bring back food to be fed to the off-springs. ( Considering that tomorrow we may end up in a stone age because of our technological wrong doings!)

But what if a male isn’t needed at all for reproduction or for any purpose, what so ever?

That sounds impossible (to men at least!) but that would simplify reproduction all together.

Reproduction is fertilization of egg with a sperm.


Not exactly!

Its the coming together of genetic information of father with that of mother.

This genetic information is carried in nuclear chromosomes.

So basically its just nuclear chromosomes of two individuals.

Not necessarily male or female.

It could be from 2 females as well.

The wide application of Intra-Cellular Sperm Injection (ICSI), the fertilization of eggs by injecting sperm, can very easily be adapted for this purpose.

Currently , its not possible!


The only hurdle we would encounter would be the Genomic Imprinting that goes on during production of sperms and eggs. And if these genes a not switched on or left off then they can produce genetic abnormalities like Angelman Syndrome and Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Scientists have had some luck creating mice with two female parents, by injecting one set of maternal DNA in to a sperm(but then you either make a synthetic one or you would again need a male.)


Currently, the prevailing concept I’ve encountered for achieving same-sex fertility involves harvesting stem cells(considered the body’s versatile reserves.

The approach involves prompting these stem cells with hormonal signals to developinto the desired type of gametes, essentially discarding the use of the individual’s actual gametes and starting the process from a more basic stage.

Though this sounds impossible, very little stands in its way from the genetic point of view.


So such engineered  embryos would grow into perfectly normal babies. Eventually!

Humans have succeeded in what ever they have tried doing, till this date. So this is also definitely doable.

The only difference from any other birth is that the sex will always be known.

The baby will always be going to be a girl.( As we discussed earlier, they are anyways females , if not for the Y-Chromosome).

Importantly, the baby girls will not be clones.

They will inherit a blend of their parents’ genes, mixed just as extensively as any present-day child.

They will have two biological parents, two mothers!

The entire process has been accomplished without sperm, without Y-chromosomes and without men.

Men! Doesn’t it Sound scary!


Over the past few generations, there has been a remarkable and rapid evolution in female control over fertility. In the span of a single lifetime, women have progressed through multiple significant stages of biological liberation, culminating in the possibility of virgin births. Women now emphasize more control over birth control either in the form of use of contraception or choosing the time and mode of their conception and then birth. Males have been now reduced to mere partners who offer safety, monetary gains or in some cases genetic superiority over other competitors. Women are choosing to have less children anyways.

Its a matter of time that the Y-chromosome will loose its meaning and humans might end up being single-sex species with only X-chromosomes.

However, other scientists have challenged this idea and argued that the Y chromosome is not doomed to extinction. They have shown that the Y chromosome has evolved mechanisms to preserve its essential genes and to avoid further degradation.


The journey of human evolution has been marked by adaptability, and only time will reveal the trajectory of our species. In the interim, the coexistence and collaboration of both genders remain essential for the continued progress and preservation of our shared humanity.

In contemplating the hypothetical scenario where males go extinct, the notion of maleness would indeed become relegated to theoretical discussions. The traditional roles of males as guardians and protectors of females, deeply ingrained in historical and cultural contexts, would undergo a profound shift. The absence of males would necessitate a reevaluation of societal dynamics, with the need for alternative mechanisms to fulfill roles traditionally associated with them.

This all is coming , unless we choose to go the way of digital immortality , which seems to be coming much earlier than male extinction.

Men, you can take a sigh of relief now.

My personal guestimate- By the time you read this article someone somewhere would have inched one step closer to his/her aim of digital immortality. By 2100s, humans will have metamorphosed into Homo Immortalis with no importance of male or female sex.

Hell!! There will be no need for reproduction.

We would have conquered death and evolution, making them dance on our tips.

Males would be extinct! So would be Females!

Homo Immortalis will be, if I may say, Gods of the Universe!




The Implications of Homo Immortalis ( The Immortal Human)

Hello, mortal ponderers!

Imagine a world where humans are immortal, where the limits of life and death no longer exist. This concept, once confined to the realms of science fiction, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. 

Immortality is the concept of eternal life, or the indefinite continuation of the mental, spiritual, or physical existence of individual human beings.

It has fascinated human beings for as long as we have existed, but it is not a concept without its challenges: The much discussed and hypothesized implications of immortality.

What would immortality do to our Physical Bodies?

What changes will the society have if humans were to become immortal?

What it would be like to exist eternally — and whether it would even be pleasant to do so?

What will be the impact of immortality on human behavior? Will he still be a social animal?

What will happen after an eternity of existence? Will humans get bored of living?

Why is the idea of immortality so fascinating across so many human cultures?

Many people believe in some form of immortality because it provides a way to cope with the fear of not existing after death, both for themselves and others. This belief serves as an alternative to the anxiety that comes with thinking about the possibility of non-existence.

The current state of research on immortality is still far from conclusive or definitive, as there are many unresolved questions, challenges, and controversies surrounding the concept and its feasibility, desirability, and implications. However, the research is also dynamic, innovative, and interdisciplinary, as it draws from various fields of knowledge, such as biology, philosophy, theology, psychology, sociology, ethics, and computer science, and engages with various forms of expression, such as literature, art, film, and science fiction.

Lets delve into the implications of Homo Immortalis (The Immortal Human Being)

War or Peace?

Whether human immortality would bring about war or peace is a complex question.

On one hand, the elimination of death may remove the fear of mortality that often fuels conflicts. On the other hand, the competition for limited resources and the potential for power imbalances could spark new forms of conflict.

The war will not be fought with guns and ammunition but by choices we make and the expectations we keep for ourselves.

One bad move and it would be the end of Homo Immortalis as well.

They may not be killed( at least by age!) but they may well be reduced to dwellers of the underground saving themselves from the rogue technologies they invent themselves out of their supreme ego.

Ultimately, the path towards peace or war would depend on the choices and values embraced by an immortal society.


Are we asking for the right wish to be granted?

In the tantalizing pursuit of eternal life, we’ve glimpsed the dark corners of human immortality.

Beyond the glittering facade of endless days lies a shadowy realm, a place where the heartbeat of mortality gives way to the chilling echoes of an existence stripped of its natural cadence.

Imagine a world where the heartbeat of time becomes an unrelenting drum, pounding ceaselessly in the ears of those who cannot escape its monotonous rhythm.

Immortality, our coveted treasure, unfolds as a double-edged sword, severing the ties that bind us to the very essence of our humanity.

As the sun continues its tireless journey across the heavens, casting unyielding light on an unchanging landscape, the vibrancy of life withers away. The pursuit of knowledge, once a thrilling adventure, transforms into a weary march through a labyrinth of sameness, where the excitement of discovery succumbs to the numbing weight of eternity.

And in the silence of perpetual existence, the very essence of what makes us human, the poignant awareness of our fleeting days, crumbles away like ancient parchment. The canvas of our aspirations, once painted with the bold strokes of dreams, becomes a stagnant pond where the ripples of ambition fade into an eerie stillness.

So, to those who entertain the notion that human immortality might be our grandest achievement, beware.

For within the vaults of endless time, a specter lurks—a shadow that darkens the brilliance of our aspirations. The pursuit of eternal life, once crowned with the laurels of triumph, may unveil a world where the pursuit itself is the chilling climax, and the true horror lies not in the unknown, but in the absence of an end.

100 or a 1000 years? How long is it that you will want to live?

The Endless Life

The day he was born, he wished to live forever

To see the wonders of the world and never say never

To love and laugh and learn and grow and never know sorrow

To chase his dreams and hopes and goals and always have tomorrow


But as he grew, he saw the truth of life’s fragility

He lost his friends and family to war and disease and tragedy

He felt his body weaken and his mind grow weary

He realized that living long was not the same as living fully


He searched for ways to stop the clock and reverse the aging process

He tried to find the secret of eternal youth and happiness

He spent his fortune and his time on science and magic and religion

He finally found the elixir of immortality, but it came with a condition


He had to drink it every day, or else he would expire

He had to live alone, or else he would endanger those he admired

He had to watch the world change, or else he would be left behind

He had to face the fact that he was not meant for life of this kind


He drank the elixir for a while, but soon he felt a void

He missed the joys and pains of living, the things that he had once enjoyed

He longed for the company of others, the ones who understood him

He yearned for the end of his journey, the one that he had begun with


He decided to stop drinking the elixir, and let nature take its course

He wrote a letter to the world, explaining his decision and remorse

He said he was sorry for his selfishness, and thanked everyone for their kindness

He said he was ready to meet his maker, and hoped to find some peace and forgiveness



He lay down on his bed, and closed his eyes, and waited for the final breath

He felt a surge of pain, and then a wave of calm, and then he felt…nothing else

He died with a smile on his face, and a tear in his eye, and a poem in his heart

He died with the knowledge that he had lived enough, and that it was time to depart.


Now this little poem does give away the end of this article.

But I will insist you read on as the body is what will open your eyes to reality and by the time you do reach the end of this article you might have changed your decision.

No body wants to die. I hope we have a consensus on this?

I hear a resounding YES!!

Except from people who have suicidal tendencies for various psychological or health reasons.

They should either rethink their life or go ahead with the one they have decided for themselves, since I am not here to discourage anyone from anything. Period.

But then they will not be reading this article anyways. So.

For as long as humans have existed they have been smitten by the supernatural powers of immortality. So much so that they have portrayed their “Gods” as someone who is immortal.

If HE/SHE had any other powers was not that important.

His/Her immortality was what made them Gods and mortality well made us Human.

The cliched statement ” One who has been born has to die” has been the center of our existence.

Adam Leith Goffner, author of The Book of Immortality says, We should see existence for what it is: composed of as many summers as winters, of both sweetness and tragedy, of beauty pageants as well as degenerative diseases. Why prolong it? We’ve all been granted a life’s time. Ephemeral though it may be, that’s all we get. It’s a brief, extraordinary moment. Let’s make the most of this séjour while it lasts.”

Well that is soon going to change.


We are stepping into a new world where death and disease will be a thing of the past.

We will have a choice to decide our own life spans.

But why would anyone decide to live less when they can live…endlessly!

The answer is not that easy to answer.

When you will be served the fabled red pill of endless life you will have these 4 options.

  1. Endless Human life with natural ageing
  2. Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing
  3. Transhumanism ( Human-Machine interface) with natural ageing
  4. No ageing and Digital Immortality

These four options are , as we speak, subjects of fiction. and many dismiss them as unachievable.

They are those who live under a rock and have not seen autonomous driverless cars, unmanned attack airplanes, unmanned submarines and space probes reaching the edge of our Milky Way.

These things were a subject of fiction a few decades ago and now….here we are….seeing them.

So, its up to you to decide if its fiction and will remain fiction or not!

So lets begin with our choices.


Endless Human life with natural ageing

The current average U.S. life expectancy is 79 years and it is gradually rising. As of 2019, there were an estimated 72,000 centenarians living in the U.S.; the 2020 census officially counted 80,139, and the 2010 census had 53, 364. So people are living longer , as the numbers prove.

Much can be attributed to medical advances to address cancer and other potentially fatal conditions. It has been hypothesized that a cancer cure adds at least 3 years to the life. Such small yet meaningful treatments are fruitful in increasing the life expectancy of the general population.

Humans have  made tremendous progress in increasing life expectancy  over the past century but as a result we have a population that’s living older and older which puts them at risk for a number of different age-related diseases .

So ironically Aging in and of itself is now becoming the most important risk factor.

Some body has taken note of that and now there is immense research on how to….slow down ageing!

Slowing the pace of aging eventually also inhibit the onset of age-related diseases, delivering not only quantity but also quality of life. The longer people live healthy lives the less time they’ll spend living with illness toward the end of their lives, thus making the whole process meaningful.

“Delayed aging is about adding healthy life years rather than disabled life years,” Dana Goldman, director of the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Southern California.

Some of the nation’s brightest minds and the deepest pockets have declared an all-out war against aging.

Google has made significant investment in Calico, the California Life Company, to advance research into new approaches for extending life. Its main focus will be on biotechnology and will focus more on life extension than disease fighting.

They are aiming at slowing the ageing process. But we will age nonetheless.

And eventually, with age will come its baggage. Disease, Senility, reduced cognition, failing muscle tone, withering memories, incontinent activity, increased dependence on kids/grand-kids/great-grand kids,  lonely years in nursing homes and eventually extended end-of-life care on ventilators with tubes pushing and pulling liquids in and out of your body, small chips implanted into the heart making it beat, neural chips keeping your brain functions going and artificial kidneys filtering your blood.

There will be robots taking care of the elderly and they will be the only ones for your emotional support (which by then robots will have in their protocols)

For those who are not at the end of their lives will have exoskeletons supporting them in their mobility and everyday chores like doing groceries and doing the gardens. Small inconspicuous robots will run and hover around the house taking care of the daily chores of cleaning and cooking. They will pills designed to take care of any deficiencies that might occur and to take care that no cancers develop.

Having all said and done , bottom line is, YOU WILL AGE!

And become weak. And even after the  best possible facilities that money can buy for you by the time you are 120 or 130 or 150 you will be reduced to a pile of flesh and bones with tubes in every orifice of your body and more chemicals/drugs in your blood than its normal ingredients.

Even at that time, death will not come to pick you up.

But is that the way you would want to stay for ever?


Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing

So I believe its clear that mere ageing will not lead you to a green pasture of happiness. On the contrary it will be a bigger sorrow than a shorter life.

Suddenly dying young sounds much better than dying very old!! Things will become clear , keep reading!

Somewhere somehow envisioned this possibility and knowingly or unknowingly started working on it.

And still is.

The quest for eternal youth is probably longer than the quest of eternal life.

You must have heard of a lady who used to drank small amounts of gold to stay young for ever.

Well she didn’t. But, at least she tried!

Nowadays the approach is more scientific, though it was not always the case.

Stanford researchers have shown the joining of circulatory systems (known as parabiosis) between old and young mice to be effective in rejuvenating organs, muscles and stem cells.

Can that work in humans as well?

You may ask, jumping out of your chair.

It has been tried long long back by one,  Andreas Libavius, a physician who in 1615( yes ! almost 400 years ago)  proposed connecting the arteries of an old man to those of a young man. He hoped that the fountain of youth will flow from the young to the old and all his weakness will be dispelled. The results of that experiment are not known.

But had it been good it would have been a breakthrough of a millenia and we would all be young.

But we are not!

As we speak  similar things are being done elsewhere in the world.

The secret of Youth in the Vein

A clinic in San-Fransisco conducted a trial where over 100 patients above the age of 60 years were given two and  a half liter of FFP( Fresh frozen Plasma) taken from young people. And the Scientist, Jesse Karmazin,32, trained in Stanford, who conducted it says that the results are promising.

The secret of Youth in the Air

Scientists from Tel-Aviv University say they’ve successfully reversed the aging process of elderly people through “oxygen therapy” in a first-of-its-kind study. They believe they have found the Holy Grail for staying young forever.


Lets assume that by a stroke of serendipity the elixir of eternal youth is found tomorrow.

And we can all have fit bodies devoid of any disease for the next 100 years starting from tomorrow( though its too farfetched to imagine that everyone will have access to that kind of treatment because only the super rich will be able to afford such things and only after a decade or so will it percolate down to general population who might again not be able to buy it. )

but for the sake of science and hypothesis lets assume that you and me can buy it tomorrow.

Now before you rejoice that we have beaten ageing and start imagining that you have escaped disease, senility, reduced cognition, failing muscle tone, withering memories, incontinent activity, increased dependence on kids/grand-kids/great-grand kids,  lonely years in nursing homes, eventually extended end-of-life care on ventilators with tubes pushing and pulling liquids in and out of your body, small chips implanted into the heart making it beat, neural chips keeping your brain functions going and artificial kidneys filtering your blood, I am sorry to burst your bubble of happiness.

Though you may be able to live young forever but there is a thing known as generation gap. Have you ever imagined why your parents cannot use the gadget that you think is the simplest one on the planet? Why cannot your grandpa use the simple tv remote when all there is to it are 5 buttons. Why cannot you accept the concepts of your grandparents when they tell you that in their times things were done in a particular way?

That’s called a Generation Gap.

As you grow old your brain grows to follow certain patterns in a  certain way. It doesn’t want to change and if new things are imposed on it may or may not be ready to accept them.

Thats why the biggest qualities that one can have today are

  1. Ability to learn new things.
  2. Ability to learn them fast.

If you lack either of these two qualities who are bound to become a relic yourself joining the endless ones that roam the earth these days.

Disclaimer: I do not intend to state that old people cannot learn newer things. They can. But we are talking about the majority.

The hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, shrink with age. These areas are important for learning, memory, and executive functions. As a result, older adults may have more difficulty encoding new information and updating their existing knowledge.

With grown age human tend to have  less synaptic plasticity, which is the ability of synapses to change their strength and structure in response to new experiences.

The blood flow in the brain may decrease with age, which can affect the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells.

Now you may argue that eternal youth will grant us cure against all these things and you may be right. or wrong. Time will tell.

Brain is still one organ of the body that we know very little about.

So i will assume that brain will continue to work as it works as of now. Thus entailing that with each passing 50 years of your life you will be nothing but an outdated bag of information. Much like you learnt DOS and now everything works on Python. Get the drift?

You might argue that you can learn new things since you will have endless life to do that. But would you really want to do that? Delete your brain after every 50 years or even earlier only to fill it up with new information which might be confounding with the one already in the system?

I will leave you with that question to answer.

As your answer will decide at what point of time you choose to not update yourself and that day will become the day when you choose to take the different road into the woods. The one which ends!


Transhumanism ( Human-Machine interface) with natural ageing

If you have been saving your information on your cell phones and data clouds ( much like everyone of us), if you have a pacemaker implanted into your chest sending excitatory signals to your heart periodically, sport carbon-based body modifications called “tattoos,” have replaced worn out joints with ceramic alloy equivalents and as of today have a NeuraLink chip inside your brain you my friend are already a Transhuman.

Congratulations on that!

A Transhuman is any human whose any aspect of humanity can potentially be enhanced and replaced by its technological equivalent. These enhancements can be derived from nanotechnology, biotechnology,
information technology and cognitive science, via tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, genetic and stem cell engineering, and cryogenic freezing.

Transhuman is a stage of evolution of Humans to Posthumans, Human 2.0.

Nick Bostrom, the lead scientist on the subject,  defines a posthuman as a being that possesses at least one general capacity greatly exceeding the maximum attainable by any current human being without recourse to technological means.

You can understand the concept of a transhuman in the following examples:

  • A kidney failure patient whose survival depends upon endless dialysis sessions or a transplant gets an artificial kidney which is computer controlled and put inside the body which now functions better than a biological kidney. This patient is now a transhuman.
  • A patient who has been paralyzed waist down for decades is offered an exoskeleton that can be hooked up to his spinal cord remnants and he gets to walk after decades. He will be a transhuman.
  • A blind man who lost his eyes in a  freak accident years ago is offered a digital eye that can help him see his daughter , his mom and his life again. He is a transhuman.
  • A war veteran who has lost his legs to a mine explosion gets a pair of mechanized legs that can outperform a normal human athlete. He is a transhuman.
  • A cardio-pulmonary failure patient gets a complete cardio-pulmonary apparatus that is more compact and efficient than what we have biologically becomes a transhuman.
  • A paraplegic or someone with a cerebral palsy gets to walk again with mechanized prosthesis is a transhuman.
  • A person who today received a Neuralink Chip is a transhuman.


The quest of replacing almost all body parts with machines that can outperform the naturally evolved has been there for centuries. Though it has been possible recently to find such superior alternatives to normal biological systems.

Come to think of it , such a method seems a pathway to literal immortality if we are able to replace “all” body parts with mechanized units.

But we as humans are not all blood and bones. Th brain, yes the brain again, is what makes the blood and bones a human. The genius of human evolution is the brain! one which we have not been able to find  a replacement for even after so much computing development.

How Much Computational Power Does It Take to Match the Human Brain?

Many scientists are working on this question as they believe that once we know the exact specifications then that can help us replace the human brain.

An experiment done in 2013, used a supercomputer to calculate the human brains computational ability. It took 40 minutes with the combined muscle of 82,944 processors in K computer to get just 1 second of biological brain processing time. While running, the simulation ate up about 1PB of system memory as each synapse was modeled individually.

We are , nonetheless making advancements in the right direction.

Earlier brain was thought to work on a 1/0 model. New research suggests our brains use quantum computation.

Quantum Computing could be the answer for unlocking the secrets of the brain.

Till the day it is done and we can replace the human brain with a ultracompact super-efficient computer we are still living with a biological brain.

We can replace 99% of the human body with machines and make interfaces between neurons and machines so that the unit works seamlessly but we will have that 1% biological component that will be the power station of the 99% of the mechanized body.

It will age , and will not be upgradeable.

Which will take us back to the second condition, Endless Human Life with Endless youth with natural ageing,

And its implications.

Though people might try to find a hint of immortality in being a transhuman but it is unclear that a
vastly extended lifespan would be a benefit to the enhanced.


No ageing and Digital Immortality

Well digital immortality is the conversion of your consciousness into a software which can then be saved, transferred, downloaded, modified and edited as a computer program.

(Remember Neo in Matrix!)

You get the idea.

Now this is what will truly make us immortal.

I cannot say it will make humans immortal because once this happens, humans as we know them will cease to exist.

Which raises the next question, about personal identity!

Once you loose your physical body and are just a program uploaded onto a computer do you still remain, you?

Yes and No!

With the advancement of stem cell technology we can now grow artificial skin to cover any mechanized endoskeleton that we want to make (if we want to make it, that is!) to make us look more human. (Remember Terminator 2!)

So physical form will not be a problem.

There are bigger concerns. I might want to look like Elon Musk much like a million other people. That will raise the problem of identity! Then there will be other who might want to keep changing their identity for some reasons. A woman today a man tomorrow!

And then there will be those who will want to stay as a software and not exist physically.  They might want to live only in programs and endless communications routes that will engulf the earth sooner than we think(think StarLink satellite systems). They will present at more than one place at once. they will travel from earth to moon in seconds. They will be the ones who will become interstellar and interplanetary in the true sense.

As an upload you will be truly immortal. You could enhance your self in any way possible by adding code to your software or might want to take off some code that gives your personality some unwanted trait.

All this sounds very fiction.

But I have always believed, ” If one man can think of an idea, the other is already working on it to make it a reality.”

Off course there will be no human body to age so you need not worry about aging. And the brain? Well the world’s best computers will be your brain and the data cloud will be your memory. You will have access to all the information in the world in seconds.

But considering all this, you will have to decide. Are you alive?


The Money

Well money makes the world go around!

So deeper your pockets the quicker the access to all these options when they do become available.

(Watch the Amazon Prime series Upload)

So, as we navigate the potential paths towards immortality, it’s clear that the pursuit of endless life comes with its own set of challenges, choices, and consequences. The whimsical dreams of living forever, free from the grasp of time and mortality, often fail to consider the practicalities and trade-offs involved.

One cannot help but wonder, in this quest for eternal life, who holds the power, and more importantly, who can afford it?

As advancements in science and technology open up possibilities for extending life, the reality is that these options might be reserved for the privileged few, leaving the majority to face the inevitable cycle of life and death.

The irony lies in the fact that while the wealthy may fret over the intricacies of immortality, the less fortunate find solace in the simplicity of a normal lifespan.

It becomes almost comical to imagine a world where the poor can peacefully accept the inevitability of death, while the rich grapple with the complexities of how to navigate an eternity.

As we contemplate these fantastical scenarios and the potential triumph over death, let us not lose sight of the present, where life’s brevity gives it meaning. The pursuit of endless life may be a fascinating concept, but the value of each fleeting moment, with its joys and sorrows, should not be overshadowed by the allure of an eternal existence that remains uncertain and complex.

In the end, the question lingers — is the pursuit of immortality worth sacrificing the essence of what it means to be human?

The article invites you to ponder this question, recognizing that while the desire to live forever is deeply ingrained in human nature, the journey of life, with all its imperfections, is what truly defines our existence.


The UFOs: Are they still a mystery??

For decades, the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) has captivated the imagination of people ,around the world, about those elusive visitors from realms unknown. These flying objects have been  weaving their enigmatic tales through the fabric of human curiosity for ages.

Whether witnessed firsthand or seen through videos and photographs, the mystery surrounding these enigmatic objects continues to intrigue and fascinate us.

From the hushed whispers of conspiracy theorists to the cryptic allure of classified government archives, the question lingers like stardust in the cosmic breeze.

Are they still unidentified?

This article is your passport to the uncharted territories of the skies, where mystery and reality dance in an elusive waltz. Armed with scientific insight and government revelations, we’re set to unravel the enigma that has both perplexed and thrilled generations.

From grainy snippets of otherworldly encounters to the inked secrets of declassified documents, our journey will navigate the cosmic currents, offering a glimpse into the celestial puzzles that continue to perplex us.

Let’s venture into the cosmic unknown and see if the unreal might just be real.

Together, let’s ask the age-old question anew: Are UFOs still dancing in the shadows of the unknown?


Eerie History of UFO Sightings

In the shadowy annals of the unknown, the term UFO casts a spectral glow over centuries of unexplained aerial phenomena. Whispers of extraterrestrial visitations and questions about life beyond our realm have echoed through time.

The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington.

The newspaper which reported this incident, mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, and so the name stuck, The Flying saucers!

The same year, a mysterious wreckage was found near an Army airfield in Roswell, New Mexico, which was initially reported as the remains of a flying saucer, but the army denied it and said it was the remains of a weather balloon.

Fifty years later, the military issued a subsequent statement admitting that the Roswell wreckage was not a weather balloon, but was in fact a part of Project Mogul, a top-secret atomic espionage project. 

The U.S. Air Force began an investigation of these reports called Project Sign in 1948.

This was succeeded by Project Grudge and then by the longest-lived of the official inquiries into UFOs, Project Blue Book.

Spectral Shifts in Public Perception

The public’s fascination with the ethereal dance of UFOs has cast a spell spanning centuries, but in recent decades, this fascination has morphed into an obsession.

Early accounts fueled the sale of newspapers, and today, these tales weave their eerie allure as reliable online clickbait.

Skepticism, once a shield against the unknown, is unraveling like an ancient scroll, with 34% of Americans now entertaining the spectral notion that UFOs are alien vessels or puppeteered by nonhuman entities—up from a mere 20% in 1996.

This unholy shift, some say, is driven by a dark force: increased government transparency and an insatiable hunger for more sinister data.

In conclusion, as the cosmic void remains unconfirmed in its secrets, the enchantment with UFOs persists, a ghostly dance that captivates the collective imagination, seeping into the cultural veins of the known and unknown. Are we on the brink of unlocking cosmic secrets, or are we destined to remain forever entangled in the mysterious shadows of the unexplained?


NASA work on UFOs

NASA has been actively involved in the study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

In September 2023, NASA released a report on their probe into hundreds of UFO sightings. The report, which is 36 pages long, outlines how NASA plans to investigate UAPs using improved technology and artificial intelligence.

While the report found no evidence that aliens were behind the unexplained phenomena, it also did not rule out that possibility. The report emphasized the need for more high-quality data to make definitive scientific conclusions about the nature and origin of UAPs.

NASA’s administrator, Bill Nelson, stated that the US space agency will not only take the lead in researching possible UAP incidents but will also share data with more transparency. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, NASA did not deny the possibility of “potential unknown alien technology operating in Earth’s atmosphere”.

NASA’s involvement in the study of UAPs signifies a shift in the conversation about UAPs from sensationalism to science. The space agency believes that more science and less stigma are needed to understand these phenomena. NASA’s approach to the study of UAPs is open and transparent, and it aims to reduce the stigma around UAPs.

The Galileo Project


CIA’s collection of UFO documents  (available online)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a significant amount of its documents on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) available online.

These documents, which span from the 1940s through the early 1990s, were declassified and can now be accessed by the public.

The collection, which is approximately 2,780 pages long, includes reports of UFO sightings, intra-agency memos about how the CIA handled public inquiries about UFO sightings, and CIA cables reporting unsubstantiated UFO sightings in the foreign press.

These documents were made available online through the efforts of The Black Vault, an online archive of declassified government documents. The site’s owner, John Greenewald Jr., obtained the documents by filing a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

The documents are now available for download on The Black Vault website, along with over 2 million other declassified government documents. The documents have been converted into searchable PDF files,

In conclusion, the CIA’s collection of UFO documents provides a fascinating insight into the government’s investigations into UFO sightings and phenomena. It represents a significant resource for anyone interested in studying the history and investigation of UFOs.

The Pentagon has launched a new website to serve as a central hub for declassified information about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs.

This website is intended to be a “one-stop shop” for publicly available records about UAPs. It is expected to shed light on the work of an office Congress created last year that coordinates efforts across federal agencies to detect and identify UAPs.

The website currently includes a handful of videos, some labeled “unresolved” or “unclassified,” with short descriptions offering explanations of assessments by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

The AARO was established by the National Defense Authorization Act last year.

The website will house photos and videos about resolved UAP cases as they are declassified and approved for public release.

It will also feature links to reports, transcripts, and other resources like aircraft, balloon, and satellite tracking sites.

In conclusion, the Pentagon’s new website represents a significant step towards transparency and openness in the study of UAPs.


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provides access to a vast amount of government records on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

These records can be accessed through the National Archives Catalog and NARA’s website.

The documents available online include reports of

  1. UFO sightings
  2. Intra-agency memos about how the CIA handled public inquiries about UFO sightings
  3.  CIA cables reporting unsubstantiated UFO sightings in the foreign press

These documents span from the 1940s through the early 1990s and were declassified for public access.

One of the significant collections available is Project BLUE BOOK, an Air Force program that investigated UFO sightings from 1952 to 1969.

Recent UFO sightings

There have been several reported UFO sightings in 2023 and 2024. Here are some notable instances:

  1. In 2023, the National UFO Reporting Center cataloged 4,186 eyewitness accounts of close encounters around the globe.
  2. More than 270 unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, were reported to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) between August 31, 2022, and April 30, 2023.
  3. In February 2023, a series of UFO sightings were reported in the U.S., with objects being spotted and shot down over South Carolina, northern Alaska, northern Montana, Canada’s Yukon territory, and near Lake Huron in Michigan.
  4. Chinese authorities were planning to shoot down an unidentified flying object that had been sighted in the skies near Shandong Province.
  5. A regional governor in Russia reported that the Kremlin had decided to destroy a UFO that had been sighted on January 3.

These sightings continue to be investigated, and while many have been explained, some remain unidentified.


As the flickering candle of human curiosity persists, so too does the chilling dance of skepticism and belief.

Is there a cosmic truth waiting to be unveiled, or are we destined to be perpetual wanderers in the vastness of the uncharted?

In the dim glow of uncertainty, our journey concludes, leaving the door to the mysterious, ajar!

The shadows persist, and the cosmic dance continues, leaving us suspended in a state of spine-chilling awe, forever reaching for answers in the eternal night of our age old question.




Flying Cars in India! Why we are better without them?

Flying Cars in India! Really??

What is happening around me??

Oh, that truck is driving in the wrong direction!!

There is a cow sitting in the middle of the road!

Red light? What red light? No matter what the traffic light says for all practical purposes it means it is green!!


Yes!Never in my 40 years of existence in India had I ever felt so overwhelmed by the chaos around me.

You see I had finally lived in a place where there were traffic rules that were bieng followed and there was a certain pleasure in driving because you were not worried about that one abomination that might curtail your life on the road.

You were one with your car and , for somebody who had been driving inline fours ,it was even more pleasurable with that glorious V6 under the hood pushing you through the air with panache and some insane velocities.

I had been in the Americas. North to be specific!

And after having “earned” my driving license ( Which is a story for another day!) I had finally “learnt” how to drive. What lane manners were, what a shoulder check was meant to be and what it meant when you saw a pedestrian crossing the road??

To someone who has been to India and more so who has driven in India these questions are the ones separating a driver from India and the one from the west.

Not for nothing are the Indian roads considered to be the world’s most dangerous roads.

Endless traffic jams, relentless honking, cuss words flying here and there, fist fights on even small insignificant things, cows sitting in the middle of the road that too on a flyover, religious/political processions throwing the cities out of rhythm.

The occasional VIP cavalcade causing the traffics to magnify, the usual ambulance stuck in traffic with no one letting it through, the cars trucks busses motorcycle cycle rickshaw and these days the e-rickshaws jostling for space  and in the process leaving their paint and sometimes body parts on the other, pedestrian risking their lives by crossing roads with cars crawling and sometimes flying around them.

People try to save fuel by driving on the wrong side of the road to take that turn which otherwise would have made them drive another 200 meters extra( talk about thrifty habits), the endless queues at the filling stations where employees are tirelessly filling up gasoline into small piddly cars and two wheelers.

Then lest we forget the road has been encroached not just by the animals of religious significance but by other factors as well. The shops display their goods on the walkways thus leaving no space for the pedestrians who have no option but to walk on the roads. The constructions are so smartly done that at the end of it the whole building is a foot wider in all directions, the holy encroachment, and more often than not it is towards the roads.

That organized chaos is Indian traffic.


So as you may have thanked The Almighty  by now , thanking Him that you are not driving in India or may be you are one of those adventurous types who would have it no other way than see it for yourself or maybe you have ,in your head , thought of ways to decongest the streets by maybe introducing flying cars in India……………………………….WHAT??!!!!!!!

Flying cars in India??

You must be crazy to even think about such  thing as a flying car in India.

Not because India doesn’t have open skies, it does!

Its not because India doesn’t have people who can afford it, it does.

Its not that India is not modern enough to envision such a thing, it does.

Not because India doesn’t have the political will to do it, it does.

But then why-oh-why do I say that you must be crazy thinking about a flying car era in India???


That my friend opens a Pandora’s box.

Let me tell you why this idea of yours is definitely not doable in India.

You better take the heart medication that you are on!

You better do some meditation before you read it further as it might numb your brain.

You better sit down at a safe place lest you fall down shocked and amazed.

You better keep that wine glass on the table.

You my friend might have just started a World War III. Joking!

In a land where the chaos on the streets is practically an art form and “organized chaos” is a lifestyle, the idea of unleashing flying cars into the Indian skies might seem whimsically adventurous.

However, hold on to your aviator hat, because now we’ll explore why launching flying cars in India could turn its lively streets into an airborne calamity, leaving you to ponder:

Is the sky really the limit, or have we finally exceeded our collective good sense?


Here we go!

Rain of Unwanted Surprises

In India you will find cars sparklingly clean from the inside with idols of gods and goddesses adorning the dashboards and fragrances soothing the passengers. A reason for that is that most Indian drivers usually don’t let garbage sit in their cars.

They just empty it out on the road! While on the move!

You won’t be surprised to see a car driving ahead of you slightly open its window and slide a banana peel onto the road as you zip along at a 100kmph.

Habits seldom change and so something similar done while flying a car can only be imagined.

Or not!

It will be an airborne carnival of garbage.

You’re walking down the street, soaking in the sun, and suddenly, without warning, a barrage of discarded wrappers, banana peels, and mysterious bits of who-knows-what comes raining down from above. It’s like a confetti of chaos, but instead of celebrating, you find yourself questioning your life choices.

Picture this:

You’ve just stepped out for a leisurely stroll, and suddenly, you’re in the middle of a garbage-themed surprise party. It’s not just wrappers; it’s a wild assortment of items, each descending like a quirky gift from the skies. Feeling lucky? You might get a plastic bottle or maybe even an unexpected fruit peel to jazz up your day.

Still want the flying cars in India?

Wait. And oh, the sights! Witness as the skies transform into a chaotic canvas of airborne oddities. It’s like a bizarre parade, only instead of floats, you have flying cars unleashing an assortment of items that would make any circus clown proud.

So, the next time you daydream about flying cars in India , remember that the fantasy might come with an unexpected souvenir for people on land(and there are plenty!) – a direct hit from the garbage brigade above.

Who would need rainbows when you can have a shower of surprises from the sky?



The Great Pan Spit Elevation

Indians love their mouth-fresheners.

The most popular being The Pan.

And somebody who has driven on Indian roads or even walked besides them knows what I mean by the spitting culture on Indian roads.

The roadsides are painted red by the red pan-spit of the millions of people who drive/ride or walk on them.

You will hardly come across any structure man made or otherwise which has not been embellished by these human salivary art forms.


Prepare for a tale that elevates the infamous practice of this pan spitting to a whole new level.

Quite literally.

Picture this: you’re on the 10th floor, enjoying the view from your apartment, when suddenly, your window becomes the unsuspecting target of a peculiar form of aerial bombardment. It’s not raindrops you’re hearing; it’s the unmistakable sound of pan enthusiasts turning the skies into their very own spitball arena.


Once reserved for the ground-level adventurers, the audacious act of post-pan consumption spitting has now ascended to unprecedented heights. No floor is safe from the airborne salivary assault, as even the 50th-floor residents find themselves unwittingly participating in this surreal rain dance of betel nut residue.


Imagine trying to unwind in the comfort of your own home, only to be greeted by a splatter on your window pane that would make modern art blush. It’s not just about dodging spit on the streets anymore; it’s about safeguarding your sanctuary from a descending deluge of pan-flavored precipitation.


And here’s the kicker – forget about leaving your windows open to enjoy a breath of fresh air. The risk of an uninvited, gravity-defying load of spit entering your living room has turned every window into a potential entry point for this peculiar brand of precipitation.

Close the windows, lock the doors, because the skies above have become a spitfire zone.


So, the next time you gaze out from your lofty abode, remember that even the highest floor is not immune to the airborne antics of pan enthusiasts.



Airborne Altercations

I believe road rage must have been invented ……..or at least perfected by Indian drivers.

They have highly inflated and very  fragile egos. They get offended very easily and anger is usually their first reaction when something untoward happens on the roads.

Considering the roads as their private property, they trudge around in their mechanized chariots and the more expensive the car they are riding the more pronounced the feeling becomes.

It is not an uncommon sight to see people arguing, fighting or even killing each other in a fit of road rage on Indian roads.

So when we think of flying cars in India we have to get ready for a turbulence of a different kind as we explore the phenomenon of “Air Rage” where the spirited macho spirit of Indian road rage takes to the skies.

Picture this: the air is filled with the roar of engines, and flying cars are jostling for airspace like territorial birds in mating season. Suddenly, two airborne vehicles collide, and what follows is not a civil exchange of information but a full-blown aerial altercation.


In the world of flying cars, the typical Indian road rage takes on a whole new dimension. No longer confined to heated arguments or occasional fisticuffs on the streets, our enthusiastic aviators engage in a war of words and, occasionally, airborne brawls.

It’s not just a fender-bender; it’s an aerial showdown, where the skies become a canvas for the art of vehicular vengeance.


The air is thick with tension and testosterone as our macho aviators exchange not-so-pleasantries in the realm where road rage meets air rage.

You might as well have a full-blown war in the air, with guns blazing!


And here’s the twist – instead of waiting for the authorities to sort things out, these high-flying warriors prefer settling their disputes mid-air, with words and their fists ,with the occasional gun fires adding a dramatic flair to the proceedings. It’s not about exchanging insurance information; it’s about asserting dominance in the wild blue yonder.


So, the next time you envision the freedom of flying cars especially in India , remember that with it comes a potential for airborne altercations, where the term “air rage” takes on a whole new meaning.


Airborne Nausea: The Unwanted Aerial Symphony


Well if you have been on Indian roads you have not been spared by the sight of people vomiting out of moving cars not only painting their own vehicles with their own gastric juices and its byproducts but also splattering pedestrians and other vehicles in its vicinity.

Now imagine this…….( Yup..yup….I am sure you got that picture in your head now… but for those unartistic minds who cannot paint the picture let us do it for you!)


Picture it: A motion-sick auntie, caught off guard by the twists and turns of the airborne journey, decides that the only logical response is to unleash the contents of her stomach into the great blue expanse. The once pristine air ( Not really…Indian pollution is world renowned)  now carries the unexpected aroma of airborne emissions, transforming the whimsical journey into a slightly less enchanting experience.

As the airborne journey unfolds,  the mere mortals on the ground now, must come to terms with the fact that the skies are  now full of emetic-projectiles being attracted towards the land by the not-so-absent gravity , which can land anywhere and lend “taste of the skies” a new meaning.

So now the pedestrians need to carry an umbrella or better a vomit-shield to protect the sanctity of their bodies and their clothes.

The windows of all the buildings will have to be kept closed at all times unless you want to re-do the paint on your interiors.



Drunk Flying Disasters

Lawlessness is the law on Indian roads.

Drunk driving is style!

So when you even so as dream about a flying car in India you must be….inebriated!!!

No offense. Let me explain!

Imagine a scenario where an inebriated(No offence to you my dear reader!) pilot takes to the skies, weaving through the clouds in a state of tipsy turbulence. The once-clear flight path now resembles a drunken zigzag, putting not only the intoxicated aviator at risk but also those sharing the airspace.

The unthinkable happens—an airborne fender-bender with a commercial airplane. The collision not only endangers the lives of those in the flying cars but also sends shockwaves through the aviation world, raising questions about the practicality of sharing airspace with larger aircrafts.

The risk of misjudged altitudes , just like misjudged distances under the influence, becomes a nightmare when one of these airborne vehicles collides with a building on ….say the 20th floor. The once-safe haven for families now becomes an unexpected landing pad for a wayward flying car, testing the structural integrity of buildings and challenging the architects’ foresight.

So a flying car with an under the influence driver/pilot will be a ticking time bomb in Indian Traffic scenarios.


The Aerial Parking Rebellion

Go through any Indian newspaper and you are sure to come across a news piece where a seemingly-harmless altercation over a parking space ended in one of the person being shot dead.

Yes! Its such a big problem.

India being one of the biggest economies and the world’s biggest country, population wise, seems to be running out of land…Ahh….so that’s why you thought about flying cars, I See!!!

But more people , more cars, more houses, less land…….. You are sure to have some sparks fly when u put flammable particles that close.

Hell! Bollywood has movies made on this evil called Parking!

So, the parking woes should be over in India if flying cars do come…. Only in your dreams!

Long story short- It will be a wild world of parking pandemonium where the concept of “to hell with the world” takes flight.

Imagine this: the streets, once neatly lined with cars, now resemble a chaotic jigsaw puzzle of flying vehicles haphazardly parked on rooftops, balconies, and any available flat surface. The flying car revolution will have brought with it an era of parking anarchy.


With the newfound freedom of the skies, some adventurous aviators will adopt a carefree attitude toward parking etiquette.

The mantra will become, “My work is done; to hell with the world.”

No longer confined by earthly constraints like parking lots or designated spaces, flying car owners nonchalantly land their vehicles wherever their hearts desire, leaving chaos in their wake.

Picture this:

You’re climb up to your roof top for a quick smoke or just to soak in some sun and what do you see. There are 3-4 cars parked there consuming all the space. you wonder when and who parked these cars here. You call the residents of the building and no one sems to know whose cars are these.

And the audacity hasn’t stopped there. Flying car owners, having completed their airborne escapades now abandon their vehicles with a laissez-faire attitude, oblivious to the inconvenience they have caused to you. “Parking spot? Who needs one when you can park on top of someone else’s home?” seems to be the prevailing philosophy.

You curse the drivers and pray to God to take you back to the times when people were just blocking your entry gates with their cars and you at least had a roof to sit and relax. Well, now, even that’s not possible as the time machine hasn’t been invented , YET!

And oh dare you tell those mischiefs not to park atop your roof Because they may just shoot you in your already empty head!





This is an evolving article.

Please Share your views and I will try to twist a tale around it in the most fascinating way possible.




10 Space Missions of 2024: Moon, Mars, and Beyond!

10 Space Missions of 2024



The crew of Artemis II ( Pic Courtesy- NASA)

NASA’s Ambitious Artemis II Mission

Artemis II and III

Embarking on a celestial odyssey in November, Artemis II will see four astronauts orbit the moon, a daring feat not attempted since the space race. This mission, a prelude to Artemis III’s lunar landing in 2024, propels humanity back into the cosmic spotlight and we aim to land the first woman on the surface of moon, for the first tim


Artemis II- launch delayed to September 2025

Artemis III- launch delayed to September 2026




SpaceX’s Epic Quest to Conquer Space

In 2024,  Elon Musk owned SpaceX’s Starship, the veritable titan of rocketry, faces trials after two failed test launches in 2023.

With ambitions reaching Mars, Starship’s journey intertwines with NASA’s Artemis III, setting the stage for a space odyssey.

Starship is proposed to carry the astronauts from the Orion spacecraft as it orbits the moon and land them on the lunar surface.

But SpaceX needs to figure out

  • How to launch Starship safely and take it into orbit?
  • Land and reuse both the rocket booster and spacecraft though it has mastered that art in its falcon heavy rocket series.
  • How to refuel the colossal vehicle while it’s in orbit(this is the most challenging task at hand)

Launch dates– Not been released.





NASA’s Mission to Jupiter’s Enigmatic Moon- Europa

Journeying to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October, NASA’s Europa Clipper promises to unveil mysteries that could redefine our understanding of extraterrestrial life.

With high-tech instruments and a multitude of flybys, it’s a cosmic detective story in the making.

Launch dates- October 2024






NASA’s Robotic Crusaders Explore the Moon

Besides having extensive programs in place for taking their citizens to the moon, NASA and other countries also have extensive plans for the robotic exploration of our moon.

2023 has seen several nations and companies race to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon.

So far, only India has succeeded.

China has also been succesful in that in the past. Russia failed in its attempt, and the United States hasn’t even tried till 2023.

NASA’s CLPS program was to unleash robotic explorers on lunar terrain in 2024, led by Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander. But sadly the mission ran into unforeseen issues and the lander was lost although the rocket (Vulcan Centaur) made by joint Boeing and Lockheed Martin venture called United Launch Alliance performed as expected.

So, the first space test of 2024 failed. Now that’s not the right way of starting a year, is it?




SLIM( Pic Source- Japan Aerospace Exploration agency)

Japan’s “Moon Sniper” Aims for Lunar Glory by Precision Landing

Japan’s SLIM ( Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) mission, aptly nicknamed the “Moon Sniper,” gears up for a precision landing on the lunar surface in January 2024, although it was launched  in September 2023.

Armed with high-precision technology, it’s a daring pursuit of lunar glory, offering insights into the moon’s enigmatic landscape and thus paving the way for precise and safe landings for further missions to the moon and beyond.





ESA’s Hera Mission Deciphers Asteroid Impact

Following NASA’s DART( Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission in 2022 , European Space Agency’s Hera mission in October 2024 unravels the aftermath of a celestial collision, marking humanity’s first intentional shift of an asteroid’s trajectory.

A cosmic detective story unfolds, providing crucial data for planetary defense.

 Launch date – October 2024


7. Beyond the Belt

Polaris Dawn’s Daring Venture into Deep Space

Billionaire Jared Isaacman sponsors Polaris Dawn, aiming for the first private spacewalk beyond the Van Allen radiation belt.

This daring venture promises unprecedented insights into the effects of space radiation, surpassing the boundaries set since the Apollo era.



Pic source- Virgin Galactic

Axiom’s Military Mission and ISS Sojourn*

AXIOM-3-Launch date- January 2024

As more companies jump into the hotting race of space tourism. Along with NASA, SpaceX the latest one is Houston based Axiom.

Axiom-3’s imminent space escapade, featuring only military professionals and government astronauts, adds a new chapter to space tourism. This cosmic sojourn promises a unique blend of military precision and celestial exploration on the International Space Station.

The usual players- Launch dates- Multiple.

The usual players like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin will continue offering space ride seats to people who can afford them.

VIRGIN-GALACTIC – Sixth mission in January 2024

BLUE ORIGIN – Sometime in 2024 -dates undisclosed.


pic courtesy- Sierra Space

Starliner’s Crewed Debut and Dream Chaser’s Maiden Flight


Boeing’s Starliner, overcoming setbacks, gears up for its first crewed launch in 2024, joining SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in ferrying astronauts to the ISS.


Simultaneously, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a shuttle-like cargo ship, promises a visually stunning maiden flight, diversifying the future of space travel.



NASA’s Sentinel Missions Monitor Our Planet

In 2024, NASA’s PACE and NISAR(NASA & ISRO collaboration ) missions will be launched.

These sentinel missions will

  • Become Earth’s vigilant guardians.
  • Offer a crucial perspective on our planet’s health

a testament to space exploration’s role in understanding and addressing the climate crisis.

PACE(Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem)– Launch date February 2024

  • will assess air quality and the health of our oceans. ( By phytoplankton mapping)


NISAR(NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) – Launch Date- 2024 (Not Yet Declared)

  • will deepen understanding of climate change , deforestation, melting glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes and more.



Warning!! Are you flying in a Boeing 737 Max 9 plane anytime soon?

Boeing 737 Max 9 in the news again!

Boeing 737 Max series planes have been grounded!


The narrow-body single aisle airplane has often landed Boeing in trouble earlier as well.

In 2018 and 2019, two Boeing 737 Max 8 jets crashed killing 346 people.

The first crash happened in October 2018 when Lion Air Flight 610 crashed 13 minutes after takeoff. All 189 people died on board.

Lion Air Boeing 737 Max-8

No one cared!

Till another Boeing 737 Max 8 fell out of the sky.

This time, in March 2019, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed and ended another 157 lives.

Three days after the second crash, whole of the world grounded all Boeing 737 Max airplanes they had in their fleet.

Representative image of Ethiopian Airlines

As per the official website

Boeing  737 MAX 9

offers up to 14 percent lower airframe maintenance costs than the competition.


What happened with Alaska airlines will surely increase the airframe maintenance cost of the Boeing 737 Max 9 it was flying. Luckily there was no fatality. The plane landed safely , though as an emergency landing, at the same airport it took off from, Portland in Oregon.

The last time the Boeing 737 Max planes were in the spotlight the fault was zeroed in upon a faulty software.

For a detailed report on that crash and what caused it do read the article by David Perell.



You came here to find if the plane you are flying tomorrow or day after or maybe next week is / is not a Boeing 737 Max 9?

so here is a list of airlines that are still operating the Boeing 737 Max 9 planes .

AirlinesMax 8Max 8 200Max 9Total
United airlines7479153
Alaska airlines6363
American airlines5656
Fly Dubai51354
Air Canada4040
TUI Group3838
Turkish Airlines20525

You can be sure that even if you are flying in these airlines, except Alaska Air , you in all probability will not be boarding a Boeing 737 Max series plane. Well, if the world has learnt anything from the previous two disasters that is.

But still, check with your operator. You never know!

Boeing 737 Max: When was it first launched?

The Boeing 737 Max series plane was announced in August 2011( though it was not a completely grounds up new aircraft. Details of this can be read from a marvelously written article by David Perell) and took its maiden flight on January 29, 2016. It was certified by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in March 2017. The first delivery of Max 8 was done in May 2017 to Malindo Air.


The 737 MAX delivers

enhanced efficiency

improved environmental performance

increased passenger comfort

to the single-aisle market.

Incorporating advanced technology winglets and efficient engines, the 737 MAX offers excellent economics, reducing fuel use and emissions by 20 percent while producing a 50 percent smaller noise footprint than the airplanes it replaces.

Additionally, 737 MAX offers up to 14 percent lower airframe maintenance costs than the competition. Passengers will enjoy the Boeing Sky Interior, highlighted by modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhances the sense of spaciousness and larger pivoting overhead storage bins.


Why are the Boeing 737 Max planes suffering from these snags?

Ane answer: Outdated design and Cost Cutting.

To understand why these airplanes crashed and one could have crashed today as well, if not for some divine intervention, we need to look back how the  737 Max came into existence.

The original 737 was introduced  in 1967 when most airports were small and lacked infrastructure so manufacturers were obliged to manufacture low-to-the-ground airplanes which were having easy-to-reach engines, which could be serviced easily thus reduced operating costs.

And that’s exactly what Boeing gave the airlines.

The 737 Max’s structure resembles the original 737. The big difference is the engines are larger ( and placed much ahead than their original 1967 location thus putting the plane at a risk of a stall, if not for some software that prevents the nose going up during low speed maneuver) the fuselage is bigger, and “winglets” were added to the tip of the wings to improve fuel efficiency.



Who all are still flying the Boeing 737 Max series ?

As of today all the Boeing 737 Max 9 series planes have been grounded by most airlines and some have even ordered the review of the emergency door sections of the Mx 8 series planes as well.

The future of Boeing 737 Max Planes?

This incident might just be the last nail in the coffin of the ailing Boeing 737 Max 9 planes as these incidences have laid bare the major shortcomings in the design of the aircraft.

After a few catastrophic events and a few near misses its high tim ethe world took notice.

Although having an immaculate history of safe flights The Boeing 737 Max series planes’ now hangs in the balance.

They have enough orders from almost all the major airlines in the world for the next few years.


But soon, Boeing will have to go to the drawing board for its next aircraft.


The Fear Factor: 7 Ways your pet can Save you from Impending Catastrophes

The Fear Factor: 7 Ways your pet can Save you from Impending Catastrophes


For times immemorial humans have thrived upon the egotistical idea of being the most evolved and advanced animal this earth has ever seen in its existence of around 4.5 billion years old.


Undoubtedly they are!


Much of that can be attributed to their cognitive abilities, complex social structures, technological advancements, and a sense of self-awareness.


However, it’s essential to recognize that this perception of supremacy is subjective and other animals surpass humans in certain areas .

Humans  should agree that all species have their unique strengths and should  view themselves as part of a broader ecosystem rather than the ultimate superior entity.



Unlike humans , animals possess all kinds of fascinating abilities, including camouflage, regeneration and — it turns out — diagnostics.

Animals that may be able to detect medical problems in humans using visual cues, smell and other aptitudes.

These animals have just what it takes

to don the white coat and stethoscope-

an eye, ear and a nose for disease.


A 75-year-old man visited a doctor after his dog licked persistently at a lesion behind the man’s ear.

The doctor performed diagnostic tests and confirmed malignant melanoma.


Their unparalleled and sometimes unbelievable ability to sniff out things has always amazed us humans.  Apart from sniffing out contraband at the airport customs and the occasional explosives with the bomb squad dogs have proven helpful in tracking criminals and victims alike.


A dog’s ability to sniff out odors that a human nose cannot even perceive has been used by researchers to detect disease even before any screening test can pick it up.

Now this can allay your fear factor of many diseases if you have a furry companion at home.

Research has suggested dogs can detect breast cancer in 88 percent of cases, and lung cancer with 99 percent accuracy. They can also sense hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia(low blood sugar levels) in people with diabetes, among their many talents. Such dogs are called Diabetes Alert Dogs.


More than hyperglycemia its the episodes of hypoglycemia that can be an impemding catastrophe. The patient might slip into coma due to low or non supply of glucose to the brain. Diabetes Alert dogs are known to alert the patient or family members when they do perceive an episode of hypoglycemia.

However,  it’s not clear exactly what the dogs may be detecting. Are they actually “smelling” low blood sugar, or are they reacting to typical hypoglycemia symptoms in their owner, such as sweating or shaking?

Research has shown that dogs can detect many types of cancer, such as:

  • melanoma
  • colorectal cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • prostate cancer

Scientists have concluded that some dogs can detect colorectal cancer from people’s breath and  stool with high levels of accuracy  even when its in early-stages. The dog is able to distinguish such cancers even when there are other inflammatory changes in the gut or any other non cancerous growths.

Canine cancer detection( by Medical Detection Dogs) is a simple, noninvasive procedure with potentially fewer side effects for people.

The role of canines in sniffing out covid patients was extensively used during the Covid-19 Pandemic.





Rats have been used to detect lung cancer.  According to the study, animal nose sensors capable of discriminating cancer-related odor components present in trace amounts in exhalation samples can be useful for potential screening of lung cancer in a non-invasive manner. This kind of detection can remove the fear of disease and save the patient from an impending catastrophe.

As per APOPO, over 60 countries are contaminated with hidden landmines and other explosive remnants of war, that cause tragic accidents and hamper communities from developing their productive land.

HeroRATS are saving people from landlimes and tuberculosis.

APOPO’s scent detection animals, nicknamed ‘HeroRATs’ and ‘HeroDOGs’, help to rid the world of landmines  – returning safe land back to communities for development


The Gambian pouched rat, or giant African pouched rat, has been trained by humans to uncover landmines and detect tuberculosis.

The highly developed sense of smell and light weight of our African giant pouched rats, nicknamed ‘HeroRATs’, make them ideal detectors of landmines and tuberculosis.

The rodents are able to positively identify TB infections 80 percent of the time, after a training period.

These landmine explosions are impending catastrophes than can end a persons life  and even if not so can lead to a crippled life.





These gentle giants are known to sense infrasonic sounds and can hear storms and hurricanes approaching them.


During the Great Tsunami of Indian Ocean in 2005 even before the tsunami reached the shores Elephants have run and made it to high grounds and were saved.

They also saved people from the impending catastrophe , the ones who accompanied them to higher grounds.

Not a single elephant , buffalo or wildlife carcass was recovered from the remains of the tsunami on land when innumerable human corpses were found hanging on top of trees when the water receded.

EARTHQUAKE!!!! The animals know destruction is coming!

Elephants also have great olfaction.

African elephants have more than double the number of genes associated with olfaction compared with dogs: about 2000 versus dogs’ 811. This suggests that olfaction must play an enormous role in elephants’ lives and it does!

With this super power elephants can smell a lot of odours e.g. Trinitrotoluene (TNT)-the main component of landmines .

Elephants could rival dogs’ sensitivity abilities in the field of cancer, diabetes , epilpepsy and pest detection. They require less mainatenace and have much larger life spans as compare dto dogs.




Horses have been known to elicit anxiety to upcoming calamities.

They are documented during the massive earthquake of San Fransisco of 1906 to have panicked and galloped due to fear even before the earthquake struck.

They could have saved some humans from the impending catastrophe but no such documented record is available.


Beluga Whale


Yang Yun, a 26 year old free diver  thought she was going to die when her legs were paralysed by arctic temperatures during a free diving contest without any breathing equipment.

She was taking part in a competition at Polar Land, China in a sub zero pool of water which had a Beluga Whale in it.

Yang Yun was at the bottom of the tank when she couldnot feel her legs due to the intense cold. Unable to move her legs and withoput oxygen equipment she was staring at an impending catastrophe when the Beluga whale sensed her problem and pulled her by her feet to the surface where she was rescued.

If not for the Beluga whale Yang Yun would have definitely perished.




Cats are world over given special importance.

They are either worshiped or feared. In Japanese folklore Cats are often depicted as supernatural entities known to bring good fortune to teh owner.

One such instance happened when an eight-year-old cat, Pudding, saved her owner who has had an episode of hypoglycemia and was having a diabetic seizure. The cat responded to such abnormal activity and alerted the family who were able to save the man’s life by administering the medicine in time.

For sure saved the man from a catastrophe.


In 2010, a woman from Franklin, Tennessee, visited her doctor to consult for  a mysterious bruise that showed up on her chest. Her cat has been  continuously pawing and pouncing at the very spot the previous evening, likely directing her attention to the bruise. She discovered it was breast cancer.




Now you might be surprised as to how such a ordinary looking animal can be so smart as to detect something like and impending catastrophe?

In an international cooperation project, researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Konstanz/Radolfzell and the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour at the University of Konstanz, have investigated whether cows, sheep, and dogs can actually detect early signs of earthquakes.

The researchers have discovered unusual behavioral patterns up to 20 hours before an earthquake.

It is still unclear how animals can sense impending earthquakes. Animals may sense the ionization of the air caused by the changes in the electrical fields due to large rock pressures in earthquake zones with their fur. It is also conceivable that animals can smell gases released from quartz crystals before an earthquake.

“2 Lesser known effects of Air Pollution: Troubled Marraige, No Promotion at Work ?”

2 Lesser Known effects of Air Pollution:

Troubled Marraige, No Promotion at Work ? 

“Roses are red, violets are blue, bad hair days are okay, but BAD AIR DAYS WILL SCREW YOU” – Anonymous


Could not have summarized it better!

I will spare the lecture on how air pollution , or for that matter any damn pollution, is bad. And how the world is suffering because of it.

Will surprise you with the lesser known impacts of air pollution on us.

So here we go!

Cognitive Impairment

A study at MIT done by Juan Palacios, shows indoor air pollution due to fine particles causes impaired learning and damaged health and performance outcomes.

Fine particulate matter refers to tiny particles 2.5 microns or less in diameter, commonly known as PM2.5. They are often associated with burning matter — in internal combustion engines in autos, coal burning , wild fires and in developing world burning of wood for cooking inside closed walls.


Before you reach any conclusions  that as emissions standards increase and more electric cars are adopted, particulate matter from vehicle brakes, wearing down of tires, and road surface abrasion will overtake fuel emissions as the leading source of vehicle particulate emissions within the next two decades

The World Health Organization estimates that air pollution leads to over 4 million premature deaths worldwide every year, due to cancer, cardiovascular problems, and other illnesses.

in Short , it has a negative impact on cognition.

Clean air makes for clearer thoughts and sharper thinking.

The high ranking office holders are more frequently than not making high stake decisions that range from product design to launch, market assessments and working on improving sustainability solutions. All these involve multiple levels of discussions and then seriously challenging decision making. When such decision are to be made at such a high frequency and  there is always a pressure to perform the impact of indoor air quality and  air pollutants especially PM 2.5 is drastic.


“when PM 2.5 level went up inside closed doors people were more likely to make mistakes- and the mistakes grew larger with time.”

Juan Palacios found out that when PM 2.5 level went up inside closed doors people were more likely to make mistakes- and the mistakes grew larger with time, thus impacting career growth . The effect of this air pollution became particularly pronounce under time pressure when situations demand a certain number of moves  in a small duration, giving less time to think , assess decision and recalculate their moves etc.


What can be done to protect yourself from its impacts

No one is immune to the ill effects

Air pollution is impacting productivity in career and no one in the offices’ is spared from bottom to top.


Install multiple air filters in your office just as you would do at home for your family

Use Cleaner days to make Key Decisions!

Be mindful of this especially when taking pivotal decisions ‘Make such major key decisions on days when air pollution levels are at their lowest possible.

SO now you know why you have been messing up your career progression and chances of promotion.

Its not you. Its the air!


Increasing Divorce Rates/ Troubled Marriages

Breathing dirty air can make you sick. But did you know it can also make you more aggressive. That can lead to clash of thoughts in spouses and thus can put strain on marriages.

That’s the conclusion from a set of studies  authored by Colorado State University researchers in Economics, Atmospheric Science and Statistics.

 “The research found strong links between short-term exposure to air pollution and aggressive behavior”

This was  in the form of aggravated assaults and other violent crimes across the continental United States.

The Colorado State University researchers cross-analyzed three highly detailed datasets:

    • daily criminal activity
    • county-level air pollution
    • daily data on wildfire smoke plumes from satellite imagery.


When it was  observed whether crimes occurred inside or outside the home; they found that 56 percent of all violent crimes and 60 percent of all assaults occurred within the home,

which is an indication that many such crimes are tied to domestic violence.


Notably all crimes  might not even be physical—one can assault someone verbally.That suggested  when you’re exposed to more pollution, you become marginally more aggressive, so those altercations where things that may not have escalated,do escalate, thus causing troubled marriages.


The researchers were careful to correct for other possible explanations, including weather, heat waves, precipitation, or more general, county-specific confounding factor solar exposure.


So the next time you shout at your partner realise that it might not be them who might be at fault but the Indoor air pollution messing up your brains.

You might as well get a heart attack because of the stresses, thats a different story for a different day.

Though there is no formal research on Divorce rates and air pollution but many other research pieces are suggestive that more domestic violence and increasing aggression in families can eventually lead to permanent or temporary separation.