
Fooled by Randomness

The Randomness of the Universe

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have all the luck in the world, while others struggle to catch a break?

Have you ever prayed for a miracle, or cursed your fate, or wished upon a star?

Have you ever thought that there is a hidden plan or purpose behind everything that happens in your life?

Have you ever thought why the same prayer is answered by God to some and not to others. Afterall we all pray and seek the same stuff when we fold our hands in obeisance to our Supreme Power? Long life, more money, more happiness, more health, more fun!

If you answered yes to any of these questions, congratulations, you are not alone!

Be ready to be surprised that the outcome of your life is largely determined by random events over which you have no control!

That’s right, its Randomness!

And it is everywhere in our universe, and it affects our lives and beliefs in ways that we often don’t realize or appreciate.

It governs your luck, it governs your prayers, it governs your fate, even free will,  chance, and destiny!

Randomness challenges our common assumptions and expectations about reality, causality, and morality. It is important to understand what randomness means in mathematics and science, and how it differs from determinism and causality.

Believe me when I say, randomness influences our philosophy and psychology. Randomness impacts our society and culture, and shapes our religion, ethics, and behavior.

So, are you ready to enter the universe of randomness?

Ohk, that did not sound right. We are already living in a Universe of Randomness. 😊

So, let’s begin by understanding what randomness is? And where it comes from?

Then I am sure you will understand the topic of discussion (and I might not have to write anything about its implications at all, who knows!)



Randomness refers to the lack of pattern or predictability in events or outcomes.

In essence, it describes situations where there is no discernible order or predetermined sequence governing the occurrence of events.

In various disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and statistics, randomness is often quantified using probabilities. Events or outcomes are considered random if they cannot be precisely determined or predicted, even with complete knowledge of the relevant circumstances.

The origins of randomness are deeply intertwined with the fundamental nature of the universe. In the realm of quantum mechanics, for example, phenomena at the subatomic level exhibit inherently probabilistic behavior. Particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed, and their behavior follows probabilistic laws rather than deterministic ones.

In everyday life, randomness emerges from the complex interplay of countless variables and factors, both known and unknown. Factors such as chance encounters, unforeseen circumstances, and the inherent complexity of systems contribute to the presence of randomness in our experiences.

“Overall, randomness is a fundamental aspect of reality, arising from the intricate web of interactions and uncertainties that characterize the universe.”


Randomness and Mathematics/Science

What is randomness and where does it come from?

Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events or phenomena.

In other words, randomness means that we cannot know for sure what will happen next, or why something happened the way it did.

Randomness can be measured and tested by different criteria, such as:

  • Uniformity: Randomness implies that all possible outcomes or values have the same probability of occurring, or that they are equally likely or distributed. For example, a fair coin toss or a fair dice roll are examples of uniform random events, where each side or number has a 50% or 16.67% chance of showing up, respectively. Also called The Gambler’s Fallacy.
  • Independence: Randomness implies that each outcome or value is not influenced or affected by any previous or future outcomes or values, or that they are unrelated or uncorrelated. For example, a series of coin tosses or dice rolls are examples of independent random events, where the result of each toss or roll does not depend on or affect the result of any other toss or roll.
  • Complexity: Randomness implies that the outcomes or values are not simple or regular, or that they are difficult or impossible to compress, predict, or explain. For example, a sequence of digits or letters that are randomly generated or encrypted are examples of complex random events, where the sequence has no pattern, rule, or meaning that can be easily identified or reproduced.

Why is randomness important and interesting in mathematics and science?

Randomness also reveals some of the mysteries and paradoxes of our universe, such as:

Probability theory:

    • Probability theory is the branch of mathematics that studies the likelihood and behavior of random events or phenomena.
    • Probability theory also helps us understand and deal with uncertainty, risk, and decision making, using frameworks and principles such as game theory, decision theory, utility theory, etc.


    • Statistics is the branch of mathematics that collects, organizes, summarizes, and interprets data or information.
    • Statistics helps us describe and infer randomness, using methods and measures such as mean, median, mode, range, quartile, standard error etc.
    • Statistics also helps us compare and contrast randomness, using techniques and tests such as  t-test, chi-square test, etc.


    • Cryptography is the branch of computer science that protects and secures data or communication.
    • Cryptography uses randomness to create and break codes or ciphers.
    • Cryptography also uses randomness to generate and verify keys or passwords.
    • Cryptography also uses randomness to ensure and enhance privacy and anonymity, using schemes and networks such as encryption, decryption, steganography, onion routing, etc.

Computer science:

    • Computer science is the branch of science that studies the design and operation of computers and software. Computer science uses randomness to create and improve algorithms or programs, to explore and discover new possibilities or solutions, using methods and strategies such as search algorithms, optimization algorithms, machine learning, etc.


    • Biology is the branch of science that studies the structure and function of living organisms and their interactions. Biology uses randomness to explain and understand the origin and evolution of life, using theories and mechanisms such as abiogenesis, natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, recombination, etc.
    • Biology also uses randomness to examine and manipulate the behavior and properties of life, using tools and techniques such as DNA sequencing, gene editing, synthetic biology, etc.


    • Physics is the branch of science that studies the nature and behavior of matter and energy.
    • Physics uses randomness to explore and reveal the fundamental laws and principles of our universe, using models and frameworks such as quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, etc.
    • Physics also uses randomness to demonstrate and illustrate the complexity and unpredictability of our universe, using phenomena and effects such as quantum entanglement, quantum tunneling, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, etc.
    • Physics also uses randomness to challenge and question the reality and causality of our universe, using paradoxes and interpretations such as Schrödinger’s cat, the EPR paradox, the many-worlds interpretation, etc.

Randomness and philosophy/psychology

How does randomness affect our free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose?

Randomness poses some of the most fundamental and challenging questions for our philosophy and psychology.

One of the most important and controversial questions is: How does randomness affect our free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose?

Free will is the ability or power to act or choose according to one’s own will or preference, without being constrained or determined by external factors or forces.

Moral responsibility is the obligation or duty to act or behave in a certain way, based on moral principles or values, and to be accountable or liable for the consequences of one’s actions or choices.

Sense of purpose is the feeling or belief that one’s life has meaning or significance, and that one’s actions or choices are aligned with one’s goals or aspirations.

  1. Free Will: Randomness can challenge the traditional concept of free will, which suggests that individuals have the ability to make choices independent of deterministic or random influences. If events are truly random and beyond our control, it may call into question the extent to which we have genuine autonomy in decision-making. Some philosophers argue that even if certain events are random, our responses to those events still reflect our character and values, preserving a sense of agency and responsibility.
  2. Moral Responsibility: Randomness can complicate notions of moral responsibility by introducing uncertainty about the causes of certain actions or outcomes. If an action or consequence arises from a random event, it may be less clear who or what is ultimately responsible. However, many ethical theories emphasize the importance of intention, deliberation, and foreseeable consequences in determining moral responsibility, rather than solely focusing on the causal chain of events.
  3. Sense of Purpose: Randomness can challenge individuals’ sense of purpose by introducing unpredictability and uncertainty into their lives. If significant events are determined by random factors rather than personal agency or external forces, individuals may struggle to find meaning or direction in their experiences. However, some people may find a sense of purpose in responding adaptively to random events, embracing uncertainty as an inherent aspect of life and finding meaning in their efforts to navigate unpredictable circumstances.

Ultimately, the impact of randomness on free will, moral responsibility, and sense of purpose is a matter of ongoing philosophical inquiry and personal interpretation.

Are Prayers, Luck, and Fate All Random?

Have you ever wondered how much of your life is determined by prayers, luck, and fate?

Do you believe that there is a divine plan for you, or that you are at the mercy of chance, or that you can create your own destiny?

In this article, we will challenge the common assumptions and beliefs about these concepts, and show that they are all random and not predetermined.

Although you may choose to differ. As has been done for ages by man, as it gave him a sense of safety, belonging and positivity.

What are Prayers, Luck, and Fate?

Prayers, luck, and fate are concepts that have fascinated humans for centuries. They refer to the different ways that events and outcomes are influenced by our wishes, by chance, or by destiny. Here are some definitions of these terms:

  • Prayers are the expressions of our desires, hopes, or requests to a higher power, such as God, the universe, or the angels. Prayers are often used to ask for help, guidance, protection, or blessings in our lives.
  • Luck is the phenomenon of experiencing good or bad events that are random and unpredictable, and that can have positive or negative consequences for us. Luck is often attributed to external factors, such as fortune, fate, or karma.
  • Fate is the idea that everything that happens is predetermined by a higher power, such as God, the stars, or the laws of nature. Fate is often seen as inevitable, unavoidable, or unchangeable.

Why are Prayers, Luck, and Fate All Random?

Many, if not all, people believe that prayers, luck, and fate are not random, but rather have a logic, a purpose, or a meaning behind them. They believe that there is a reason for everything that happens, and that nothing is a coincidence. They believe that prayers are answered, luck is influenced, and fate is fulfilled.

They are the Believers.( Simply put they are men of faith. Faith being a non-scientific and a non-Darwinian term)

However, there is no evidence or proof to support these beliefs(I will refrain from calling these all as facts as they lack definitive scientific proof). In fact, there are many arguments and facts that show that prayers, luck, and fate are all random and not predetermined. Here are some of them:

Prayers are not answered

    • There is no scientific or empirical way to measure or verify the effects of prayers.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is heard, granted, or ignored by a higher power.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is aligned with the will, the plan, or the intention of a higher power. For some one who is terminally ill and who believes in the supreme power still prays for long life. Will that prayer be in contradiction to the Supreme power’s intention of ending that person’s life?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is self-fulfilling, placebo, or confirmation bias.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is influenced by other factors, such as human actions, natural causes, or random events. Yes, if u ask for success in an examination and get down to study for it then you might be granted your prayer. But in actuality , you would not have needed the prayer in the first place.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is consistent, fair, or just. I pray that my neighbor should face the worst things in life because he parks his cars in my parking slot and plays loud music. Will this prayer be just?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is ethical, moral, or good.
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is beneficial, harmful, or neutral. I pray I should loose 30 pounds and have a lean chiseled body? How would I know if what I asked for is beneficial to me or not?
    • There is no way to know if a prayer is effective, useless, or counterproductive.
    • There is no way to know whose prayer will be “heard” and “granted”. You and the millions of people in the world ask for eternal youth, long life, happiness, health. Some are “granted” their wishes , some in part, some in totality and some keep praying hoping for a “miracle”.

We spend decades of our lives praying for things we don’t need.

Believers will argue that praying gives them a sense of comfort, a connect with their Father, sense of security and it allays their fears. Well, that’s about it.

It is a psychological comforter.

Though you have to do, what you have to do , to reach wherever you want to in life ,a prayer works like a distant object which helps you maintain your balance( psychological here) when you have to stand on one foot.

All you do when you pray is seek reduction of randomness( from the universe ,maybe!). Less the randomness more the probability. More the probability more the chance of occurrence of a particular event.

So there you are.

You can pray!  But it doesn’t work the way you think it does.

Its not like someone in the sky is listening to it and taking shorthand notes, to be forwarded to the director of your destiny, asking him to make certain asked-for changes in your life plot.

The only person who listens to your prayers is your inner self, the subconscious mind and that, my friend, is the biggest power you have.

Luck is not influenced

    • There is no logical or causal way to explain or predict the occurrence of luck.
    • There is no way to know if luck is determined by fate, karma, or destiny.
    • There is no way to know if luck is affected by prayers, wishes, or curses.
    • There is no way to know if luck is related to symbols, rituals, or superstitions.
    • There is no way to know if luck is dependent on skills, efforts, or choices.
    • There is no way to know if luck is proportional, balanced, or fair.
    • There is no way to know if luck is deserved, earned, or gifted.
    • There is no way to know if luck is positive, negative, or neutral.
    • There is no way to know if luck is permanent, temporary, or cyclical.

Mathematically speaking, luck might not always be a zero-sum game.

It’s like stumbling upon a unicorn at a bus stop – highly improbable yet not entirely impossible.

Life, with its billions of moving parts and interactions with the outside world, is a chaotic dance where the least probable events occasionally steal the spotlight.

Most of the time, life’s script unfolds predictably, like a well-rehearsed play. But every now and then, out of the blue, an unexpected twist emerges. These curveballs, propelled by external forces and cosmic whims, defy the odds and make a grand entrance into our lives.

We call this phenomenon “luck.”

So basically “luck” too is a randomness.

I remember when I was in school and we had examinations. We would, obviously unable to read all the books in their entirety, just flipped over the book and wherever it stopped we would just read the topics. Obviously when ,the next day, we did face our fears in the examination center some of the students who had done the same act of random topic revision yesterday did well and some didn’t, as they had not touched some topics. Randomly!

We had basically done a randomization of the probability of some question to appear the next day in the examination paper.

And called it …… luck (good or bad) the next day!

Getting the point?

Though there are people who believe that the evidence strongly suggest that luck and opportunity play an underappreciated role in determining the final level of individual success..

Relying too much on luck can make us beholden to external forces, but by mastering our minds, we can diminish its hold on us.

The key lies in finding joy in our endeavors, where hard work becomes effortless, allowing us to minimize the role of luck and pursue our passions with purpose.


Fate is not predetermined

    • There is no philosophical or metaphysical way to justify or accept the existence of fate.
    • There is no way to know if fate is imposed by a higher power, or chosen by ourselves.
    • There is no way to know if fate is fixed, flexible, or changeable.
    • There is no way to know if fate is known, unknown, or unknowable.
    • There is no way to know if fate is compatible, incompatible, or independent of free will.
    • There is no way to know if fate is rational, irrational, or paradoxical.
    • There is no way to know if fate is meaningful, meaningless, or absurd.
    • There is no way to know if fate is good, bad, or indifferent.
    • There is no way to know if fate is real, imaginary, or illusory.

We like to think we’re the masters of our own destiny, captains of our own ship navigating the seas of life.

But in reality, we’re mere passengers on a wild ride through the chaotic currents of fate.

No matter how carefully we plan, how diligently we strive, there’s always an element of unpredictability lurking just around the corner.

Fate is simply the wild unpredictability of nature, where chance reigns supreme and outcomes are determined by the roll of cosmic dice with n-number of faces!

How to Live with Randomness?

If prayers, luck, and fate are all random and not predetermined, how can we live with this uncertainty, unpredictability, and chaos?

How can we cope with the lack of control, order, and purpose in our lives?

How can we find happiness, peace, and fulfillment in a random world?

Learn to live with randomness:

Accept Randomness

The first step is to accept the reality of randomness, and to stop denying, resisting, or fighting it.

Randomness is not something to be feared, hated, or avoided, but rather something to be embraced, appreciated, and enjoyed.

Randomness is not a problem to be solved, a challenge to be overcome, or a threat to be eliminated, but rather an opportunity to be explored, a mystery to be discovered, or a gift to be received.

Randomness is not a curse, a punishment, or a mistake, but rather a blessing, a lesson, or a surprise.

Randomness is not a flaw, a defect, or a weakness, but rather a feature, a quality, or a strength.

And we do accept it. We ask for wishes from our Supreme power, and when they donot realize we convince ourselves that He must be having a better plan for us. We rationalize the act of randomness and move on.

Keeping faith gives us comfort and believing that your acts are being watched and noted and your deeds will be punished or rewarded we stay grounded.

Adapt to randomness

The second step is to adapt to the changes, variations, and fluctuations that randomness brings.

Adaptation is not about giving up, conforming, or compromising, but rather about learning, growing, and evolving.

Adaptation is not about losing, failing, or suffering, but rather about winning, succeeding, and thriving.

Adaptation is not about settling, stagnating, or regressing, but rather about improving, progressing, and advancing.

Adaptation is not about surviving, coping, or enduring, but rather about living, creating, and enjoying.

Thats what religion/sects preach. Do not question. Believe. Do not despair. Hope. Do not fail. Try and win.

Basically they all preach adaptation to randomness, which might disappoint you(often!) but when it does reward you(rarely!), you will be content.

Create your own meaning

The third step is to create your own meaning, purpose, and value in a random world.

Meaning is not something that is given, imposed, or predetermined by a higher power, by fate, or by luck, but rather something that is created, chosen, and determined by ourselves, by our actions, and by our decisions.

Meaning is not something that is fixed, absolute, or universal, but rather something that is dynamic, relative, and personal.

Meaning is not something that is found, discovered, or revealed, but rather something that is made, invented, or expressed.

Meaning is not something that is passive, reactive, or dependent, but rather something that is active, proactive, and independent.

As we all create meanings when randomness disappoints us. We fall upon bad-luck and we derive that something worse could have happened and a little bad averted the larger one.

We create meaning of different verses of God according to our own comfort.

We imbibe what suits us.


Prayers, luck, and fate are all random.

They are dynamic and interactive. They might seem to be  influenced by our beliefs, actions, and reactions but they are what they are…randomness of the universe at play.

They are part of the mystery and the beauty of life.

So, the next time you wonder how much of your life is determined by prayers, luck, and fate, remember that you have the power to create your own meaning, to adapt to randomness, and to accept the unknown.


So, we saw, how randomness is everywhere in our universe, and how it challenges our common assumptions and expectations about reality, causality, and morality. We ,hopefully ,now know what randomness means in mathematics and science, and how it differs from determinism and causality.  Randomness influences our philosophy and psychology, and we can relate it to concepts such as free will, luck, chance, and destiny. We examined how randomness impacts our society and culture, and how it shapes our religion, ethics, and behavior.

I hope that this article has given you a new perspective and appreciation of randomness, and that you have learned something new and interesting about this fascinating and mysterious concept. I also hope that this article has inspired you to think more critically and creatively about randomness, and how it affects your life and beliefs.

Randomness can be seen as a curse or a blessing, depending on how we view and cope with it. Randomness can be a source of fear, anxiety, or frustration, or a source of wonder, curiosity, or joy. Randomness can be a barrier to our goals, plans, or dreams, or a catalyst for our learning, growth, or discovery. Randomness can be a threat to our identity, values, or beliefs, or an opportunity for our diversity, creativity, or innovation.

The choice is yours.

How will you deal with and benefit from randomness? What do you think about randomness and how it affects your life and beliefs? Do you agree or disagree with any of the points or arguments I have made? Do you have any stories or examples of randomness that you would like to share? Do you want to learn more about randomness and how to use it to your advantage?

Do read The 10 Life Strategies: Live the Life of your Dreams! to reduce the randomness in your life and increase the probability of success.

If so, please leave a comment below, share this article with your friends. Thank you for reading, and until next time, stay random! 😊


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