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The UFOs: Are they still a mystery??

For decades, the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) has captivated the imagination of people ,around the world, about those elusive visitors from realms unknown. These flying objects have been  weaving their enigmatic tales through the fabric of human curiosity for ages.

Whether witnessed firsthand or seen through videos and photographs, the mystery surrounding these enigmatic objects continues to intrigue and fascinate us.

From the hushed whispers of conspiracy theorists to the cryptic allure of classified government archives, the question lingers like stardust in the cosmic breeze.

Are they still unidentified?

This article is your passport to the uncharted territories of the skies, where mystery and reality dance in an elusive waltz. Armed with scientific insight and government revelations, we’re set to unravel the enigma that has both perplexed and thrilled generations.

From grainy snippets of otherworldly encounters to the inked secrets of declassified documents, our journey will navigate the cosmic currents, offering a glimpse into the celestial puzzles that continue to perplex us.

Let’s venture into the cosmic unknown and see if the unreal might just be real.

Together, let’s ask the age-old question anew: Are UFOs still dancing in the shadows of the unknown?


Eerie History of UFO Sightings

In the shadowy annals of the unknown, the term UFO casts a spectral glow over centuries of unexplained aerial phenomena. Whispers of extraterrestrial visitations and questions about life beyond our realm have echoed through time.

The first well-known UFO sighting occurred in 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of nine high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington.

The newspaper which reported this incident, mistakenly stated that the objects were saucer-shaped, and so the name stuck, The Flying saucers!

The same year, a mysterious wreckage was found near an Army airfield in Roswell, New Mexico, which was initially reported as the remains of a flying saucer, but the army denied it and said it was the remains of a weather balloon.

Fifty years later, the military issued a subsequent statement admitting that the Roswell wreckage was not a weather balloon, but was in fact a part of Project Mogul, a top-secret atomic espionage project. 

The U.S. Air Force began an investigation of these reports called Project Sign in 1948.

This was succeeded by Project Grudge and then by the longest-lived of the official inquiries into UFOs, Project Blue Book.

Spectral Shifts in Public Perception

The public’s fascination with the ethereal dance of UFOs has cast a spell spanning centuries, but in recent decades, this fascination has morphed into an obsession.

Early accounts fueled the sale of newspapers, and today, these tales weave their eerie allure as reliable online clickbait.

Skepticism, once a shield against the unknown, is unraveling like an ancient scroll, with 34% of Americans now entertaining the spectral notion that UFOs are alien vessels or puppeteered by nonhuman entities—up from a mere 20% in 1996.

This unholy shift, some say, is driven by a dark force: increased government transparency and an insatiable hunger for more sinister data.

In conclusion, as the cosmic void remains unconfirmed in its secrets, the enchantment with UFOs persists, a ghostly dance that captivates the collective imagination, seeping into the cultural veins of the known and unknown. Are we on the brink of unlocking cosmic secrets, or are we destined to remain forever entangled in the mysterious shadows of the unexplained?


NASA work on UFOs

NASA has been actively involved in the study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), now referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

In September 2023, NASA released a report on their probe into hundreds of UFO sightings. The report, which is 36 pages long, outlines how NASA plans to investigate UAPs using improved technology and artificial intelligence.

While the report found no evidence that aliens were behind the unexplained phenomena, it also did not rule out that possibility. The report emphasized the need for more high-quality data to make definitive scientific conclusions about the nature and origin of UAPs.

NASA’s administrator, Bill Nelson, stated that the US space agency will not only take the lead in researching possible UAP incidents but will also share data with more transparency. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, NASA did not deny the possibility of “potential unknown alien technology operating in Earth’s atmosphere”.

NASA’s involvement in the study of UAPs signifies a shift in the conversation about UAPs from sensationalism to science. The space agency believes that more science and less stigma are needed to understand these phenomena. NASA’s approach to the study of UAPs is open and transparent, and it aims to reduce the stigma around UAPs.

The Galileo Project


CIA’s collection of UFO documents  (available online)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has made a significant amount of its documents on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) available online.

These documents, which span from the 1940s through the early 1990s, were declassified and can now be accessed by the public.

The collection, which is approximately 2,780 pages long, includes reports of UFO sightings, intra-agency memos about how the CIA handled public inquiries about UFO sightings, and CIA cables reporting unsubstantiated UFO sightings in the foreign press.

These documents were made available online through the efforts of The Black Vault, an online archive of declassified government documents. The site’s owner, John Greenewald Jr., obtained the documents by filing a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

The documents are now available for download on The Black Vault website, along with over 2 million other declassified government documents. The documents have been converted into searchable PDF files,

In conclusion, the CIA’s collection of UFO documents provides a fascinating insight into the government’s investigations into UFO sightings and phenomena. It represents a significant resource for anyone interested in studying the history and investigation of UFOs.

The Pentagon has launched a new website to serve as a central hub for declassified information about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs.

This website is intended to be a “one-stop shop” for publicly available records about UAPs. It is expected to shed light on the work of an office Congress created last year that coordinates efforts across federal agencies to detect and identify UAPs.

The website currently includes a handful of videos, some labeled “unresolved” or “unclassified,” with short descriptions offering explanations of assessments by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

The AARO was established by the National Defense Authorization Act last year.

The website will house photos and videos about resolved UAP cases as they are declassified and approved for public release.

It will also feature links to reports, transcripts, and other resources like aircraft, balloon, and satellite tracking sites.

In conclusion, the Pentagon’s new website represents a significant step towards transparency and openness in the study of UAPs.


The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provides access to a vast amount of government records on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

These records can be accessed through the National Archives Catalog and NARA’s website.

The documents available online include reports of

  1. UFO sightings
  2. Intra-agency memos about how the CIA handled public inquiries about UFO sightings
  3.  CIA cables reporting unsubstantiated UFO sightings in the foreign press

These documents span from the 1940s through the early 1990s and were declassified for public access.

One of the significant collections available is Project BLUE BOOK, an Air Force program that investigated UFO sightings from 1952 to 1969.

Recent UFO sightings

There have been several reported UFO sightings in 2023 and 2024. Here are some notable instances:

  1. In 2023, the National UFO Reporting Center cataloged 4,186 eyewitness accounts of close encounters around the globe.
  2. More than 270 unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, were reported to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) between August 31, 2022, and April 30, 2023.
  3. In February 2023, a series of UFO sightings were reported in the U.S., with objects being spotted and shot down over South Carolina, northern Alaska, northern Montana, Canada’s Yukon territory, and near Lake Huron in Michigan.
  4. Chinese authorities were planning to shoot down an unidentified flying object that had been sighted in the skies near Shandong Province.
  5. A regional governor in Russia reported that the Kremlin had decided to destroy a UFO that had been sighted on January 3.

These sightings continue to be investigated, and while many have been explained, some remain unidentified.


As the flickering candle of human curiosity persists, so too does the chilling dance of skepticism and belief.

Is there a cosmic truth waiting to be unveiled, or are we destined to be perpetual wanderers in the vastness of the uncharted?

In the dim glow of uncertainty, our journey concludes, leaving the door to the mysterious, ajar!

The shadows persist, and the cosmic dance continues, leaving us suspended in a state of spine-chilling awe, forever reaching for answers in the eternal night of our age old question.




Flying Cars in India! Why we are better without them?

Flying Cars in India! Really??

What is happening around me??

Oh, that truck is driving in the wrong direction!!

There is a cow sitting in the middle of the road!

Red light? What red light? No matter what the traffic light says for all practical purposes it means it is green!!


Yes!Never in my 40 years of existence in India had I ever felt so overwhelmed by the chaos around me.

You see I had finally lived in a place where there were traffic rules that were bieng followed and there was a certain pleasure in driving because you were not worried about that one abomination that might curtail your life on the road.

You were one with your car and , for somebody who had been driving inline fours ,it was even more pleasurable with that glorious V6 under the hood pushing you through the air with panache and some insane velocities.

I had been in the Americas. North to be specific!

And after having “earned” my driving license ( Which is a story for another day!) I had finally “learnt” how to drive. What lane manners were, what a shoulder check was meant to be and what it meant when you saw a pedestrian crossing the road??

To someone who has been to India and more so who has driven in India these questions are the ones separating a driver from India and the one from the west.

Not for nothing are the Indian roads considered to be the world’s most dangerous roads.

Endless traffic jams, relentless honking, cuss words flying here and there, fist fights on even small insignificant things, cows sitting in the middle of the road that too on a flyover, religious/political processions throwing the cities out of rhythm.

The occasional VIP cavalcade causing the traffics to magnify, the usual ambulance stuck in traffic with no one letting it through, the cars trucks busses motorcycle cycle rickshaw and these days the e-rickshaws jostling for space  and in the process leaving their paint and sometimes body parts on the other, pedestrian risking their lives by crossing roads with cars crawling and sometimes flying around them.

People try to save fuel by driving on the wrong side of the road to take that turn which otherwise would have made them drive another 200 meters extra( talk about thrifty habits), the endless queues at the filling stations where employees are tirelessly filling up gasoline into small piddly cars and two wheelers.

Then lest we forget the road has been encroached not just by the animals of religious significance but by other factors as well. The shops display their goods on the walkways thus leaving no space for the pedestrians who have no option but to walk on the roads. The constructions are so smartly done that at the end of it the whole building is a foot wider in all directions, the holy encroachment, and more often than not it is towards the roads.

That organized chaos is Indian traffic.


So as you may have thanked The Almighty  by now , thanking Him that you are not driving in India or may be you are one of those adventurous types who would have it no other way than see it for yourself or maybe you have ,in your head , thought of ways to decongest the streets by maybe introducing flying cars in India……………………………….WHAT??!!!!!!!

Flying cars in India??

You must be crazy to even think about such  thing as a flying car in India.

Not because India doesn’t have open skies, it does!

Its not because India doesn’t have people who can afford it, it does.

Its not that India is not modern enough to envision such a thing, it does.

Not because India doesn’t have the political will to do it, it does.

But then why-oh-why do I say that you must be crazy thinking about a flying car era in India???


That my friend opens a Pandora’s box.

Let me tell you why this idea of yours is definitely not doable in India.

You better take the heart medication that you are on!

You better do some meditation before you read it further as it might numb your brain.

You better sit down at a safe place lest you fall down shocked and amazed.

You better keep that wine glass on the table.

You my friend might have just started a World War III. Joking!

In a land where the chaos on the streets is practically an art form and “organized chaos” is a lifestyle, the idea of unleashing flying cars into the Indian skies might seem whimsically adventurous.

However, hold on to your aviator hat, because now we’ll explore why launching flying cars in India could turn its lively streets into an airborne calamity, leaving you to ponder:

Is the sky really the limit, or have we finally exceeded our collective good sense?


Here we go!

Rain of Unwanted Surprises

In India you will find cars sparklingly clean from the inside with idols of gods and goddesses adorning the dashboards and fragrances soothing the passengers. A reason for that is that most Indian drivers usually don’t let garbage sit in their cars.

They just empty it out on the road! While on the move!

You won’t be surprised to see a car driving ahead of you slightly open its window and slide a banana peel onto the road as you zip along at a 100kmph.

Habits seldom change and so something similar done while flying a car can only be imagined.

Or not!

It will be an airborne carnival of garbage.

You’re walking down the street, soaking in the sun, and suddenly, without warning, a barrage of discarded wrappers, banana peels, and mysterious bits of who-knows-what comes raining down from above. It’s like a confetti of chaos, but instead of celebrating, you find yourself questioning your life choices.

Picture this:

You’ve just stepped out for a leisurely stroll, and suddenly, you’re in the middle of a garbage-themed surprise party. It’s not just wrappers; it’s a wild assortment of items, each descending like a quirky gift from the skies. Feeling lucky? You might get a plastic bottle or maybe even an unexpected fruit peel to jazz up your day.

Still want the flying cars in India?

Wait. And oh, the sights! Witness as the skies transform into a chaotic canvas of airborne oddities. It’s like a bizarre parade, only instead of floats, you have flying cars unleashing an assortment of items that would make any circus clown proud.

So, the next time you daydream about flying cars in India , remember that the fantasy might come with an unexpected souvenir for people on land(and there are plenty!) – a direct hit from the garbage brigade above.

Who would need rainbows when you can have a shower of surprises from the sky?



The Great Pan Spit Elevation

Indians love their mouth-fresheners.

The most popular being The Pan.

And somebody who has driven on Indian roads or even walked besides them knows what I mean by the spitting culture on Indian roads.

The roadsides are painted red by the red pan-spit of the millions of people who drive/ride or walk on them.

You will hardly come across any structure man made or otherwise which has not been embellished by these human salivary art forms.


Prepare for a tale that elevates the infamous practice of this pan spitting to a whole new level.

Quite literally.

Picture this: you’re on the 10th floor, enjoying the view from your apartment, when suddenly, your window becomes the unsuspecting target of a peculiar form of aerial bombardment. It’s not raindrops you’re hearing; it’s the unmistakable sound of pan enthusiasts turning the skies into their very own spitball arena.


Once reserved for the ground-level adventurers, the audacious act of post-pan consumption spitting has now ascended to unprecedented heights. No floor is safe from the airborne salivary assault, as even the 50th-floor residents find themselves unwittingly participating in this surreal rain dance of betel nut residue.


Imagine trying to unwind in the comfort of your own home, only to be greeted by a splatter on your window pane that would make modern art blush. It’s not just about dodging spit on the streets anymore; it’s about safeguarding your sanctuary from a descending deluge of pan-flavored precipitation.


And here’s the kicker – forget about leaving your windows open to enjoy a breath of fresh air. The risk of an uninvited, gravity-defying load of spit entering your living room has turned every window into a potential entry point for this peculiar brand of precipitation.

Close the windows, lock the doors, because the skies above have become a spitfire zone.


So, the next time you gaze out from your lofty abode, remember that even the highest floor is not immune to the airborne antics of pan enthusiasts.



Airborne Altercations

I believe road rage must have been invented ……..or at least perfected by Indian drivers.

They have highly inflated and very  fragile egos. They get offended very easily and anger is usually their first reaction when something untoward happens on the roads.

Considering the roads as their private property, they trudge around in their mechanized chariots and the more expensive the car they are riding the more pronounced the feeling becomes.

It is not an uncommon sight to see people arguing, fighting or even killing each other in a fit of road rage on Indian roads.

So when we think of flying cars in India we have to get ready for a turbulence of a different kind as we explore the phenomenon of “Air Rage” where the spirited macho spirit of Indian road rage takes to the skies.

Picture this: the air is filled with the roar of engines, and flying cars are jostling for airspace like territorial birds in mating season. Suddenly, two airborne vehicles collide, and what follows is not a civil exchange of information but a full-blown aerial altercation.


In the world of flying cars, the typical Indian road rage takes on a whole new dimension. No longer confined to heated arguments or occasional fisticuffs on the streets, our enthusiastic aviators engage in a war of words and, occasionally, airborne brawls.

It’s not just a fender-bender; it’s an aerial showdown, where the skies become a canvas for the art of vehicular vengeance.


The air is thick with tension and testosterone as our macho aviators exchange not-so-pleasantries in the realm where road rage meets air rage.

You might as well have a full-blown war in the air, with guns blazing!


And here’s the twist – instead of waiting for the authorities to sort things out, these high-flying warriors prefer settling their disputes mid-air, with words and their fists ,with the occasional gun fires adding a dramatic flair to the proceedings. It’s not about exchanging insurance information; it’s about asserting dominance in the wild blue yonder.


So, the next time you envision the freedom of flying cars especially in India , remember that with it comes a potential for airborne altercations, where the term “air rage” takes on a whole new meaning.


Airborne Nausea: The Unwanted Aerial Symphony


Well if you have been on Indian roads you have not been spared by the sight of people vomiting out of moving cars not only painting their own vehicles with their own gastric juices and its byproducts but also splattering pedestrians and other vehicles in its vicinity.

Now imagine this…….( Yup..yup….I am sure you got that picture in your head now… but for those unartistic minds who cannot paint the picture let us do it for you!)


Picture it: A motion-sick auntie, caught off guard by the twists and turns of the airborne journey, decides that the only logical response is to unleash the contents of her stomach into the great blue expanse. The once pristine air ( Not really…Indian pollution is world renowned)  now carries the unexpected aroma of airborne emissions, transforming the whimsical journey into a slightly less enchanting experience.

As the airborne journey unfolds,  the mere mortals on the ground now, must come to terms with the fact that the skies are  now full of emetic-projectiles being attracted towards the land by the not-so-absent gravity , which can land anywhere and lend “taste of the skies” a new meaning.

So now the pedestrians need to carry an umbrella or better a vomit-shield to protect the sanctity of their bodies and their clothes.

The windows of all the buildings will have to be kept closed at all times unless you want to re-do the paint on your interiors.



Drunk Flying Disasters

Lawlessness is the law on Indian roads.

Drunk driving is style!

So when you even so as dream about a flying car in India you must be….inebriated!!!

No offense. Let me explain!

Imagine a scenario where an inebriated(No offence to you my dear reader!) pilot takes to the skies, weaving through the clouds in a state of tipsy turbulence. The once-clear flight path now resembles a drunken zigzag, putting not only the intoxicated aviator at risk but also those sharing the airspace.

The unthinkable happens—an airborne fender-bender with a commercial airplane. The collision not only endangers the lives of those in the flying cars but also sends shockwaves through the aviation world, raising questions about the practicality of sharing airspace with larger aircrafts.

The risk of misjudged altitudes , just like misjudged distances under the influence, becomes a nightmare when one of these airborne vehicles collides with a building on ….say the 20th floor. The once-safe haven for families now becomes an unexpected landing pad for a wayward flying car, testing the structural integrity of buildings and challenging the architects’ foresight.

So a flying car with an under the influence driver/pilot will be a ticking time bomb in Indian Traffic scenarios.


The Aerial Parking Rebellion

Go through any Indian newspaper and you are sure to come across a news piece where a seemingly-harmless altercation over a parking space ended in one of the person being shot dead.

Yes! Its such a big problem.

India being one of the biggest economies and the world’s biggest country, population wise, seems to be running out of land…Ahh….so that’s why you thought about flying cars, I See!!!

But more people , more cars, more houses, less land…….. You are sure to have some sparks fly when u put flammable particles that close.

Hell! Bollywood has movies made on this evil called Parking!

So, the parking woes should be over in India if flying cars do come…. Only in your dreams!

Long story short- It will be a wild world of parking pandemonium where the concept of “to hell with the world” takes flight.

Imagine this: the streets, once neatly lined with cars, now resemble a chaotic jigsaw puzzle of flying vehicles haphazardly parked on rooftops, balconies, and any available flat surface. The flying car revolution will have brought with it an era of parking anarchy.


With the newfound freedom of the skies, some adventurous aviators will adopt a carefree attitude toward parking etiquette.

The mantra will become, “My work is done; to hell with the world.”

No longer confined by earthly constraints like parking lots or designated spaces, flying car owners nonchalantly land their vehicles wherever their hearts desire, leaving chaos in their wake.

Picture this:

You’re climb up to your roof top for a quick smoke or just to soak in some sun and what do you see. There are 3-4 cars parked there consuming all the space. you wonder when and who parked these cars here. You call the residents of the building and no one sems to know whose cars are these.

And the audacity hasn’t stopped there. Flying car owners, having completed their airborne escapades now abandon their vehicles with a laissez-faire attitude, oblivious to the inconvenience they have caused to you. “Parking spot? Who needs one when you can park on top of someone else’s home?” seems to be the prevailing philosophy.

You curse the drivers and pray to God to take you back to the times when people were just blocking your entry gates with their cars and you at least had a roof to sit and relax. Well, now, even that’s not possible as the time machine hasn’t been invented , YET!

And oh dare you tell those mischiefs not to park atop your roof Because they may just shoot you in your already empty head!





This is an evolving article.

Please Share your views and I will try to twist a tale around it in the most fascinating way possible.




1:4:2- The Ancient Forgotten Method of Breathing!

You are breathing wrong!!??



Can you fathom the thought that the very basic function that keeps us alive is being done wrong by us day after day , every day of our lives?

Its not eating!!!!

Which you obviously know YOU ARE DOING WRONG! All thanks to the social media influencers selling tricks  for loosing belly fats, gaining glute muscles in a  week or those silly challenges of getting you 6 pack abs.( I consider them silly because the people who follow them do believe that 30 days of 5 minute exercise will negate their life time of hogging shit!)


It infuriates me.


Makes me think where in the world is their common sense.


Or is it that expecting common sense these days is ironically the lack of common sense????



Getting back, so the thing that you are doing wrong, and nobody is talking about is BREATHING!

Yes, you read that right, you are inhaling and exhaling the wrong way.

Now before you call me names and challenge my knowledge, answer these simple looking questions.

    • Do you think breathings is a voluntary / involuntary act?
    • How many times do you breathe in a minute (Count it right now and you might get the right answer.)
    • Do you exercise?
    • Do you swim?
    • Do you run?
    • Are you finding ways to avoid playing with your kids because they drain you out quickly and you are left with hands on your knees gasping for air??


Yes…. I am sure I hit a few strings there ….and that must have sounded some notes in your head.


If yes, read on!




No one teaches us to breathe!

Have you ever been taught by your mom to breathe in a certain manner?

Has your dad asked you to inhale for a certain time?

Other than your swimming instructor has anyone else asked you to hold your breath, focus on your breathing?

Has your gym personal trainer ever guided you to inhale for a certain range of movement and warned you against certain movement during a certain period of your respiratory cycle????


I am darn sure that the answer to most , if not all, questions is ……………………………………………………..What Nonsense? Why will any one teach me how to breathe? I am alive because I am doing it right!

In which case you are probably doing it the best you can and you are one the wrong page of self realization and self discovery!

Click away! Go get your brain anesthetised by those Insta stories or YoobToob Shorts

Have a good one mate.


Wiser ones will answer a…………….. Simple No and will want to find out why I am talking about it!


There are a wide variety of research going on how to breathe and most of them have confounding results. Some encourage deep breathing whereas other condemn it.

Some think “Normal ” breathing is err….normal and other think otherwise.

What holds significance is the duration of these studies and there effects. Most of these studies have been done on a cross section of population. More often than not they were conducted on people who were having respiratory ailments as they were the ones available… easily.

Now before you start roasting me/ have already crucified me in your heads please keep reading and it will all make sense…eventually!

A few, surely, have been done on healthy subjects as well but then the duration for which these things have been studied is too short and the sample size too small to accept the conclusions of these hypothesis.


I being a scientist doesn’t believe anything and everything that a book says ( That book can be any book, mind you!) unless I can find conclusive evidence that the text mentioned in that book can be scientifically proven or experienced.


Ok, lets get to the main issue.

How long does a Turtle Live?

How long does an African Elephant live?

How long does a Dog live?

And that little rat?

And an average human being?

Ok now keep those answers in your head and soon the fog of confusion will wither away, and you will see the horizon crystal clear!


Humans breathe at a rate of 12-16 breaths per minute. They usually inhale for 3-5 second and inhale like in 2-3 seconds.

That’s average.

Not talking about a conditioned sportsman or that one fellow who can ,for the sake of challenge,  inhale and inhale  till he drops down.  Almost dead!.

So its for “normal” people.


Now its your turn.

How often do you breathe?  (Sounds silly but then that’s the whole story about. Making you realize that it might be the most important question you were ever asked!)

Now if you are in the normal group then its ok and you can continue reading further.

If you are breathing more than the “normal” person then you ,my dear, are heading towards a wall at an astronomical velocity.

That wall my friend is called death. (which will finally get to all of us but you, are in a hurry to reach it. (literally and metaphorically!))

So, if want to slow down you should not only read this but make it your bible and practice it like a damn religion. Without question and full commitment!


So, like 5000 years ago or even before that (no one knows the exact date) some seers passed down their teachings to their disciples and few of them finally converted them to written texts.

They talked about uniting the body, the mind and the spirit.

Those teachings  were meant to help the practitioner over come disease and suffering and evolve spiritually to a state of liberation.

They stated, “When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still, all is still.”

What the West has come to now as breathwork exercises are basically methods taken from the Eastern cultures where emphasis was laid on breath awareness, above everything else.

Anāpānasati refers to the mindfulness of breathing. It is the most important part of Buddhism meditation. Arguably Buddhism also originated and flourished during the same time when Yoga was spreading as a method of meditation and of becoming mindful of oneself.  So, some believe Buddhism also adopted Yogic Principles in its teachings.


Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial and revolves around meditation and movement, and among its five key elements are Neigong and Qigong, both of which prominently feature working with the breath. The commonest technique is called Crane Breathing.


Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that aims to bring harmony throughout the body by focusing on the breath , a method called “PRANA-YAMA”.

In Sanskrit, prana means “vital life force” and yama means “control”.

The controlling of breath is considered to be the key to quietening the mind and gaining higher consciousness.

Just so that you know a few names who do practice Yoga are- Lebron James, Sting, Jon Bon Jovi, Chris Hemsworth and our very own Iron-man aka Robert Downy Jr.

That was to exemplify why breathing is so very important and more than just doing it, doing it right is even more so!

The 1:1?

So what are we doing and where are we going wrong?

I will keep it simple for you.

No tech-talk.


Ok lets see… what we do is a shallow 1-3 second inspiration and a rapid 1-3 second exhalation.

Go on check for yourself.

It will be even lesser if you are sitting most part of the day , have no fitness regime, and have grown a  beer belly over the pandemic.

Well here is what we do


quick inspiration and if not an equally expiration then  definitely a shorter expiration than our inspiration.


So basically, we are running through a quick succession of motor activities  “unknowingly” not utilizing our complete lung capacity and all the nooks and corners of our inflatable gas exchanging apparatus.

Go through the scientific text while you sit on your comfy couch scrolling through endless stories and shorts , that humans only use the middle part of their lungs for respiration and most of the diseases effect the upper and the lower parts of the lung.


Because they don’t get enough air(and hence oxygen) to fight against the diseases.

Breath Awareness vs Excessive breaths (Hyperventilation)

The first thing that breath awareness exercises teach us, is becoming “aware” of your lack of proper usage of your lungs.

They teach that you have to inspire deeper and longer and make use of the alveolar real estate you have in your chests.

But what they don’t teach is to over do it.

At least Yoga doesn’t. It wants you to be comfortable in whatever you ae doing. Pushing and hurting your body is definitely not its aim.

People who know a little bit about wellness know what I mean!

You are not being advised to breath faster and more frequently.

Rather on the contrary you are being asked to breathe less!




I just said you are not breathing enough and now I am asking you to breathe less!!!!

I must be mad!!!

Well, apparently not!

By breathing less you are not being asked to deprive your divine gift (your body, off course! ) of the source of life, the air!

Breathing less means spending more time in your efforts of breathing.

Reducing the frequency of your breaths.

The concept of 1:4:2

Well, it might be a bit daunting for you to think of scaling the Everest but people who commit to it have scaled it many times over.

Same is true for everything!

Even your breathing can be modulated “voluntarily’ and your brain conditioned to do the same ” involuntarily”

So what is this mumbo jumbo 1:4:2?

Remember the 1:1?

Now inspirational and expiration were equal?

Here nothing is equal.

You inspire for what ever time you can/want.

Then ( hold on to your knickers!) you hold your breath for 4 times the duration of your inhalation.

and once you have been able to hold it for that duration you exhale “Slowly” for twice the duration you inspired.

Sounds Crazy?

Well its not.

( The practitioners of Yoga can Inspire for 10 seconds , Hold for 40 seconds and exhale for 20 seconds…that’s a single breath lasting for more than a minute!! )

Once I tell you this technique can add years to your life.

Now who wouldn’t want that??

If you have noticed there is emphasis on breath retention.

Retaining breath trains your mind and body. How?

Let’s see.

Your body is currently used to breathing in- breathing out and using whatever oxygen you are giving it.

The lungs are not being used at their optimum level. so available oxygen is not at optimum level.

Now you will argue my saturation is 97% or 98%.( Covid made us all self indulged, self-proclaimed , to some extent self-sustained medical professionals.)

And You are right.

But its not just the saturation in the blood that matters. Its the amount that reaches the tissue and then the amount the tissue can actually use for its own good.

The sooner your body takes up oxygen the sooner it throws out the carbon dioxide ,sometimes even not using the small amount of oxygen you gave it.


What the 1:4:2 does is that it makes you to inspire deeper( because if you don’t you will not go through the 4:2 as well.)

Use all those small pockets of air in your lungs ( called alveoli) for more exchange of gases between interior and exterior of the body.

You inspire more so more oxygen will be carried by the blood.

Then when you “retain” it the oxygen so available in the blood is exchanged better between the blood and the tissue (as now it has more time , you see!)

Once the appropriate exchange has happened and you expire SLOWLY you do so in a controlled manner thus taking control of your breathing.

Slow exhalation also is anxiolytic. It sooths your body and brain.

But I cannot always do this 1:4:2 in the daily routine. You would say!


And you wouldn’t be wrong in saying that!


It’s not supposed to be your breathing pattern normally.

These breathing exercises are supposed to train your muscles and more importantly your body that it has to function in a certain way.

And here is where the question of  is breathing voluntary or not is answered.

Its involuntary for most people but you can voluntarily make it work in a manner that it will remember to do the same involuntarily.

Muscle memory, in lay man terms.

The deeper you breathe and slower you breath the more your body utilizes the oxygen, making you feel relieved and stress free.

Stress reduces life expectancy.

Anything that reduces stress increases your life.


So, we are finally agreeing on things. Let’s keep going then!


Chest is the body part meant for breathing! Not so!


Well, you couldn’t have been more wrong!

We have been influenced by Youtubers and the chiseled body influencers that you breath into your chest and tuck in your abdomen/belly.

A bulging belly is now a stigma.

Let’s see what breathing through your chest does:

Breathing with “just” the chest or the shoulders restricts you from using your complete lung capacity.

A lung is supposed to inflate like a balloon. It has to expand outwards(chest), upwards(shoulders) and also downwards(belly) to inflate properly.

Imagine you restricting the belly movement.

That can have some serious effects-

As the diaphragm contracts it flattens out. In the process it causes the pressure in the abdominal cavity to increase( that’s what makes you defecate / urinate) now if the abdominal muscles relax the abdominal pressure is dispelled and the lungs expand further. This continues until the abdominal muscles have been stretched to their very limit when a reflex contraction of abdominal muscles happens reversing the whole process along with the relaxation of the diaphragm.

Now what happens if you don’t use your belly for breathing?

The intra-abdominal pressure stays increased with each breath and a persistent increase in this pressure can lead to hernias.

This is in addition to the incomplete breathing you subject yourself to.

Breathing with the chest or the shoulders only will create tension and stiffness in the neck and the upper back thus affecting your posture and spinal alignment.

Why use your Belly for Breathing?

One is for the good breathing cycle  and the effects as we have discussed just now.

There is more?

Yes, absolutely!

Breathing through the belly moves and massages your internal organs and stimulate the vagus nerve, which can improve the digestive and the nervous systems.

Pancreatic movement and massage is known to release more insulin thus helping you lower blood sugar levels.

Sugar levels are known to be a causative factor in development of many cancers.

Cancers reduce life, don’t they?

Anything that prevents Cancers increases life, eventually.

Makes sense now?


Read on. There is more.


Your Mouth is meant for eating! Not breathing!

Another shocker?

You must be, “Che cosa? Ho fatto tutto sbagliato nella mia vita?”.

(Translates into: What??? Have I done everything wrong in my life?”


Maybe yes. Maybe No.


You are not supposed to inhale or exhale through your mouth and if you have been then……

You got that right!!!

…you have been doing it wrong AS WELL!

The breathing apparatus of our body starts with our nose and ends with it.

A quick science lesson.

A nose filters, humidifies and warms the air that goes into your lung.

Your mouth doesn’t!!

While exhaling if you breath out through your nose your sinuses get ventilated and cleared.

If you breath out through your mouth none of that happens.


Further, people who are nose breathers have lesser incidence of developing allergies and hay fever in life.

And so that is another thing that you can do right.


The Benefits of Breathing Correctly

And we come to how you ca increase your life expectancy by giving up wrong breathing habbits….

1. Stress Reduction

Deep breathing triggers the body’s relaxation response, which helps to lower stress levels. By focusing on your breath and taking slow, deep breaths, you can calm your mind and reduce anxiety.



2. Improved Oxygenation

Proper breathing allows for better oxygenation of the blood, which is essential for the optimal functioning of our organs and tissues. When we breathe deeply, we increase the oxygen supply to our brain, muscles, and cells, boosting our energy levels and overall well-being.


3. Enhanced Focus and Concentration

When we breathe shallowly, our brain receives less oxygen, leading to a lack of focus and mental clarity. Deep breathing improves cognitive function, helping us to stay alert, focused, and productive.


4. Boosted Immune System

Deep breathing stimulates the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins and waste from our bodies. By improving lymphatic flow, proper breathing supports a healthy immune system, reducing the risk of illness and promoting overall wellness.


5. Improved Digestion

Deep belly breathing massages the organs in our digestive system, promoting better digestion and absorption of nutrients. It can also help to alleviate digestive issues such as bloating and constipation.




Tips for Incorporating Proper Breathing into Your Daily Routine

Now that you understand, I suppose, the importance of breathing correctly, it’s time to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Here are a few simple tips:

  • Set aside a few minutes each day for deep breathing exercises. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. GYM IS NOT THE RIGHT PLACE. Too much noise!
  • Practice the 1:4:2 breathing pattern mentioned earlier. Inhale for one count, hold for four counts, and exhale for two counts. CAN DO EVEN WHILE COMMUTING TO WORK.
  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe, ensure that your belly rises and falls with each breath, while your chest remains relatively still. DO THIS EARLY MORNING OR AT BED TIME. This can be modified by isolating belly movements from chest movements and vice versa.
  • Consider incorporating mindfulness or meditation into your routine. YOGA HAS BEEN THERE FOR MORE THAN 5000 YEARS, SO YOU CANNOT GO WRONG WITH IT. These practices often emphasize deep breathing as a way to cultivate presence and relaxation.

Remember, breathing is something we do unconsciously every day, but by bringing awareness to our breath and practicing proper breathing techniques, we can unlock its full potential and experience the numerous benefits it offers.

So take a deep breath, relax, and let your breath be your guide to a healthier, happier you.

And remember that the journey to your goal becomes easier when you find a reason good enough.

Here the reason is your life!

Personal Gender Identity Exploration Questionnaire


2.Gender Identity





“Have you ever wondered about the intricate tapestry that makes up your sense of self?

Do you ever think about your gender but don’t know how to approach the question?

Have you ever had any second thoughts about yourself?


 The journey of self-discovery is a unique and deeply personal experience, and within it lies the exploration of one’s gender identity.


This questionnaire aims to provide a reflective space for you to ponder the various facets that contribute to your understanding of gender.

By delving into questions about identity, expression, and personal experiences, we hope to shed light on the diverse and nuanced ways individuals perceive and express their gender.


 The goal is to create a thoughtful and introspective process that helps you better understand your own feelings and experiences with gender.



If you’re exploring your own gender identity, it’s important to approach the process with self-reflection and self-discovery. Your honest responses will contribute to your better understanding of the rich spectrum of gender identities. So, let’s embark on this introspective journey together.



Here’s an elaborate questionnaire that you can use for personal reflection:



Personal Gender Identity Exploration Questionnaire


  1. How do you currently define your gender identity?

Open-ended response

The eleven types of different genders are

          1. Male
          2. Female
          3. Gender Neutral
          4. Genderqueer
          5. Genderfluid
          6. Agender
          7. Transgender
          8. Two-Spirit
          9. Non Binary
          10. Pan Gender
          11. Third Gender


  1. When do you feel most comfortable and authentic in terms of your gender expression?

    Reflect on situations where you feel most “yourself” in terms of gender.


  1. How do you feel about your assigned gender at birth?**


        1. Very comfortable,
        2. somewhat comfortable
        3. neutral,
        4. somewhat uncomfortable
        5. very uncomfortable.


  1. Have you ever questioned or considered a gender identity different from the one assigned to you at birth?


        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Not sure


  1. How do societal expectations around gender impact your thoughts and feelings about yourself?

   Reflect on how external expectations influence your self-perception.


        1. Traditional Gender Roles
        2. Appearance and Dress Code
        3. Behavior and Emotional Expression
        4. Occupational Roles
        5. Parental Roles
        6. Household Responsibilities
        7. Social Interactions
        8. Leadership and Authority
        9. Sexual Orientation
        10. Education and Academic Pursuits
        11. Body Image
        12. Reproductive Rights and Choices
        13. Athletic and Physical Abilities
        14. Expression of Power and Agency
        15. Compliance with Gender Norms


  1. What aspects of gender expression or identity do you find most important to you personally?

       Open-ended response or use the following options:

        1. Gender Identity
        2. Pronouns
        3. Gender Expression
        4. Clothing and Fashion
        5. Hairstyle and Grooming
        6. Body Language and Mannerisms
        7. Speech and Voice
        8. Name and Title
        9. Social Roles
        10. Interests and Hobbies
        11. Relationships and Intimacy
        12. Cultural and Religious Affiliation
        13. Medical Transition
        14. Community and Affiliation


  1. Are there specific experiences or feelings related to your gender that you find challenging or confusing?

   Reflect on any internal conflicts or uncertainties.

They might be some unfulfilled desires of wearing some dress,  donning a particular attire, adorning some particular hair-do  or carrying a particular fashion accessory.


  1. How would you like others to perceive and acknowledge your gender identity?

    Open-ended response.


  1. What role does your gender identity play in your overall sense of self?


        1. Very important
        2. Somewhat important
        3. Neutral
        4. Not very important
        5. Not important at all.


  1. Is there anything else you would like to explore or express about your gender identity?

     Open-ended response.



  1. How do you feel about your body in relation to your gender identity?

    Explore any positive or negative feelings you may have about your physical self.


  1. Have you found certain role models or representations in media that resonate with your gender identity?

Consider how external influences have shaped your understanding of gender.

That can be a particular renowned personality who has been brave enough to come out in the public accepting their thoughts and feelings.


  1. Do you feel a sense of belonging or connection with a particular gender community or communities?

    Reflect on any communities that you feel drawn to or identify with.


  1. How do you navigate discussions about gender with friends, family, or colleagues?

    Consider how your gender identity influences your communication with others.

Do you feel comforatble or uncomfortable while discussing about gender with friends , family or colleagues and you have this sense of insecurity that they are talking about you?? Or you will be judges if your secret came out ?


  1. What emotions or thoughts arise when you imagine expressing your gender identity authentically in various aspects of your life?

          1. Empowerment
          2. Joy and Happiness
          3. Relief
          4. Nervousness or Anxiety
          5. Freedom
          6. Validation
          7. Fear of Judgment
          8. Self-Discovery
          9. Vulnerability
          10. Pride
          11. Connection
          12. Curiosity
          13. Hope
          14. Resilience
          15. Excitement

Reflect on the emotional aspects of expressing your gender identity.


  1. Are there specific cultural or religious beliefs that impact your understanding of gender?

-Consider how cultural or religious perspectives may influence your feelings about gender.

        1. Traditional Gender Roles
        2. Modesty and Dress Codes
        3. Gender Segregation in Religious Spaces
        4. Gender-Based Rituals and Practices
        5. Marriage and Family Expectations
        6. Leadership Roles within Religious Institutions
        7. Gendered Language and Textual Interpretations
        8. Views on Homosexuality and LGBTQ+ Identities
        9. Cultural Perceptions of Purity and Impurity
        10. Impact on Reproductive Rights and Family Planning
        11. Influence on Educational Opportunities for Different Genders
        12. Role of Women in Religious Leadership
        13. Interpretation of Gender Ambiguity or Non-Binary Identities
        14. Cultural Practices Related to Birth and Naming Ceremonies
        15. Views on Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination


  1. Have you experienced moments of clarity or confusion regarding your gender identity at different points in your life?

    Reflect on any shifts or changes in your understanding of your gender over time.


  1. How would you describe your ideal or authentic expression of your gender identity?

    Envisioning the ideal state can help clarify your feelings and desires.


  1. Are there aspects of your gender identity that you feel ready to explore further?

     Identify areas where you may want to engage in more self-exploration.

            1. Gender Identity
            2. Pronouns
            3. Gender Expression
            4. Clothing and Fashion
            5. Hairstyle and Grooming
            6. Body Language and Mannerisms
            7. Speech and Voice
            8. Name and Title
            9. Social Roles
            10. Interests and Hobbies
            11. Relationships and Intimacy
            12. Cultural and Religious Affiliation
            13. Medical Transition
            14. Community and Affiliation


  1. How do you envision your relationship with your gender identity evolving in the future?

    Consider your long-term goals and aspirations related to your gender identity.


The goal is to create a thoughtful and introspective process that helps you better understand your own feelings and experiences with gender.


In conclusion, your participation in this questionnaire is a significant step towards recognizing and understanding the diverse spectrum of gender identities.

Thank you for your thoughtful participation, and may this knowledge empower you to contribute positively to the broader conversation around gender diversity.

10 Quotes of Swami Vivekananda for 2024.

10 Quotes of Swami Vivekananda for 2024.

Swami Vivekananda‘s teachings continue to inspire and hold significance.

They emphasize self-realization, the importance of action, compassion, and the recognition of divinity in every individual—values that remain timeless and applicable to our lives today.


Here are the 10 best quotes that will make your 2024 worthwhile.


“Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached.”

Get up, stay motivated, and don’t quit until you’ve achieved what you set out to do.

Take action and persevere.

 Instead of hitting the snooze button, get out of bed and start your day with a positive mindset.

Take small steps daily toward your goals.

 “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

Focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual well-being;

it starts from within.

Spend time in self-reflection, journaling, or meditation to understand your values and priorities.

Seek personal development through experiences that resonate with your inner self.

“The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.”

Be authentic, trust yourself, and stay true to your values;

that’s the key to a fulfilling life.

Embrace your uniqueness.

Pursue hobbies and interests that genuinely make you happy,

even if they don’t align with societal expectations.


“Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can, build your hope on none.”

Don’t procrastinate.

Take initiative, be proactive, and build your future with your own efforts.

Start that project or hobby you’ve been putting off.

Your actions and determination can be the source of your hope and motivation.


“The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him—that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free.”

Practice empathy and respect for others;

find freedom in recognizing the inherent value in every person.

 Approach disagreements with understanding and respect, recognizing the shared humanity in others.


“All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.”

Realize your potential; often, it’s our own limiting beliefs that hold us back.

The power is within you.

Take on challenges with a positive mindset.

Believe in your abilities to learn.

And overcome obstacles rather than focusing on perceived limitations.


“Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide.”

Embrace challenges, take calculated risks, and learn from both success and failure.

It’s all part of the journey.

Pursue opportunities outside your comfort zone, whether it’s starting a new project, learning a skill, or taking on a leadership role.

Embrace the lessons, regardless of the outcome.


“Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.”

Practice kindness and understanding.

Offer help when you can, and if you can’t, wish others well on their journey.

Offer support to a friend or colleague going through a tough time.

If you can’t directly assist,

express your well-wishes and respect their journey.

“The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.”

Believe in your strength and capabilities.

Self-doubt is the real enemy; don’t let it hold you back.

Face a fear or challenge you’ve been avoiding.

Recognize that your perceived weakness may be a temporary mindset, and you have the strength to overcome it.

“In a day when you don’t come across any problems, you can be sure that you are traveling on a wrong path.”

Challenges are part of growth.

If things seem too easy, reevaluate your goals and push yourself to aim higher.

If everything seems too easy, reassess your goals.

Challenges indicate growth.

Consider setting more ambitious targets that push you out of your comfort zone.

I am sure if you can imbibe these teachings in your life 2024 will be a cracker of an year for you.


Wishing you a Rockin’ 2024!

Go! Touch the stars!

Postbiotics Unleashed: 7 Wonders for a Happier Gut!

Postbiotics??!!?? What are they? The Gut SuperHeroes!

Hey there curious minds!

So, we’ve all heard about prebiotics and probiotics, the dynamic duo that keeps our guts grooving.

But guess what?

There’s a backstage VIP in this gut party, and it’s time we give it the spotlight it deserves.

Ever wondered what happens after the probiotics hit the scene?

Well, enter the unsung hero of the gut game – POST-BIOTICS!

Now, I know, it’s not the household name like its buddies, but trust me, it’s the cool kid you want to get to know. So, pull up your socks, because we’re about to dive into the secret life of postbiotics – the afterparty magic that’s keeping our bodies in tip-top shape.

Ready for a gut-check journey beyond the basics?

Let’s spill the beans on the postbiotic scoop, the super-food!


What is a Probiotic?

By Standard Definition

A postbiotics is a preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host.


A lot has been talked and read by you about how early programming of intestinal microbiota of a human as early as a fetus, during delivery(the benefit of ingesting vaginal microbiota on the future adult gut health), breastfeeding(the benefit of colostrum) and weaning (gradual shift to worldly bacteria) is important and has significant effects on our future gut health.

I will suggest you to read ” Shaping Microbiota During the First 1000 Days of Life” to understand more about it if you haven’t dipped your toes into this vast ocean of knowledge.

So you have heard of Probiotics and Prebiotics , right??


PROBIOTICS -are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”

PREBIOTICS –  are “substrates that are selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit”

and while we are at it!

SYNBIOTICS –  are “a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrate(s) selectively utilized by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host”



Alright, let’s take a stroll into the intriguing world of postbiotics – those unsung heroes you probably didn’t know your gut was secretly rooting for.

Creation of Postbiotics: The Backstage Buzz

So, picture this:

your gut is this bustling city, and probiotics are the superstar DJs at a music festival. But what happens when the beats drop and the concert is over?

Enter postbiotics, the real MVPs of the afterparty.

Ever wondered how these postbiotics pop into existence? It’s all about the probiotics doing their metabolic dance, fermenting substrates like it’s a gourmet food festival. Think of it as a controlled fermentation fiesta, especially when your fave fermented foods are in the mix.

Types of Postbiotics: The Fantastic Trio

Now, let’s meet the postbiotic rockstars

    1. The Metabolites
    2. Cellular Components, and the oh-so-mysterious
    3. Exopolysaccharides.

Brace yourself, this trio is about to blow your mind!


the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and their squad of peptides and organic acids. These guys are the cool cats, keeping your gut health on point. SCFAs? They’re like the Beyoncé of metabolites – powerful, in charge, and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Cellular Components

We’re getting microscopic here!

Imagine tiny cell fragments and lysates being the backstage crew, setting the stage for a killer immune system performance. Who knew our bodies had such an intricate production team? Studies even show they’re like the superheroes of immune modulation.


The unsung poets of gut health.

They’re like the bards, weaving a tale of gut barrier strength and cozying up with the host’s immune system. It’s like a friendly conversation between our gut and these mystical compounds.

Fun Facts Alert! Did You Know?

Ever thought your gut was the real MVP? Well, it’s home to trillions of these probiotic maestros, throwing metabolic parties 24/7.

Now that’s what I call a GUT FIESTA! 🎉*


Your morning yogurt or that kimchi sidekick in your sushi might just be the ultimate postbiotic power-up. Turns out, your taste buds are secret allies in this gut-friendly adventure.

But Wait, There’s More: Dive Deeper!

Now that you’re in the postbiotic groove, why not experiment with adding more fermented foods to your plate?

It’s like giving VIP passes to the probiotics for an exclusive gut performance.

Your taste buds will thank you, and so will your gut.*



Foods that may help increase postbiotics in your gut include

  • Buttermilk
  • Cottage cheese
  • High-fiber foods like oats, flaxseed, seaweed and garlic
  • Fermented pickles
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi.
  • Kombucha.
  • Miso soup.
  • Fermented sauerkraut.
  • Sourdough bread.
  • Tempeh.
  • Yogurt.

So, there you have it – a sneak peek into the world of postbiotics.

Who knew the gut had such a fascinating tale to tell, right?

Ready to keep this conversation rolling? Let’s chat about your gut’s favorite party tricks! 🎤💃

CBD’s 6 Paw-sibilities for You and Your Pet Pal!

The Wonder Drug-Cannabidiol (CBD)


Hey there, Pet Parents!


 Quick question: How much do you love your furball?


I mean, is it more like a pet or a bona fide member of the family?

Do you find yourself scrolling through endless photos of them, convinced that your pet is basically the cutest thing on the planet?


Yeah, I get it. (I have had that feeling myself, many times!)


Pets aren’t just animals; they’re our confidants, our stressbusters, and let’s face it, our four-legged therapists.


Now, here’s the real kicker:

If your pet is your world, shouldn’t you be doing everything you can to keep them happy and healthy for as long as possible, just the way you would do it yourself?


We bet the answer is a resounding “Yes!”


But here’s the kicker within the kicker – it’s not just about them. It’s about you too.


Think about it. Your pet is not just a pet; it’s practically your child. The one who cheers you up when you’re feeling down, the one who’s always ready for a cuddle, and the one who’s there, no matter what.


If you’re nodding along, with a big wide smile, thinking, “That’s my pet,” then this is for you.


I’m not here to throw a bunch of scientific jargon your way; I’m here for a heart-to-heart.


Picture this: a life where your pet is bouncing with vitality, and you’re right there beside them, feeling fantastic. That’s the dream, right?

Well, guess what?


There’s a little secret that can add some serious pep to your pet’s step and yours too – CBD.


Yep, you heard it right.


CBD isn’t just a trend; it’s a game-changer.


And we’re not talking about your pet;

we’re talking about both of you.


You’re in this together, after all. So, why not make the most of it?


So, here’s the deal: if you want that tail wagging a little more, that fur shining a little brighter, and yeah, maybe even an extra spring in your step, then stick around. We’re about to dive into the world of CBD, and trust me, it’s worth the journey.


This isn’t just about a supplement; it’s about a lifestyle upgrade for both you and your trusty sidekick. So, grab a coffee, get cozy, and let’s talk about why CBD might just be the missing piece in your pet’s and your well-being puzzle.


Ready to unleash the good vibes?


Let’s roll.


What is Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD  is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Unlike its more famous cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD doesn’t produce a ‘high.'( Now that might disappoint a few!)

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, influencing various physiological functions such as mood, appetite, and pain sensation.



Unlocking the Good Stuff

Why CBD is the Coolest Sidekick for You and Your Pet


Alright, buckle up, folks!


We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of why CBD isn’t just a buzzword but could be the secret sauce to a happier, healthier life – for both you and your furball.

  1. Pain Relief

Picture this:

You’ve had a long day, and your pet’s been running around like a furry tornado. Now, we all know those days can take a toll on those little paws and joints.

Enter CBD, the superhero of pain relief.

It’s like a spa day for your pet’s muscles and yours too! So, if you’ve got a pet that’s not as spry as they used to be, or if you’re feeling the aches, CBD might just be the comfort you both need.


  1. Anti-inflammatory Awesomeness


It’s like the grumpy neighbor of good health.

Luckily, CBD is here to smooth things over.

Whether it’s your pet dealing with arthritis or you nursing a post-workout soreness, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could be the friendly neighbor who brings cookies and good vibes.


  1. Chillin’ with CBD


It’s not just a human thing. Pets can feel it too.

Whether it’s thunderstorm jitters or separation anxiety, CBD might be the calming force you’ve both been missing.

Imagine a world where you and your pet can weather any storm together, cool as cucumbers.


  1. Munchies Anyone?

Lost appetite:

Isnt that a bummer?

More so,  when it’s your pet skipping meals. CBD has a sneaky way of reviving those food cravings.

Suddenly, mealtime isn’t just a chore; it’s a feast!

And hey, if your pet is eating like royalty, why not join the feast?


  1. Battling the Bad Guys


CBD isn’t just a peacekeeper; it’s a warrior too.

It fights off harmful bacteria, making it a double win for your pet and you.

A little extra immune system boost?

Yes, please!


  1. Conditions, Meet Your Match

Whether it’s glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, or Huntington’s disease, CBD might just be the unsung hero in managing these conditions for your pet.

It’s like having a versatile tool in your health toolbox.


  1. Pets in the Limelight

Now, let’s talk about your four-legged rockstar.

CBD isn’t just for you; it’s for your pet too.

From reducing pain and inflammation to promoting relaxation and fighting off bacteria, it’s like a wellness spa day for them.

It might even be the extra support they need for neurological diseases, skin disorders, or chronic pain.




How to Get in on the Action


Dosage, my friend, is the name of the game.

And there are different forms of CBD – oils, capsules, treats – pick your poison (figuratively, of course).

But remember, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

Talk to your vet, get the lowdown on the right dosage, and find the form that fits into your routine seamlessly.




A Word of Caution: Side Effects Edition


Now, let’s keep it real.

CBD is pretty chill, but it’s not without its quirks.


Dry mouth, maybe a bit of drowsiness – nothing too wild.


But, and this is a big but, this isn’t a medical prescription from Dr. Denny; it’s more like advice from a well-meaning friend (that’s me!).

Consult your vet, because when it comes to your pet’s health, they’re the real MVPs.




10 Space Missions of 2024: Moon, Mars, and Beyond!

10 Space Missions of 2024



The crew of Artemis II ( Pic Courtesy- NASA)

NASA’s Ambitious Artemis II Mission

Artemis II and III

Embarking on a celestial odyssey in November, Artemis II will see four astronauts orbit the moon, a daring feat not attempted since the space race. This mission, a prelude to Artemis III’s lunar landing in 2024, propels humanity back into the cosmic spotlight and we aim to land the first woman on the surface of moon, for the first tim


Artemis II- launch delayed to September 2025

Artemis III- launch delayed to September 2026




SpaceX’s Epic Quest to Conquer Space

In 2024,  Elon Musk owned SpaceX’s Starship, the veritable titan of rocketry, faces trials after two failed test launches in 2023.

With ambitions reaching Mars, Starship’s journey intertwines with NASA’s Artemis III, setting the stage for a space odyssey.

Starship is proposed to carry the astronauts from the Orion spacecraft as it orbits the moon and land them on the lunar surface.

But SpaceX needs to figure out

  • How to launch Starship safely and take it into orbit?
  • Land and reuse both the rocket booster and spacecraft though it has mastered that art in its falcon heavy rocket series.
  • How to refuel the colossal vehicle while it’s in orbit(this is the most challenging task at hand)

Launch dates– Not been released.





NASA’s Mission to Jupiter’s Enigmatic Moon- Europa

Journeying to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October, NASA’s Europa Clipper promises to unveil mysteries that could redefine our understanding of extraterrestrial life.

With high-tech instruments and a multitude of flybys, it’s a cosmic detective story in the making.

Launch dates- October 2024






NASA’s Robotic Crusaders Explore the Moon

Besides having extensive programs in place for taking their citizens to the moon, NASA and other countries also have extensive plans for the robotic exploration of our moon.

2023 has seen several nations and companies race to soft-land a spacecraft on the moon.

So far, only India has succeeded.

China has also been succesful in that in the past. Russia failed in its attempt, and the United States hasn’t even tried till 2023.

NASA’s CLPS program was to unleash robotic explorers on lunar terrain in 2024, led by Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander. But sadly the mission ran into unforeseen issues and the lander was lost although the rocket (Vulcan Centaur) made by joint Boeing and Lockheed Martin venture called United Launch Alliance performed as expected.

So, the first space test of 2024 failed. Now that’s not the right way of starting a year, is it?




SLIM( Pic Source- Japan Aerospace Exploration agency)

Japan’s “Moon Sniper” Aims for Lunar Glory by Precision Landing

Japan’s SLIM ( Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) mission, aptly nicknamed the “Moon Sniper,” gears up for a precision landing on the lunar surface in January 2024, although it was launched  in September 2023.

Armed with high-precision technology, it’s a daring pursuit of lunar glory, offering insights into the moon’s enigmatic landscape and thus paving the way for precise and safe landings for further missions to the moon and beyond.





ESA’s Hera Mission Deciphers Asteroid Impact

Following NASA’s DART( Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission in 2022 , European Space Agency’s Hera mission in October 2024 unravels the aftermath of a celestial collision, marking humanity’s first intentional shift of an asteroid’s trajectory.

A cosmic detective story unfolds, providing crucial data for planetary defense.

 Launch date – October 2024


7. Beyond the Belt

Polaris Dawn’s Daring Venture into Deep Space

Billionaire Jared Isaacman sponsors Polaris Dawn, aiming for the first private spacewalk beyond the Van Allen radiation belt.

This daring venture promises unprecedented insights into the effects of space radiation, surpassing the boundaries set since the Apollo era.



Pic source- Virgin Galactic

Axiom’s Military Mission and ISS Sojourn*

AXIOM-3-Launch date- January 2024

As more companies jump into the hotting race of space tourism. Along with NASA, SpaceX the latest one is Houston based Axiom.

Axiom-3’s imminent space escapade, featuring only military professionals and government astronauts, adds a new chapter to space tourism. This cosmic sojourn promises a unique blend of military precision and celestial exploration on the International Space Station.

The usual players- Launch dates- Multiple.

The usual players like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin will continue offering space ride seats to people who can afford them.

VIRGIN-GALACTIC – Sixth mission in January 2024

BLUE ORIGIN – Sometime in 2024 -dates undisclosed.


pic courtesy- Sierra Space

Starliner’s Crewed Debut and Dream Chaser’s Maiden Flight


Boeing’s Starliner, overcoming setbacks, gears up for its first crewed launch in 2024, joining SpaceX’s Crew Dragon in ferrying astronauts to the ISS.


Simultaneously, Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser, a shuttle-like cargo ship, promises a visually stunning maiden flight, diversifying the future of space travel.



NASA’s Sentinel Missions Monitor Our Planet

In 2024, NASA’s PACE and NISAR(NASA & ISRO collaboration ) missions will be launched.

These sentinel missions will

  • Become Earth’s vigilant guardians.
  • Offer a crucial perspective on our planet’s health

a testament to space exploration’s role in understanding and addressing the climate crisis.

PACE(Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem)– Launch date February 2024

  • will assess air quality and the health of our oceans. ( By phytoplankton mapping)


NISAR(NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) – Launch Date- 2024 (Not Yet Declared)

  • will deepen understanding of climate change , deforestation, melting glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes and more.



Why Wives are Always Complaining?

Why Wives are Always Complaining?

(Disclaimer: The writer is taking a definite mortal risk by even thinking(forget writing and posting it publicly. They did tell him there was a thin line between bravery and foolishness!) about this never-answered-dilemma. Our girls are the biggest blessings to us in our lives (until they are not!!). They make our lives heaven (Until some of them do send us there(literally)  or make us want to go there(literally)). This is a light hearted , brainless analysis and DOES NOT reflect the authors opinions or suggestions. The writer will strongly motivate you to just read it and forget it. Don’t even try to solve this puzzle because  no human has ever gone beyond “Why?”.)


Ok then.

Door locked. Check.

No one around. Check.


Let’s Go!!

“Ah, the melodic symphony of complaints—the soundtrack of marriage.

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a sitcom where the laugh track is replaced by an infinite loop of ‘Honey, we need to talk’?

Welcome to the bewildering world of ‘Why Wives Are Always Complaining?’

Have you ever wondered why your wife always complains about everything?

Is it because she’s unhappy, insecure, resentful, or just plain mean?

Or is it because you’re doing something wrong, and she’s trying to tell you in the most annoying way possible?

If you’ve ever pondered why wives seem to have an endless supply of grievances, you’re not alone.

But fear not!

We’re diving headfirst into this mystery.

Why does she gripe about the way you fold socks, the temperature of your coffee, or your mysterious inability to read her mind?

Let’s unravel this enigma together and maybe( Well, you won’t!) survive with our sanity intact.

Buckle up,gentlemen (and anyone else along for the roller coaster)!!

…….because we’re about to embark on a journey through the labyrinth of marital quibbles. decipher if it’s an ancient code or just plain old frustration, and sprinkle in some survival tips(Disclaimer: These tips are mere figments of writer’s imagination. They don’t work!).


Reason 1: She’s insecure and wants your attention

Every morning in the writers’ household felt like navigating a minefield.

Denny, the unsuspecting husband, would casually ask,

“Good Morning, honey, how’d you sleep?”

But little did he know that this seemingly meaningless and innocent question had the potential to unleash a storm of gargantuan proportions.


“You never listen!”


echoed through the kitchen as Denny sipped the last of his hot-chocolate, now wishing he’d inquired about the weather instead.

His wife, Penny, with a microscopic frown, had transformed into The Great Sherlock Holmes, seeking validation amidst breakfast chaos.

It wasn’t about sleep; it was about the subtle art of acknowledging her existence.

Possible Solution:  BE ALERT! SILENCE IS DEADLY.

Denny learned the hard way that nodding and smiling “in the right places” was the marital Morse code.

Silence meant ‘I don’t care’ in a language only wives seemed to understand.


Reason 2: She’s resentful and wants to hurt you

As the weekend approached, Denny—brimming with enthusiasm, and with a very short term memory—shared his grand plans for a movie night.

Little did he know that the ‘seemingly  romantic and  simple’ act of planning led to a heart-to-heart about the kids outing (that never happened) he promised three weeks ago.

The popcorn , as you rightly guessed, remained untouched as resentment brewed like a storm cloud in their living room that night. The movie? Who cares!



It dawned on Denny that apologies weren’t about admitting guilt; they were survival tactics.

He apologized for everything from the lack of family time  to the dinosaurs’ extinction, hoping to appease the resentment monster.

( Yes, you are right, even apologies work for a very short duration. So apologize periodically, fault or no fault. Hell, keep an alarm that reminds you twice a day , at minimum, to seek forgiveness from the All Mighty!)


Reason 3: She’s right and you’re an idiot

In the midst of a debate about the proper way to load the dishwasher, Denny—like a bold matador facing an angry bull—decided to challenge Penny’s logic.

Big Mistake!!

That decision, instantaneously, felt more like walking into a bear trap.

Her arguments, akin to Einstein’s theories, seemed flawless, while his resembled a hastily written grocery list.


Possible Solution: SURRENDER , CUZ YOU CAN’T WIN!

Denny, had by now mastered the art of conceding defeat, embraced the ‘You’re Right’ mantra like a prayer.

It was the marital code for ‘I surrender,’ ensuring survival in the perilous land of marital discussions.

(Its better to keep your sanity than your logic. Your science and concepts will mean nothing with a whirlwind of turmoil in your head and you running the risk of a heart attack. Accept you are an idiot and live longer!)




So, there you have it.

Now, armed with a dash of wit, a sprinkle of wisdom, and a newfound appreciation for the symphony of marital banter, go forth and conquer the mysterious land of complaints( Disclaimer: No one has ever conquered it and you will be no different. Not discouraging. It is what it is!)


Hold on to your socks (neatly folded or not), for this is merely the trailer to a never-ending sitcom that is marriage!


Listen, apologize (even when you’re not entirely sure why), and when all else fails, offer a hug like a superhero offering a peace treaty.( THIS DOES WORK! If she lets you hug her in the first place! I usually don’t risk it as my wife has a very strong right arm which I have learnt in the 12 years of our blissful marriage!)


And remember, when in doubt, a warm cup of tea and a genuine ‘I’m here for you’ can often work wonders. ( Keep your distance though. And do serve sugar separately! The days of food-fads and weight consciousness, I tell you!)


So, before signing off…..

There were “Some” of the possible reasons why wives complain, and how you can handle them with humor and grace.

Of course, these are not the only reasons, and…….

……..every wife is different.

Maybe your wife has a valid reason to complain, and you should listen to her more.

Maybe she’s just having a bad day, and you should give her a hug.

Or maybe she’s just a nagging shrew, and you should run for the hills.

Whatever the case, remember this: laughter is the best medicine, unless your wife is allergic to it.


In that case, you’re on your own.

6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!

6 Simple Steps to be a Super-Parent!


— Bette Davis

In this intricate dance of life, parents often become architects, fashioning the blueprint of their children’s existence.


The quote by Bette Davis succinctly encapsulates this paradoxical essence of parenthood, reflecting the delicate balance between nurturing and letting go.


As parents, they bequeath life itself, yet as their offspring grow, the urge to impart their own lived experiences and aspirations can overshadow the individual journey each child is destined to traverse.


I know, I know, we all have felt this way. The burden of our unfulfilled dreams lies on our kids’ shoulders.


Super-parenting, an evolving concept, transcends the conventional boundaries of guardianship.


Imagine a world where parental encouragement isn’t shackled by predefined paths, but rather acts as a nurturing catalyst for their children’s dreams.



It’s envisioning a scenario where parenting becomes a gentle gust, steering aspirations, yet never imposing limits or fears. These narrative invites reflection upon the prospects of embracing a form of parenting that liberates potential and fosters genuine happiness.




Now to the 6 Steps of Super-Parenting.

Let’s Go!






Super-parenting begins with active, empathetic listening.

Consider a scenario where a child expresses an interest in painting. Instead of immediately guiding them towards a more “practical” pursuit, actively engage with their enthusiasm.

Ask questions.

understand their passion.


support their journey, even if it diverges from conventional norms.

Here are some practical methods to implement active listening with empathy and curiosity:

1. Scheduled “Chat” Sessions

  • Designate specific times during the week for uninterrupted conversations.
  • These sessions can be dedicated to discussing anything your child wants, encouraging them to open up about their thoughts, dreams, or even concerns without feeling judged or rushed.

2. Reflective Listening

  • Practice reflective listening by paraphrasing what your child shares to ensure you understand correctly.
  • This technique shows them that you’re actively engaged and interested in comprehending their perspective.

3. Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Use open-ended questions to delve deeper into their thoughts or experiences.
  • Questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” will encourage your child to express themselves more fully.


4. Engage in Shared Activities

  • Participate in activities that your child enjoys, like playing their favorite game, going for a walk, or engaging in a hobby together.
  • Shared experiences create comfortable settings for conversations to flow naturally.


5. Empathize and Validate

  •  When your child shares their feelings, acknowledge and validate them.
  • Express empathy by acknowledging their emotions( even if you might not fully understand or agree with their perspective.)

6. Respect Their Silence

  • Sometimes, children might need time before they’re ready to share.
  • Respect their silence, offering support without pressure.


“Let them know.

You’re available,


they’re ready to talk.”





A super-parent nurtures curiosity and exploration. Encourage your child’s diverse interests – whether it’s coding, dancing, or gardening. Provide avenues for growth, such as enrolling them in classes or simply offering time and resources to pursue these passions.


Here are some practical ways to encourage and support your child’s exploration of their interests:


1. Exposure to Varied Activities

  • Introduce your child to a diverse range of activities.
  • Visit museums, attend workshops, or explore different hobbies to expose them to various interests and talents.

2. Allow Freedom for Exploration

  • Create an environment where your child feels free to explore their interests without feeling pressured to excel immediately.
  • Encourage experimentation and learning through trial and error.

3. Provide Resources and Opportunities:

  • Invest in tools or resources related to their interests.
  • If they show an interest in painting, provide art supplies or enroll them in art classes to further develop their skills.

4. Celebrate Small Achievements

  • Acknowledge and celebrate their progress, no matter how small.
  • This positive reinforcement encourages them to continue exploring and honing their talents.

5. Encourage Curiosity

  • Foster curiosity by asking your child what they find fascinating and why.
  • Engage in conversations about their interests, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for their discoveries.

6. Support Extracurricular Pursuits

  • Encourage participation in extracurricular activities aligned with their interests.
  • Whether it’s joining a sports team, music lessons, or a coding club, support their involvement and commitment.

7. Create a Learning Environment

  • Cultivate a home environment that encourages learning and exploration.
  • Have books, tools, or equipment related to their interests easily accessible.

By providing opportunities, resources, and unwavering support,

you’ll empower your child

to explore their passions freely


cultivate a sense of enthusiasm for lifelong learning.






Recognize and respect your child’s individuality.


Embrace their uniqueness and foster an environment where they can make decisions, even if they occasionally falter.


It’s through these experiences that they’ll cultivate independence and resilience.


Practical ways to honor their uniqueness:


1. Decision-Making Opportunities

  • Offer choices within reasonable boundaries.
  • Let your child decide on non-critical matters, such as selecting their clothes, planning family activities, or choosing a weekend outing.

2. Respect Their Opinions

  • Encourage your child to voice their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment.
  • Even if their viewpoint differs from yours, acknowledge and discuss it respectfully.

3. Encourage Problem-Solving

  • Instead of providing immediate solutions to their problems, guide them through the process of finding solutions independently.
  • Support their critical thinking and decision-making skills.


4. Allow Space for Mistakes

  • Emphasize that making mistakes is a part of learning.
  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to make errors and learn from them without facing harsh criticism.

5. Validate Feelings

  • Validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t agree with their actions.
  • Understanding their feelings helps build trust and encourages them to express themselves freely.


6. Encourage Self-Expression

  • Support their creativity and self-expression, whether through art, writing, or any other form.
  • Encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings in diverse ways.

7. Provide Individual Time

  • Dedicate one-on-one time with each child to understand their unique interests, strengths, and challenges.
  • Show them that their individuality is valued and respected.


“By respecting their autonomy and individuality,

you’re fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence in your child,

enabling them to navigate the world


a strong sense of identity and independence.”








Children learn values not just through words but through observing behaviors.


Model kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your own actions.


For instance, demonstrating gratitude by expressing thanks for small gestures can profoundly impact a child’s worldview.


Ways to instill values in your child through your own behavior:


1. Practice What You Preach

  • Be a role model by exhibiting the values you want your child to embrace
  • Demonstrate kindness, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude in your daily interactions.

2. Communication is Key

  • Explain the importance of values and how they shape one’s character. Talk!
  • Share your own stories (nothing inspires a child more!) or anecdotes that illustrate these values in action and their positive impact.

3. Involve Children in Decision-Making

  • Include your child in family decisions and demonstrate how values guide your choices.
  • Explain how certain decisions align with family values.


4. Acknowledge Mistakes

  • When you make a mistake, openly acknowledge it and discuss how you plan to rectify it.
  • This shows that MISTAKES ARE NORMAL! And everyone, including adults, is constantly learning and growing.


5. Volunteer Together

  •  Engage in community service( Cleaning of a Community park, Serving at a food service) or volunteer work as a family(Donating to the orphanage/old age home)
  • Demonstrating kindness and empathy by helping others cultivates a sense of social responsibility.

6. Practice Gratitude

  • Establish a family routine of expressing gratitude
  • Share moments of thankfulness during meals or before bedtime, thanking for the love and abundance in your lives, highlighting things you appreciate.

7. Encourage Empathy

  • Encourage your child to consider others’ feelings and perspectives.
  • Discuss situations where empathy made a difference and encourage them to practice it.


“By embodying the values you wish to impart


involving your child in discussions and experiences

that emphasize these values,

you’re providing them with a powerful foundation


ethical decision-making and character development.”








Create an atmosphere of open dialogue.

Share your thoughts, experiences, and emotions openly.

This establishes trust and encourages them to confide in you, building a strong emotional connection.



Methods to foster open communication:


Active Listening

  • Actively listen when your child speaks.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • nod to show understanding.
  • clarifying questions to ensure you grasp their message accurately.


Create a Safe Space

  • Establish an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing themselves without fear of judgment or repercussion.
  • Emphasize that their thoughts and feelings are valued.


Regular Check-ins

  • Schedule regular one-on-one time with each child to discuss their day, concerns, or interests.
  • Consistent communication builds trust and encourages them to share more openly.


Be Approachable

  • Be approachable and open to discussions on any topic.
  • Encourage them to ask questions
  • Assure them that no subject is off-limits for discussion.

Use Everyday Situations

  • Utilize everyday situations as conversation starters.
  • Discuss news events, movies, or books to encourage your child to share their opinions and thoughts.

Validate Their Feelings

  • Acknowledge and validate your child’s emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with their perspective.
  • Understanding their feelings fosters trust and openness.


Model Openness

  • Be open about your own feelings, experiences, and mistakes.
  • Sharing your vulnerabilities encourages your child to do the same.

“Encouraging open communication creates

an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and support,

allowing your child

 to freely express themselves


seek guidance when needed.”







Above all, a super-parent provides unwavering love and support.

“Assure your children

that your love isn’t tethered to their achievements or failures

but is steadfast

regardless of the circumstances.”



How to demonstrate unconditional love and support:


1. Express Affection

  • Show love through hugs, verbal affirmations, and gestures of affection.
  • These small actions reinforce your unwavering support and care.


2. Be Present

  • Spend quality time with your child regularly.
  • Engage in activities they enjoy and dedicate undivided attention to them during these moments.

3. Emphasize Acceptance

  • Emphasize that your love is not based on achievements or behavior but on who they are as individuals.
  • Communicate that you accept and love them unconditionally.


4. Support Their Choices

5. Encourage Independence

  • Allow them to make decisions and support their independence.
  • Offer guidance, but let them learn from their experiences and grow.


6. Be Their Safe Haven

  • Create an environment where your child feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings.
  • They should do so without fear of rejection or criticism.


7. Celebrate Their Uniqueness

  • Encourage and celebrate their individuality.
  • Embrace their strengths, weaknesses, and quirks, reinforcing that these traits make them special.

“By consistently showing

love, acceptance, and unwavering support,

you create a nurturing environment

where your child feels

valued, understood, and confident in pursuing their dreams and ambitions.”




“There is no such thing as being the perfect parent. So just be a real one.”
— Sue Atkins



It’s crucial to remember:

Being a stellar parent isn’t about attaining some unattainable perfection.

It’s about cherishing the simplicity of everyday moments and making the most of them.


The magic of super-parenting isn’t a lofty ambition; it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It’s in the laughter-filled evenings, the heartfelt conversations, and the shared experiences that create lasting bonds.


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all manual to being a super-parent. It’s about embracing the journey with enthusiasm and authenticity, knowing that every effort, no matter how small, counts.


It’s the little gestures of love, the moments of understanding, and the unwavering support that make a significant difference.


“It’s not about flawless execution but about heartfelt efforts.”


Being a super-parent is within reach for each one of us.

It’s about being there, loving unconditionally, and fostering an environment where our children can flourish.


Let’s take pride in this journey,

for it’s not about perfection but about the beautiful imperfections that make it uniquely ours.


May God Bless You and Your Family!