postbiotics-butter millk

Postbiotics Unleashed: 7 Wonders for a Happier Gut!

Postbiotics??!!?? What are they? The Gut SuperHeroes!

Hey there curious minds!

So, we’ve all heard about prebiotics and probiotics, the dynamic duo that keeps our guts grooving.

But guess what?

There’s a backstage VIP in this gut party, and it’s time we give it the spotlight it deserves.

Ever wondered what happens after the probiotics hit the scene?

Well, enter the unsung hero of the gut game – POST-BIOTICS!

Now, I know, it’s not the household name like its buddies, but trust me, it’s the cool kid you want to get to know. So, pull up your socks, because we’re about to dive into the secret life of postbiotics – the afterparty magic that’s keeping our bodies in tip-top shape.

Ready for a gut-check journey beyond the basics?

Let’s spill the beans on the postbiotic scoop, the super-food!


What is a Probiotic?

By Standard Definition

A postbiotics is a preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host.


A lot has been talked and read by you about how early programming of intestinal microbiota of a human as early as a fetus, during delivery(the benefit of ingesting vaginal microbiota on the future adult gut health), breastfeeding(the benefit of colostrum) and weaning (gradual shift to worldly bacteria) is important and has significant effects on our future gut health.

I will suggest you to read ” Shaping Microbiota During the First 1000 Days of Life” to understand more about it if you haven’t dipped your toes into this vast ocean of knowledge.

So you have heard of Probiotics and Prebiotics , right??


PROBIOTICS -are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”

PREBIOTICS –  are “substrates that are selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit”

and while we are at it!

SYNBIOTICS –  are “a mixture comprising live microorganisms and substrate(s) selectively utilized by host microorganisms that confers a health benefit on the host”



Alright, let’s take a stroll into the intriguing world of postbiotics – those unsung heroes you probably didn’t know your gut was secretly rooting for.

Creation of Postbiotics: The Backstage Buzz

So, picture this:

your gut is this bustling city, and probiotics are the superstar DJs at a music festival. But what happens when the beats drop and the concert is over?

Enter postbiotics, the real MVPs of the afterparty.

Ever wondered how these postbiotics pop into existence? It’s all about the probiotics doing their metabolic dance, fermenting substrates like it’s a gourmet food festival. Think of it as a controlled fermentation fiesta, especially when your fave fermented foods are in the mix.

Types of Postbiotics: The Fantastic Trio

Now, let’s meet the postbiotic rockstars

    1. The Metabolites
    2. Cellular Components, and the oh-so-mysterious
    3. Exopolysaccharides.

Brace yourself, this trio is about to blow your mind!


the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and their squad of peptides and organic acids. These guys are the cool cats, keeping your gut health on point. SCFAs? They’re like the Beyoncé of metabolites – powerful, in charge, and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Cellular Components

We’re getting microscopic here!

Imagine tiny cell fragments and lysates being the backstage crew, setting the stage for a killer immune system performance. Who knew our bodies had such an intricate production team? Studies even show they’re like the superheroes of immune modulation.


The unsung poets of gut health.

They’re like the bards, weaving a tale of gut barrier strength and cozying up with the host’s immune system. It’s like a friendly conversation between our gut and these mystical compounds.

Fun Facts Alert! Did You Know?

Ever thought your gut was the real MVP? Well, it’s home to trillions of these probiotic maestros, throwing metabolic parties 24/7.

Now that’s what I call a GUT FIESTA! 🎉*


Your morning yogurt or that kimchi sidekick in your sushi might just be the ultimate postbiotic power-up. Turns out, your taste buds are secret allies in this gut-friendly adventure.

But Wait, There’s More: Dive Deeper!

Now that you’re in the postbiotic groove, why not experiment with adding more fermented foods to your plate?

It’s like giving VIP passes to the probiotics for an exclusive gut performance.

Your taste buds will thank you, and so will your gut.*



Foods that may help increase postbiotics in your gut include

  • Buttermilk
  • Cottage cheese
  • High-fiber foods like oats, flaxseed, seaweed and garlic
  • Fermented pickles
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi.
  • Kombucha.
  • Miso soup.
  • Fermented sauerkraut.
  • Sourdough bread.
  • Tempeh.
  • Yogurt.

So, there you have it – a sneak peek into the world of postbiotics.

Who knew the gut had such a fascinating tale to tell, right?

Ready to keep this conversation rolling? Let’s chat about your gut’s favorite party tricks! 🎤💃

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