9 Ways to know if you are a writer?

How to know if you are a writer?



“Have you ever wondered if you are a writer?

If you have a passion for words, stories, and ideas, and if you enjoy expressing yourself through writing, you might be one.

 But how can you tell for sure?

 What are the signs and traits that distinguish a writer from a non-writer?

And why does it matter?”


In a world that constantly questions identities and passions, have you ever found yourself pondering whether the scribbles in your notebook or the musings in your mind could label you as a writer?


The pursuit of understanding this creative calling often starts with introspection

—a journey to decipher the signs that unveil a writer’s soul.



My childhood was painted with the strokes of a typewriter, an old faithful companion to my father—a prominent author renowned for his poignant narratives on poverty.


His ceaseless clattering on the keys, stringing together words that illuminated societal struggles, became the symphony that orchestrated my upbringing. I found myself engrossed in his world of ink-stained pages and unspoken emotions, absorbing the essence of storytelling through observation and osmosis.



Growing up amidst the cadence of my father’s typing, I began to question the echoes of his passion within me.


Was it the curiosity for untold stories, the urge to paint emotions with words, or the unrelenting pursuit of truth that echoed his essence within my own aspirations?


Hence, this article serves as a compass, not only deciphering the subtleties that define a writer but also emphasizing the profound importance of acknowledging this innate inclination.


It’s not just about identifying whether you fit the label; it’s about understanding the potential power of your narrative voice.




Here are some of the key indicators that you might have what it takes to be one.



 Passion for Reading and Learning


A fundamental trait of a writer often lies in their love for reading and learning from other writers. Writers are avid readers who find inspiration, techniques, and diverse perspectives within the pages of various authors’ works. Exploring different genres, styles, and voices widens their creative horizons, nurturing a deeper understanding of storytelling.


Consistent Writing Habits


Writing regularly, even during moments of reluctance, distinguishes a writer. Consistency in writing cultivates discipline, honing the craft regardless of the fleeting waves of inspiration. It’s about dedication, showing up at the page, and weaving words into sentences, even when the muse seems elusive.

J.K. Rowling, the mastermind behind the “Harry Potter” series, personifies consistent writing habits. Rowling carved out time to write daily, often amid personal challenges. Her commitment to her craft, even when faced with rejections and adversity, underscored her unwavering dedication to storytelling.



 Embracing Feedback


Seeking feedback and criticism reflects a writer’s commitment to growth. Constructive criticism serves as a guiding light, helping refine the raw essence of their work. Writers absorb feedback like sponges, using it to reshape, polish, and enhance their writing.


 Cultivating Unique Voice and Style


A writer’s authenticity shines through their unique voice and style. Instead of imitation, writers carve their own path, staying true to their individuality. It’s about embracing quirks, idiosyncrasies, and perspectives that make their writing distinct.


  The Art of Collecting Words


Word collection becomes an obsession for authors—an assemblage of captivating phrases, words, and sentences. These linguistic treasures often find their way into their works, enriching their writing with vivid imagery and evocative expressions.


  Utilizing Lists for Organization


Lists serve as an author’s organizing tool. Whether cataloging ideas, scenes, or character traits, lists provide structure, aiding in the organization of thoughts and concepts.

  Embracing the Role of Storyteller


Authors possess an innate inclination towards storytelling, relishing the art of weaving narratives. Be it through pen or spoken word, they captivate audiences, painting vibrant worlds with their tales.

Mark Twain, famed for his wit and storytelling prowess, was a captivating raconteur. Twain’s ability to spin engaging tales, whether in his novels or during public readings, exemplified the essence of a natural-born storyteller.


  Curiosity and Exploration


Curiosity fuels a writer’s creativity. They’re perpetual explorers, delving into the unknown, asking questions, and using writing as a vessel for discovery.


  Finding Inspiration Everywhere


Litterateurs perceive the world as a wellspring of inspiration. From mundane moments to extraordinary events, everything holds potential for a story, an insight, or a revelation waiting to be penned.

Virginia Woolf found inspiration in the ordinary. Her stream-of-consciousness writing style, inspired by everyday occurrences and inner thoughts, transformed seemingly mundane moments into profound literary reflections.


This isn’t a checklist; it’s a mirror reflecting the intrinsic connection between the writer and their art. It’s about acknowledging the quirks, passions, and relentless pursuit of storytelling that define us.



Unveiling the Writer’s Essence


In the symphony of words, each writer dances to a unique rhythm—a melodic blend of passion, persistence, and boundless imagination.


The legacy of renowned authors—Stephen King’s insatiable reading habits, J.K. Rowling’s unwavering writing commitment, and Maya Angelou’s embrace of a unique voice—illuminates the path for aspiring writers.


These luminaries weren’t merely creators; they were relentless pursuers of their craft, embodying the very essence of what it means to be a writer.


So, are you a writer?


Perhaps the answer lies not in a definitive label but in the embrace of these inherent traits

  • the love for words
  • the courage to create,
  • the resilience to weather the storms of doubt.



“Write to discover what you know.”

—Isabel Allende


With these whispered words,  may this journey of self-reflection embolden you to wield the pen with unwavering confidence, to etch your stories upon the pages of existence, and to fearlessly explore the infinite possibilities within


May your journey be as exhilarating as your destination.



Warning!! Are you flying in a Boeing 737 Max 9 plane anytime soon?

Boeing 737 Max 9 in the news again!

Boeing 737 Max series planes have been grounded!


The narrow-body single aisle airplane has often landed Boeing in trouble earlier as well.

In 2018 and 2019, two Boeing 737 Max 8 jets crashed killing 346 people.

The first crash happened in October 2018 when Lion Air Flight 610 crashed 13 minutes after takeoff. All 189 people died on board.

Lion Air Boeing 737 Max-8

No one cared!

Till another Boeing 737 Max 8 fell out of the sky.

This time, in March 2019, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed and ended another 157 lives.

Three days after the second crash, whole of the world grounded all Boeing 737 Max airplanes they had in their fleet.

Representative image of Ethiopian Airlines

As per the official website

Boeing  737 MAX 9

offers up to 14 percent lower airframe maintenance costs than the competition.


What happened with Alaska airlines will surely increase the airframe maintenance cost of the Boeing 737 Max 9 it was flying. Luckily there was no fatality. The plane landed safely , though as an emergency landing, at the same airport it took off from, Portland in Oregon.

The last time the Boeing 737 Max planes were in the spotlight the fault was zeroed in upon a faulty software.

For a detailed report on that crash and what caused it do read the article by David Perell.



You came here to find if the plane you are flying tomorrow or day after or maybe next week is / is not a Boeing 737 Max 9?

so here is a list of airlines that are still operating the Boeing 737 Max 9 planes .

AirlinesMax 8Max 8 200Max 9Total
United airlines7479153
Alaska airlines6363
American airlines5656
Fly Dubai51354
Air Canada4040
TUI Group3838
Turkish Airlines20525

You can be sure that even if you are flying in these airlines, except Alaska Air , you in all probability will not be boarding a Boeing 737 Max series plane. Well, if the world has learnt anything from the previous two disasters that is.

But still, check with your operator. You never know!

Boeing 737 Max: When was it first launched?

The Boeing 737 Max series plane was announced in August 2011( though it was not a completely grounds up new aircraft. Details of this can be read from a marvelously written article by David Perell) and took its maiden flight on January 29, 2016. It was certified by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in March 2017. The first delivery of Max 8 was done in May 2017 to Malindo Air.


The 737 MAX delivers

enhanced efficiency

improved environmental performance

increased passenger comfort

to the single-aisle market.

Incorporating advanced technology winglets and efficient engines, the 737 MAX offers excellent economics, reducing fuel use and emissions by 20 percent while producing a 50 percent smaller noise footprint than the airplanes it replaces.

Additionally, 737 MAX offers up to 14 percent lower airframe maintenance costs than the competition. Passengers will enjoy the Boeing Sky Interior, highlighted by modern sculpted sidewalls and window reveals, LED lighting that enhances the sense of spaciousness and larger pivoting overhead storage bins.


Why are the Boeing 737 Max planes suffering from these snags?

Ane answer: Outdated design and Cost Cutting.

To understand why these airplanes crashed and one could have crashed today as well, if not for some divine intervention, we need to look back how the  737 Max came into existence.

The original 737 was introduced  in 1967 when most airports were small and lacked infrastructure so manufacturers were obliged to manufacture low-to-the-ground airplanes which were having easy-to-reach engines, which could be serviced easily thus reduced operating costs.

And that’s exactly what Boeing gave the airlines.

The 737 Max’s structure resembles the original 737. The big difference is the engines are larger ( and placed much ahead than their original 1967 location thus putting the plane at a risk of a stall, if not for some software that prevents the nose going up during low speed maneuver) the fuselage is bigger, and “winglets” were added to the tip of the wings to improve fuel efficiency.



Who all are still flying the Boeing 737 Max series ?

As of today all the Boeing 737 Max 9 series planes have been grounded by most airlines and some have even ordered the review of the emergency door sections of the Mx 8 series planes as well.

The future of Boeing 737 Max Planes?

This incident might just be the last nail in the coffin of the ailing Boeing 737 Max 9 planes as these incidences have laid bare the major shortcomings in the design of the aircraft.

After a few catastrophic events and a few near misses its high tim ethe world took notice.

Although having an immaculate history of safe flights The Boeing 737 Max series planes’ now hangs in the balance.

They have enough orders from almost all the major airlines in the world for the next few years.


But soon, Boeing will have to go to the drawing board for its next aircraft.


10 Life Strategies: Live the Life of your Dreams!

Life Strategies to Supercharge Your Day




“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”

– William Penn



Ever feel like you’re running on a hamster wheel, endlessly chasing time that slips through your fingers like sand? You’re not alone in that frenzy.


Picture this: you, the busy professional juggling deadlines, meetings, and a life packed in a schedule tighter than a drum. You yearn for a breather, a moment to savor life beyond the daily grind.

Let me tell you a story. There was a time when I was entrenched in the world of corporate hospitals as a surgeon. The financial rewards were substantial, but at the end of each day, I’d return home tired, drained, and bordering on exhaustion. My children would already be fast asleep, and so would my spouse. Often, dinner was reheated leftovers or simply grabbing a piece of fruit. As I ate, I’d collapse into bed, depleted, only to wake up early the next morning to dive back into the relentless grind.


Exercise? Family time? Self-care? Those were elusive luxuries. My health suffered, my relationships strained, and I found myself in a whirlwind of constant work with no respite. I wasn’t just unhappy—I was stuck in a cycle I couldn’t break.

That put me at risk of health issues as well.


The truth was, I was so consumed by work that I couldn’t even fathom a way out.


But here’s the kicker: I found a way.

And if you’re feeling even a fraction of what I did back then, trust me, there’s hope. Let me show you how I broke free and regained control. So, buckle up, because in the next few scrolls, I’ll share ten strategies that turned my life from a never-ending marathon into a journey filled with victory laps.


Let’s begin.

Strategy cheat Sheet

 Day 1-10: Eliminating Unproductive Habits


Life Strategy no.1

Days 1-3: Identify Time-Draining Activities


Identifying your time drains is like fixing a leaky boat before it sinks. Ever felt the day slipping away, but can’t pinpoint where? Here’s the breakdown:


Track Activities

Try using apps or jotting down your day to uncover where time slips away. I used ClickUp and it worked for me. There are a handful of them like Monday.com, Todoist And Wrike

Spot Time Wasters

Identify hours lost to social media scrolling or never-ending meetings.

The  latest data reveals that the typical working-age internet user now spends more than 2½ hours per day using social platforms.

Pinpointing these vanishing hours is half the battle won.

You will have more time that you can either spend with your loved ones or follow your hobbies.



Life Strategy no.2

Days 4-7: Prioritize Tasks & Delegate


Ever felt like you’re juggling a hundred balls at once? Here’s how to gain control:


Sort by Urgency

Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.

Master Delegation

Pass on tasks others can handle. Delegation transforms you from a solo act into an orchestra conductor.

Also it will let you have a breather that you can use for more productive work.



Life Strategy no.3

Days 8-10: Limit Distractions & Unnecessary Interruptions


Imagine this: you’re on a productivity high, and then ding! Another email. Buzz! A notification. Here’s how to regain focus:


Block Distractions

Silence notifications and set designated email-checking times.

Embrace Boundaries

Establish boundaries during focused work periods for increased productivity.


Day 11-30: Building New, Productive Habits


Life Strategy no.4

 Days 11-15: Establish a Morning Routine


Ever started a day on the wrong foot and felt off-kilter all day? Here’s how a morning routine can turn things around:


Design Your Ritual

Create a morning routine with activities like exercise, meditation, or planning. It’s your mental warm-up for the day’s marathon.

This was a game changer for me, and I can promise you this, it will be for you as well!



Life Strategy no.5

 Days 16-20: Time Blocking & Task Batching


Ever felt like a mad scientist juggling tasks in a lab? Try these assistants to streamline your workload:


Time Blocking

Allocate specific time blocks to tasks for better focus.

This is actually useful.

Remember when we were kids and our schools had time tables, time allotted for fixed subjects.

Guess what? The time tables do work.

Task Batching

Group similar tasks together to simplify your brain’s workload.

I hope now things are becoming clearer.

Read on!


Life Strategy no.6

 Days 21-25: Enhance Workspace & Ergonomics


Your workspace is your haven. Here’s how to make it more conducive to productivity:


Optimize Comfort

Invest in an ergonomic chair or dual monitors for improved comfort and functionality.


Life Strategy no.7

 Days 26-30: Implement a Personalized Time Management System


Feel like time slips through your fingers? Here’s the superhero solution for better time management:


Explore Time Systems

Discover methods like GTD or the Pomodoro Technique to streamline your day effectively.



Day 31-60: Achieving Maximum Productivity


Life Strategy no.8

Days 31-40: Refine & Streamline Processes


Ever felt like you’re climbing a mountain blindfolded? Here’s how to navigate with clarity:


Analyze Effectiveness

Peek under the blindfold. Assess the effectiveness of your strategies.

Tweak & Refine

Adjust and refine your processes. It’s akin to fine-tuning a well-oiled machine.


Life Strategy no.9

Days 41-50: Focus on Skill Enhancement


Ever felt like your skills need an upgrade? Here’s how to level up:


Allocate Time

Dedicate time to enhance skills. Learn new tools or master keyboard shortcuts.

Sharpen Your Toolkit

Deepen proficiency in software. It’s like honing a sharper tool for greater efficiency.


Life Strategy no.10

 Days 51-60: Continuous Improvement & Evaluation


Reaching the summit isn’t the end. It’s about perpetual growth:


Regular Evaluation

Continuously assess productivity levels and make necessary adaptations.

Aim Higher

It’s not just about reaching the peak; it’s about maintaining and surpassing it.


Now, let’s talk about embracing life’s beautiful moments—literally. Picture engaging in delightful activities with your loved ones in a snap. It’s not just about spending time together; it’s about cherishing those precious moments, relishing every shared experience.


This article? It’s not just about tools; it’s a gateway to newfound freedom. Imagine effortless quality time, healthier choices—all at your fingertips. It’s more than just a lifestyle adjustment; it’s the recipe for a life less hurried and more fulfilling.


Let me share a story. Once caught in the whirlwind of relentless work, family moments were distant dreams. But with the strategies outlined here, that changed. No more sacrifices; no more excuses. Now, walks, plays, hikes, and cozy dinners with loved ones are part of my daily life, while excelling at work and feeling like a better parent.


So, gear up! These strategies aren’t mere methods; they’re your secret weapons against the tyranny of time. They’ll transform your days into a canvas of shared experiences, where every activity becomes a highlight of the day.


Feeling that tingling sensation of possibility? That’s the aroma of change, the promise of reclaiming moments lost in the frenzy of the daily grind. So, strap in; your journey to a more connected and fulfilling life is about to take off. It’s time to let these strategies pave the way to a new chapter—one where you’re the architect of memorable shared experiences. Cheers to savoring every moment of the life you deserve!



The Fear Factor: 7 Ways your pet can Save you from Impending Catastrophes

The Fear Factor: 7 Ways your pet can Save you from Impending Catastrophes


For times immemorial humans have thrived upon the egotistical idea of being the most evolved and advanced animal this earth has ever seen in its existence of around 4.5 billion years old.


Undoubtedly they are!


Much of that can be attributed to their cognitive abilities, complex social structures, technological advancements, and a sense of self-awareness.


However, it’s essential to recognize that this perception of supremacy is subjective and other animals surpass humans in certain areas .

Humans  should agree that all species have their unique strengths and should  view themselves as part of a broader ecosystem rather than the ultimate superior entity.



Unlike humans , animals possess all kinds of fascinating abilities, including camouflage, regeneration and — it turns out — diagnostics.

Animals that may be able to detect medical problems in humans using visual cues, smell and other aptitudes.

These animals have just what it takes

to don the white coat and stethoscope-

an eye, ear and a nose for disease.


A 75-year-old man visited a doctor after his dog licked persistently at a lesion behind the man’s ear.

The doctor performed diagnostic tests and confirmed malignant melanoma.


Their unparalleled and sometimes unbelievable ability to sniff out things has always amazed us humans.  Apart from sniffing out contraband at the airport customs and the occasional explosives with the bomb squad dogs have proven helpful in tracking criminals and victims alike.


A dog’s ability to sniff out odors that a human nose cannot even perceive has been used by researchers to detect disease even before any screening test can pick it up.

Now this can allay your fear factor of many diseases if you have a furry companion at home.

Research has suggested dogs can detect breast cancer in 88 percent of cases, and lung cancer with 99 percent accuracy. They can also sense hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia(low blood sugar levels) in people with diabetes, among their many talents. Such dogs are called Diabetes Alert Dogs.


More than hyperglycemia its the episodes of hypoglycemia that can be an impemding catastrophe. The patient might slip into coma due to low or non supply of glucose to the brain. Diabetes Alert dogs are known to alert the patient or family members when they do perceive an episode of hypoglycemia.

However,  it’s not clear exactly what the dogs may be detecting. Are they actually “smelling” low blood sugar, or are they reacting to typical hypoglycemia symptoms in their owner, such as sweating or shaking?

Research has shown that dogs can detect many types of cancer, such as:

  • melanoma
  • colorectal cancer
  • ovarian cancer
  • prostate cancer

Scientists have concluded that some dogs can detect colorectal cancer from people’s breath and  stool with high levels of accuracy  even when its in early-stages. The dog is able to distinguish such cancers even when there are other inflammatory changes in the gut or any other non cancerous growths.

Canine cancer detection( by Medical Detection Dogs) is a simple, noninvasive procedure with potentially fewer side effects for people.

The role of canines in sniffing out covid patients was extensively used during the Covid-19 Pandemic.





Rats have been used to detect lung cancer.  According to the study, animal nose sensors capable of discriminating cancer-related odor components present in trace amounts in exhalation samples can be useful for potential screening of lung cancer in a non-invasive manner. This kind of detection can remove the fear of disease and save the patient from an impending catastrophe.

As per APOPO, over 60 countries are contaminated with hidden landmines and other explosive remnants of war, that cause tragic accidents and hamper communities from developing their productive land.

HeroRATS are saving people from landlimes and tuberculosis.

APOPO’s scent detection animals, nicknamed ‘HeroRATs’ and ‘HeroDOGs’, help to rid the world of landmines  – returning safe land back to communities for development


The Gambian pouched rat, or giant African pouched rat, has been trained by humans to uncover landmines and detect tuberculosis.

The highly developed sense of smell and light weight of our African giant pouched rats, nicknamed ‘HeroRATs’, make them ideal detectors of landmines and tuberculosis.

The rodents are able to positively identify TB infections 80 percent of the time, after a training period.

These landmine explosions are impending catastrophes than can end a persons life  and even if not so can lead to a crippled life.





These gentle giants are known to sense infrasonic sounds and can hear storms and hurricanes approaching them.


During the Great Tsunami of Indian Ocean in 2005 even before the tsunami reached the shores Elephants have run and made it to high grounds and were saved.

They also saved people from the impending catastrophe , the ones who accompanied them to higher grounds.

Not a single elephant , buffalo or wildlife carcass was recovered from the remains of the tsunami on land when innumerable human corpses were found hanging on top of trees when the water receded.

EARTHQUAKE!!!! The animals know destruction is coming!

Elephants also have great olfaction.

African elephants have more than double the number of genes associated with olfaction compared with dogs: about 2000 versus dogs’ 811. This suggests that olfaction must play an enormous role in elephants’ lives and it does!

With this super power elephants can smell a lot of odours e.g. Trinitrotoluene (TNT)-the main component of landmines .

Elephants could rival dogs’ sensitivity abilities in the field of cancer, diabetes , epilpepsy and pest detection. They require less mainatenace and have much larger life spans as compare dto dogs.




Horses have been known to elicit anxiety to upcoming calamities.

They are documented during the massive earthquake of San Fransisco of 1906 to have panicked and galloped due to fear even before the earthquake struck.

They could have saved some humans from the impending catastrophe but no such documented record is available.


Beluga Whale


Yang Yun, a 26 year old free diver  thought she was going to die when her legs were paralysed by arctic temperatures during a free diving contest without any breathing equipment.

She was taking part in a competition at Polar Land, China in a sub zero pool of water which had a Beluga Whale in it.

Yang Yun was at the bottom of the tank when she couldnot feel her legs due to the intense cold. Unable to move her legs and withoput oxygen equipment she was staring at an impending catastrophe when the Beluga whale sensed her problem and pulled her by her feet to the surface where she was rescued.

If not for the Beluga whale Yang Yun would have definitely perished.




Cats are world over given special importance.

They are either worshiped or feared. In Japanese folklore Cats are often depicted as supernatural entities known to bring good fortune to teh owner.

One such instance happened when an eight-year-old cat, Pudding, saved her owner who has had an episode of hypoglycemia and was having a diabetic seizure. The cat responded to such abnormal activity and alerted the family who were able to save the man’s life by administering the medicine in time.

For sure saved the man from a catastrophe.


In 2010, a woman from Franklin, Tennessee, visited her doctor to consult for  a mysterious bruise that showed up on her chest. Her cat has been  continuously pawing and pouncing at the very spot the previous evening, likely directing her attention to the bruise. She discovered it was breast cancer.




Now you might be surprised as to how such a ordinary looking animal can be so smart as to detect something like and impending catastrophe?

In an international cooperation project, researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Konstanz/Radolfzell and the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour at the University of Konstanz, have investigated whether cows, sheep, and dogs can actually detect early signs of earthquakes.

The researchers have discovered unusual behavioral patterns up to 20 hours before an earthquake.

It is still unclear how animals can sense impending earthquakes. Animals may sense the ionization of the air caused by the changes in the electrical fields due to large rock pressures in earthquake zones with their fur. It is also conceivable that animals can smell gases released from quartz crystals before an earthquake.

EARTHQUAKE!!!! The animals know doom is coming!

EARTHQUAKE!!!! The animals know its coming!!

pexels- pixabay


The earliest documented earthquake occurred in China in 1177 B.C.

For apices, humans  have been witness to innumerable earth shattering earthquakes.


The San Francisco earthquakes of 1906 was one of the most destructive in the recorded history of North America – the earthquake and the fire that followed killed nearly 700 people and left the city in ruins.

They have also been clueless spectators to   alarmed animal behavior in the run-up to these natural disasters.


Could these “not so advanced” animals be knowing more than us when it comes to the earth phenomenon like tornadoes, earthquakes or even tsunamis. And more importantly can they be used to warn us of impending ruinations?



Even today, no human technology including the much hyped artificial intelligence,  can reliably predict when and where an earthquake will occur. However, eyewitnesses have repeatedly reported that animals behave unusually before an earthquake.

The year 2023 also saw a devastating earthquake in Syria whcih is alreday suffering the wrath of the war.


Many studies have investigated whether cows, sheep, and dogs can actually detect early signs of earthquakes.


The data so collected and reviewed showed  that the animals were unusually restless in the hours before the earthquakes. Their behavior depended upon their relative location to the origin of the earthquake, called the Epicenter.  The closer the animals were to the epicenter of the impending quake, the earlier they started behaving unusually.


It has been hypothesized that such movements of the animals and their patterns can help in predicting occurrence of earthquakes.



The Disagreement

There is general disagreement about whether earthquakes can be exactly predicted.

Nevertheless, animals seem to sense the imminent tremors  hours in advance. For example, there are reports that wild animals leave their sleeping and nesting places immediately before strong quakes and that pets become restless.


Chinese researchers have found out that snakes leave their nests when an earthquake is about to happen , even if they have been hibernating in winters.



However other researchers donot accept such hypothesis. They opine that such suppositions donot  stand up to scientific scrutiny because the definition of unusual behaviour is often too vague. More over , other factors could also explain the behaviour of the animals.

Anyhow there are many instances where such “ unusual behaviour has been observed just hours before a catastrophic event happened.


We list a few here and leave it to you to decide if the animals do actually know more than us or not.


Japan’s New Year Earthquake 2024

Free public domain CC0 photo.

A devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 on Richter Scale hit the Ishikawa prefecture in Japan on New year of 2024. At the time of writing this almost 500 people had lost lives and many had lost their homes. While there were warnings for a possible Tsunmai but later that order was retracted .

During all the turmoil a few residents have been sharing evidence on the popular social media site X, showing a peculiar phenomenon involving birds acting as natural warning signals has been observed in Japan just hours before the tremor happened.

Representative pic. courtesy-pexels-helena

Residents have reportedly shared videos showing extraordinary behavior among various bird species in the affected areas. The videos, which have since went viral on the internet, shows flocks of birds suddenly changing their flight patterns, exhibiting unusual agitation, and emitting distinctive warning calls. Much to peoples surprise, such unusual bird behaviors were noted in multiple locations.

Seismologists and ornithologists are analyzing the correlation between the birds’ activities and the subsequent earthquake. The scientists hypothesize that the birds may have picked up on subtle seismic signals or might have sensed sudden  changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field, to which they are highly sensitive, making them act in an erratic manner, which was perceived by some as a warning sign for an impending earthquake.


The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004

A decade ago, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded struck off the coast of Indonesia, triggering a tsunami that swept away entire communities around the Indian Ocean. killing at least 12,600 people across eight countries.


Local manmade early warning systems, such as tidal and earthquake sensors, failed to raise any clear alert.

Yet in the minutes and hours before surging walls of water up to 9m (30ft) high travelling at approximately 300kmph  smashed through coastlines, some animals seemed to sense impending peril and made an efforts to flee when humans stood there transfixed and uncomprehending.

According to eyewitness accounts,

    • elephants ran for higher ground
    • flamingos abandoned low-lying nesting areas
    • dogs refused to go outdoors
    • Zoo animals ran into their shelters and refused to come out.

Along India’s Cuddalore coast, where thousands of people perished, the Indo-Asian News service reported that buffaloes, goats, and dogs were found unharmed.

In the coastal village of Bang Koey in Thailand, locals reported a herd of buffalo by the beach suddenly pricking their ears, gazing out to sea, then stampeding to the top of a nearby hill a few minutes before the tsunami struck.

Survivors also reported seeing animals, such as cows, goats, cats and birds, deliberately moving inland shortly after the earthquake and before the tsunami came.

Many of those who survived ran along with these animals or immediately after.”



But these accounts about animal behavior before disasters have prompted some researchers to devote serious scientific attention to the theory that animals may have inbuilt systems which alert them to impending natural disasters.

It raises an intriguing question – could animals provide natural early warning systems for humans?

Alan Rabinowitz, director for science and exploration at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society in New York, says animals can sense impending danger by detecting subtle or abrupt shifts in the environment.


Historical Evidence

The Earthquake of Helice, 373 B.C.

The earliest recorded reference to unusual animal behavior prior to a natural disaster dates back to 373 BC, when the Greek historian Thucydides reported rats, dogs, snakes and weasels deserting the city of Helice in the days before a catastrophic earthquake. Other reports dot history but the inference is subjective and may vary from researcher to researcher.


The Earthquake of San Fransisco, 1906

Just prior to the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, horses whinnied or snorted before the shock and stampeded when the latter was felt, some falling owing to the commotion of the ground.

Pic courtesy- Respective owners

The Science Continues

Scientists haven’t found any signals that seem to occur consistently before big quakes so there is a  growing willingness of some scientists to consider more unorthodox warning signals – such as animal behaviour.

The pathbreaking work by Martin Wikelski

Martin Wikelski from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior in Germany is credited for one of the most path breaking work studying animal behavior as an indicator to an imminent tremor event.

The study involved recording the movement patterns of different animals (cows, sheep and dogs) – a process known as biologging – on a farm in the earthquake-prone region of the Marches in central Italy. Collars with chips were attached to each animal, which sent movement data to a central computer every few minutes between October 2016 and April 2017.


During this period,  over 18,000 quakes in the region, from tiny tremors measuring just 0.4 magnitude up to a dozen quakes notching 4 or above – including the devastating magnitude 6.6 magnitude Norcia earthquake.

The researchers found evidence that the farm animals began to change their behaviour up to 20 hours before an earthquake.

“The closer the animals were to the epicentre of the impending shock, the earlier they changed their behaviour,” Wikelski said in 2020 when the study was released. “This is exactly what you would expect when physical changes occur more frequently at the epicentre of the impending earthquake and become weaker with increasing distance.”


Another study carried out by Wikelski monitoring the movements of tagged goats on the volcanic slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily also found the animals seemed to have an advance sense of when Etna was going to burst into life.




Research by Rachel Grant

Over in South America, behavioural ecologist Rachel Grant has  also found evidence of what might be triggering the changes in local animal behaviour, in the shape of a series of strong perturbations in local atmospheric electric charges every two to four minutes, starting two weeks before the earthquake.


A particularly large fluctuation was recorded around eight days before the Contamana earthquake – coinciding with the start of the second stage of the animals disappearing from view of motion tracking cameras



Scientists are now exploring whether these electromagnetic perturbations in the atmosphere prior to earthquakes could be a warning sign of impending quakes which animals may be sensing.




Earthquakes result after severe stresses arise in deep rock – stresses known to create electronic charges called “positive holes”. These supposedly  migrate  from the crust to the Earth’s surface, where they ionise air molecules above where they appear. Such ionisation has been noted prior to quakes across the globe. As these positive holes flow, they also generate ultra-low frequency electromagnetic waves, which are probably affecting birds behavior before earthquake happens.

“Animals also contain a lot of iron, which is sensitive to magnetism and electric fields.”



ICARUS stands for International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space. Scientists taking part in the Icarus-initiative are working together to study the behavior of animals.


 Chinese Research

China, meanwhile, has already created a Quake Alert system based at its earthquake bureau in Nanning, monitoring the behavior of snakes in quake-prone region. Snakes possess a powerful array of sensory mechanisms geared to detecting tiny changes in aspects of their environment.


“Of all the creatures on the earth, snakes are perhaps the most sensitive to earthquakes,” says Jiang Weisong, an ex-director of the Nanning bureau  “When an earthquake is about to occur, snakes will move out of their nests, even in the cold of winter.”


Still, while we may not be able to talk to animals quite yet, perhaps it’s time to pay more attention to their warnings.





 2024 ‘s 1st meteor shower : The Quadrantid shower: Is it the best one in 2024?

 Its here!! 2024 ‘s 1st meteor shower : The Quadrantid shower on Jan. 3


The year’s first meteor shower, coming to North America Jan. 3 and 4.

At peak activity the meteor count could be 120 meteors per hour at a speed of 25.5 miles (41 kilometers) per second.

These Meteor showers are active from Dec.26,2023 to January 16, 2024 but will peak on January 4th 2024.

Best Meteor Shower of the year

These just about don’t make it to the strongest Meteorite shower of the year because of their short length of maximum activity ( Just 6 hours) and poor weather experienced in early January, as per the American Meteor Society.

The best meteor shower still remains the Geminid Meteor Shower in December every year.


The Quadrantids lack persistent trains but do produce bright fireballs.

Quadrantids are also known for their bright fireball meteors.

Fireballs are larger explosions of light and color that can persist longer than an average meteor streak.

Unfortunately the people in living in south America will not be able to witness this celestial extravaganza as the Quadrantids have a high northernly declination.



Best time to watch

Predictions show a peak between local hours 1 AM -5 AM. Observers in western regions will get to see it earlier in this time frame when its darker.

Photo by Lucas Pezeta:


Expert advice

American Meteor Society warns that the half illuminated moon( 51% Full) will interfere somewhat with the viewing but you can negate the moons effect by blocking the moon with a tree or a building and viewing towards the northern half of the sky.


So, it will likely be not worth travelling to dark skies as the moonlight floods the sky with light and makes it difficult to see fainter shooting stars (though the Quadrantids are known to produce bright fireballs that cut through light pollution of all kinds)


Why is it called Quadrantid Meteor?


Meteor showers are typically named after the constellation from which they appear to come from. In the case of the Quadrantids, that’s the Constellation Bootes( originally Quadrans Muralis, though it is no longer recognized as a constellation).

The constellation for which a meteor shower is named only serves to aid viewers in determining which shower they are viewing on a given night.

The constellation is not the source of the meteors.

Also, you should not look only to the constellation of Bootes to view the Quadrantids – they are visible throughout the night sky.



Because of its position in the sky, the Quadrantid meteor shower is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where do Meteors come from?

Shooting stars are meteoroids — small, rocky particles that strike Earth’s atmosphere.

Meteors come from leftover comet particles and bits from broken asteroids. When these objects come around the sun, they leave a dusty trail around their orbits. Every year the Earth passes through these debris trails, which allows the bits to enter our atmosphere where they disintegrate and burn  to create fiery and colorful streaks in the sky.


The Quadrantid meteor shower is thought to be caused by dust and debris left in the inner solar system by the asteroid ( or possibly a “rock: comet)2003 EH1, which orbits the sun every 5.5 Earth years.

2003 EH1 was discovered on March 6, 2003, by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS). 2003 EH1 is a small asteroid( It is possible that 2003 EH is a “dead comet” or a “rock comet.”) – its diameter measures only about two miles (three kilometers) across. It was astronomer and research scientist Peter Jenniskens who discovered that 2003 EH1 is the source for the Quadrantid meteors.


5 wrong Commands you are giving your dog!

5 Wrong Commands you are giving your dog!

Studies have conclusively shown that Reward based training is the best form of training for your dog. A new training program from Canada’s BC SPCA is a model for all to follow.


Treats are better incentives for an obedient dog than just a pat on the head or a rub of the tummy or nothing at all.


Establishing firm and healthy command obedience early in the life of your pup is paramount for his lifelong obedient behavior.

while you are training your pooch there are a few commands that although do carry some meaning for us as humans but for a dog can be confusing and may elicit an undesirable response from your dog.


Now we do treat our dogs as our friend and family members but fact of the matter remains taht tehy are not numan beings and need to be trained in a manner that suits their psychology. You need to articulate your commands that lets your dog process in its own doggy way.


Wrong Command no.1    “No,Don’t!”

Now this wrong command number one which is absolutely vague even by human cognition standards let alone a dogs less evolved cognitive abilities.

Lets assume that your dog is chewing upon a shoe and you give him a command “No,Don’t” it will be absolutely impossible for any organism to process this command. the dog will be confused as to what you expect out of him. He can process the wrong command as:

    • a) Am I being asked to stand up and chew the shoe?
    • b) Am I being asked to not chew the shoe?
    • c) Am I being asked to take the shoe out and chew it there?

A canine brain is hardwired to follow direct orders  so the command has to tell the dog what to do rather than what not to do. 

A command like:

a) Stop chewing the shoe

b) Stand up and leave the shoe

can elicit a better response without confusing the canine.


On the flipside, experts say that a command like “No,Dont” can reinforce bad behavior as you are giving attention to a dogs behavior which he likes anyways.

A command that cannot convey the exact expected action can be interpreted by the canine as an encouragement by its owners attention to that act.



Wrong Command no.2    “Nothing!”

Now some may think how this is a wrong command for your canine.

A canine brain can interpret your no response or ignoring his behavior as reinforcement for that behavior.

It is of paramount importance that you reward the canine for the behavior that is expected out of your command. No approximations in his response is to be rewarded. As once rewarded he may not respond to your ignoring his wrong response.


Also as mentioned above

  No response can reinforce bad behavior.


Wrong Command no.3     “Lets Go!”

Telling your dog Lets Go and making it believe you are taking him for an excursion/outing/ run and then taking him to a vet for some disturbing procedure like a rectal examination or a shot or any other unpleasant experience will rewire the command for an unpleasant experience so much so that he might stop trusting your commands totally.

Be honest to your canine.

Don’t trick the dog.

Don’t give him a wrong command.


All unpleasant things can be commanded by rewards that are specific for that occasion. So that the dog is rewarded for his patience and compliance. It will trust you more if you don’t trick it into things it doesn’t like to do.


Wrong Command no.4     “Shouting!”

Dogs and kids are some what similar in their cognitive development.

Kids and canines  love being loved and they follow your commands better when you tell them lovingly.



A wrong command like shouting at canines can scare it and it might take you as its enemy and not its friend – a bond which connects you to your canine.

Shouting at your canine will not prevent it from doing what you did not like, it will anyways do it later when you are not looking.

Shouting is again vague and confusing.

Again it can be taken as encouragement by your dog as it draws your attention to your canine which it loves .


Wrong Command no.5  ” Confusing Commands!”

Canine psychologists suggest providing structure and consistency is key to building good habits.

Wrong commands can be confusing and may elicit a reactive response.

Once you have established a command and it response with your canine use it regularly and consistently in as many varied situations as possible to “Proof” it.

So much so that when ever you use the command the dog doesn’t have to , even for a second, think again before eliciting a motor response for it. A habit that can be life saving for the canine or you, god forbid , if you are in such a situation.


Don’t use similar words with different meanings as a canine cognition will not register them separately but will only confuse the canine in the process delaying its response.


“2 Lesser known effects of Air Pollution: Troubled Marraige, No Promotion at Work ?”

2 Lesser Known effects of Air Pollution:

Troubled Marraige, No Promotion at Work ? 

“Roses are red, violets are blue, bad hair days are okay, but BAD AIR DAYS WILL SCREW YOU” – Anonymous


Could not have summarized it better!

I will spare the lecture on how air pollution , or for that matter any damn pollution, is bad. And how the world is suffering because of it.

Will surprise you with the lesser known impacts of air pollution on us.

So here we go!

Cognitive Impairment

A study at MIT done by Juan Palacios, shows indoor air pollution due to fine particles causes impaired learning and damaged health and performance outcomes.

Fine particulate matter refers to tiny particles 2.5 microns or less in diameter, commonly known as PM2.5. They are often associated with burning matter — in internal combustion engines in autos, coal burning , wild fires and in developing world burning of wood for cooking inside closed walls.


Before you reach any conclusions  that as emissions standards increase and more electric cars are adopted, particulate matter from vehicle brakes, wearing down of tires, and road surface abrasion will overtake fuel emissions as the leading source of vehicle particulate emissions within the next two decades

The World Health Organization estimates that air pollution leads to over 4 million premature deaths worldwide every year, due to cancer, cardiovascular problems, and other illnesses.

in Short , it has a negative impact on cognition.

Clean air makes for clearer thoughts and sharper thinking.

The high ranking office holders are more frequently than not making high stake decisions that range from product design to launch, market assessments and working on improving sustainability solutions. All these involve multiple levels of discussions and then seriously challenging decision making. When such decision are to be made at such a high frequency and  there is always a pressure to perform the impact of indoor air quality and  air pollutants especially PM 2.5 is drastic.


“when PM 2.5 level went up inside closed doors people were more likely to make mistakes- and the mistakes grew larger with time.”

Juan Palacios found out that when PM 2.5 level went up inside closed doors people were more likely to make mistakes- and the mistakes grew larger with time, thus impacting career growth . The effect of this air pollution became particularly pronounce under time pressure when situations demand a certain number of moves  in a small duration, giving less time to think , assess decision and recalculate their moves etc.


What can be done to protect yourself from its impacts

No one is immune to the ill effects

Air pollution is impacting productivity in career and no one in the offices’ is spared from bottom to top.


Install multiple air filters in your office just as you would do at home for your family

Use Cleaner days to make Key Decisions!

Be mindful of this especially when taking pivotal decisions ‘Make such major key decisions on days when air pollution levels are at their lowest possible.

SO now you know why you have been messing up your career progression and chances of promotion.

Its not you. Its the air!


Increasing Divorce Rates/ Troubled Marriages

Breathing dirty air can make you sick. But did you know it can also make you more aggressive. That can lead to clash of thoughts in spouses and thus can put strain on marriages.

That’s the conclusion from a set of studies  authored by Colorado State University researchers in Economics, Atmospheric Science and Statistics.

 “The research found strong links between short-term exposure to air pollution and aggressive behavior”

This was  in the form of aggravated assaults and other violent crimes across the continental United States.

The Colorado State University researchers cross-analyzed three highly detailed datasets:

    • daily criminal activity
    • county-level air pollution
    • daily data on wildfire smoke plumes from satellite imagery.


When it was  observed whether crimes occurred inside or outside the home; they found that 56 percent of all violent crimes and 60 percent of all assaults occurred within the home,

which is an indication that many such crimes are tied to domestic violence.


Notably all crimes  might not even be physical—one can assault someone verbally.That suggested  when you’re exposed to more pollution, you become marginally more aggressive, so those altercations where things that may not have escalated,do escalate, thus causing troubled marriages.


The researchers were careful to correct for other possible explanations, including weather, heat waves, precipitation, or more general, county-specific confounding factor solar exposure.


So the next time you shout at your partner realise that it might not be them who might be at fault but the Indoor air pollution messing up your brains.

You might as well get a heart attack because of the stresses, thats a different story for a different day.

Though there is no formal research on Divorce rates and air pollution but many other research pieces are suggestive that more domestic violence and increasing aggression in families can eventually lead to permanent or temporary separation.

Health Insurance 2024: What options do you have?

Pic Courtesy- Leeloo Thefirst

Health Insurance has always a topic of discussion as well as confusion for households and individuals especially the self employed every year more so in North America. Billions of dollars flow out of the pockets of the people who want a secure net of health insurance for themselves and their families.

Today we are going to discuss a few health insurance options for people who were laid off or entered the gig economy( THe Self Employed) and need to get their own insurances and also need to save some money.

Some of these might be helpful to those who still have insurance from their employer.

Here tehy are:


1.MarketPlace Insurance

This is the most familiar one to all of us.

Can be subsidised if you are not making lot of money

Has a low monthly premium

Two types of plans

  • HMO( Health Maintenance Organisation)
    • Lower premiums and deductibles
    • only covers services within the network
    • need referral for specialist services
    • no need to file claims
Pic Courtesy- Karolina Graboska
  • PPO( Preferred Provider Organisation)
    • Higher premiums and higher deductibles,
    • you can access services out of the netwok as well
    • no referrals needed
    • may need to file claims

great options for self employed people


2.Private insurance

Private Insurance is good if u are making good money annually lets say $50,000

Can choose plans depending upon your lifestyle

PIc Courtesy- Pixabay



3. DPC ( Direct Primary Care)

Basically you pay a membership fees  to a health clinic and not the insurance company

you get unlimited primary care services ( but then mind you, its just Primary Care)

Benefits of DPC are

  • monthly billing ( with no long term commitments)
  • ease of appointments (same day or next day appointments)
  • 24 x 7 access via text, phone or email
  • radiology, labs and medications at discounted rates
  • no co-pays or scheduling fees
  • small procedures, immunization and primary care needs are covered
Pic Courtesy- Karolina Grabowska

DPC is good if you have a lot of family members who are needing doctor visits frequently like small kids or aged parents in which case your frequent visits will be taken care of efficiently by your DPC. Imagine not having a DPC and paying the doctor every time you visit his clinic out of your pocket. Makes Sense?

And Guess what? The  monthly “membership” charges are anywhere between $75-!50 for a family of four( give or take a few dollars!)

Disadvantage: big injury/ accident/ emergency is NOT covered


“So a smart move is to combine DPC with Ancillary Insurance”


4.Ancillary Insurance

Ancillary insurance covers short term medical based on your risk like

    • Accident Insurance ,
    • Critical Illness Insurance
    • Fixed Indemnity plans

The insurer can get approved relatively quickly (typically within a week)


Can cancel it anytime (if you are paying month to month rather than lump sum.)

An Ancillary policy for a sports injury or accidental injury  can be had for a meagre sum of $20-$30 per month and can cover expenses of upto $10,000. Sweet deal,no?

So a cobimation of DPC and a Ancillary ( critical illness or accident policy ) is a good combo.


 5.Commercial health insurance 

A combination of a commercial insurance and an ancillary insurance policy also is a sweet deal with a few loopholes.

The out of pocket expenses that a commercial insurance asks you to pay before they pay the bills is taken care of by the ancillary insurance.

Pic Courtesy-pixabay


but loophole is that its is only upto the limit of the ancillary policy that you have paid for e.g. $10,000 as mentioned above. After that the remaining will go out of your pocket. So better to take an ancillary that covers as much as you want to.



6.Health Sharing Ministry


Some religious institutions give out insurances for a fraction of the price of a commercial insurance

Whats the catch you might ask?

Well, as you can understand this usually has some religious commitments to follow

eg. you might be needing a pastor signing off that you attended church

pic: Pixabay

Also it does not cover primary care but covers emergency!

But is cheap

So a combination  with DPC is an ideal combination.




7.Short Term Health Insurance


If u need to buy some time( you might have just given up your job and are between jobs)

It just covers the basics


A lot of personalization required so go through a certified insurance agent.





6 things the West can adopt from the East!

6 things the West can adopt from the East!


Pic: The Good Bug. Squat Buddy

1.Adopt the Squat Buddy

Constipation is a common health issue affecting people worldwide, often termed as a “pandemic” due  to its widespread occurrence. This condition involves infrequent bowel movements or difficulty in passing stool, leading to discomfort and, in some cases, severe complications.

pi: The Good Bug. Squat Buddy

To save your self from the distress of being constipated you can adopt The Squatty Potty, a specially designed stool for better posture during bowel movements. This invention has been adopted from the East to the West and offers several advantages:

  1. Improved Bowel Movements: Using a Squat Buddy aligns the body in a way that relaxes the puborectalis muscle, facilitating smoother and easier elimination.

    pic: The squat buddy

  2. Prevention of Constipation: The posture encouraged by the Squat Buddy helps to prevent constipation by making bowel movements more natural and efficient.
  3. Reduced Strain: Sitting on a conventional toilet can cause strain or discomfort. The Squat Buddy’s design promotes a more natural squatting position, reducing strain on the rectum and reducing the risk of hemorrhoids.
  4. Faster Bowel Movements: Users often report quicker and more complete elimination while using the Squat Buddy.
  5. General Health Benefits: It’s believed that improved bowel movements can lead to a healthier digestive system and may have positive effects on overall health.

The Squat Buddy‘s design is based on the natural squatting position, which is thought to be the optimal posture for waste elimination. While individual experiences may vary, many users find it to be a helpful tool in promoting more comfortable and efficient bowel movements.



2.Adopt Memory Foam Soles


“Do your feet ache after a long day at the office, or do you feel worn out after a walk? The surfaces we walk on, mostly hard, might be the cause. Premium shoe brands have addressed this by using memory foam insoles. They mold to your feet, providing a cushioned experience akin to walking on deep sand. Using these insoles makes walking more comfortable and running easier. Rather than replacing your shoes, you can purchase these memory foam insoles at a fraction of the cost and insert them into your existing pairs. Investing just $25 for a pair can make your formal shoes much friendlier.


The discomfort in your feet after a long workday or a stroll might be due to the predominantly hard surfaces we walk on. However, leading shoe brands have tackled this issue by incorporating memory foam insoles into their designs. These innovative insoles adapt to the contours of your feet, offering a plush sensation reminiscent of walking on soft, yielding sand. Their use not only enhances comfort while walking but also makes running a less taxing activity.

Instead of replacing your entire shoe collection, you have the option to acquire these memory foam insoles separately at a significantly reduced price. For just $25 per pair, you can transform your formal shoes into more foot-friendly companions. This affordable investment allows you to experience the benefits of premium footwear without the hefty price tag, providing a simple yet effective solution to alleviate foot fatigue.




3.Apply Magnetic Door Net

Mosquitoes are a concern for many households, causing diseases like dengue and malaria and being responsible for more fatalities than any other animal on Earth. Modern houses often lack screen doors, allowing mosquitoes to enter when we open wooden doors for fresh air. While mosquito nets work, some people find them confining. Chemical sprays kill mosquitoes but can be harmful to health. A solution? Magnetic mosquito nets. These nets are easy to install, taking just 10 minutes, and they close and open with magnets, keeping mosquitoes out while allowing fresh air in. They’re available in various sizes and colors, costing only $10 and saving you from monthly pest control subscriptions.


Mosquitoes pose a significant concern for households, not merely as pesky insects but as carriers of diseases like dengue and malaria, contributing to more fatalities worldwide than any other creature. The issue is further compounded by the absence of screen doors in modern homes, allowing these disease-carrying insects to enter freely when we seek ventilation by opening wooden doors.

While conventional mosquito nets serve as a barrier, offering protection against these pests, many individuals find them confining. On the other hand, chemical sprays, although effective in eliminating mosquitoes, raise health concerns due to their toxic nature.


Enter the innovative solution: magnetic mosquito nets. These nets present a hassle-free and effective alternative. Installation is a breeze, taking a mere 10 minutes, and their magnetic closure system ensures a secure seal, keeping mosquitoes at bay while permitting the entry of fresh air.

What’s more, these magnetic nets are versatile, available in various sizes and colors to suit different door and window dimensions. Costing just $10, they provide an affordable and eco-friendly solution, eliminating the need for regular and potentially harmful pest control subscriptions. In essence, they offer peace of mind by safeguarding against disease-carrying mosquitoes without compromising on ventilation or resorting to chemical-laden remedies.


4.Adopt Cast iron Cooking Utensils

Energy levels feeling low? It could be an iron deficiency. Nearly half of the population lacks sufficient iron. Using cast iron utensils helps replenish iron levels naturally. Cast iron has been a kitchen staple for ages, providing essential iron while enhancing food flavor. Its nonstick surface reduces the need for excess oil unlike toxic Teflon-coated cookware. Maintenance is simple – just oil it after washing, and it’ll likely outlast most of us. At around $40, it’s a long-term investment in your iron supplement.


Feeling fatigued or low on energy? Iron deficiency might be the culprit, affecting nearly half the population. Fortunately, there’s a traditional yet effective solution – the use of cast iron utensils in the kitchen.

Cast iron cookware has been a cornerstone in kitchens for generations, revered not just for its cooking properties but also for its ability to naturally supplement the body with iron. Its time-tested nature goes beyond culinary use; it’s a reliable source of essential iron that aids in replenishing the body’s iron levels.


An interesting aspect of using cast iron utensils is their influence on food flavor. They contribute to enhancing the taste of dishes while requiring less oil due to their naturally nonstick surface. This characteristic stands in stark contrast to Teflon-coated cookware, notorious for its toxicity and tendency to transfer harmful chemicals into food.

Maintenance-wise, cast iron demands minimal effort. A simple routine of applying oil after washing is sufficient to maintain its quality and longevity. In fact, properly cared for, cast iron cookware can endure for generations, potentially outlasting many other kitchen investments.


Considering its multi-faceted benefits and lasting durability, the investment in cast iron utensils, typically priced around $40, serves not only as a kitchen essential but also as a long-term investment in your health, providing a natural and sustainable source of iron supplementation for years to come.



5.Keep a Snake plant

Urban areas often face poor air quality, impacting health. Air purifiers are an option, but they’re not affordable for everyone. Nature offers an alternative – snake plants. NASA research suggests that having 6 to 8 snake plants in a room effectively filters toxins, almost like an air purifier. They’re easy to maintain, requiring minimal water and sunlight. Indoor plants have shown positive psychological effects on health and stress levels. Buying these plants offline offers larger sizes at a fraction of an air purifier’s cost.


In urban settings, the challenge of poor air quality can significantly affect overall health and well-being. While air purifiers are a popular choice to combat this issue, their cost often places them out of reach for many individuals.

An intriguing alternative comes from nature itself in the form of snake plants. Research conducted by NASA indicates that having a cluster of 6 to 8 snake plants within a room acts as a natural air filtration system, remarkably akin to the effectiveness of an air purifier. These plants possess the unique ability to filter out harmful toxins from the air, contributing to an improved indoor environment.


One of the standout advantages of snake plants is their low maintenance requirements. They thrive with minimal water and can tolerate low light conditions, making them ideal for indoor settings where direct sunlight might be scarce. Their ease of care makes them an attractive option for those seeking a natural solution to combat poor air quality.

Moreover, studies have indicated that incorporating indoor plants, such as snake plants, can have positive psychological effects. They are known to create a calming atmosphere, reduce stress levels, and improve overall well-being.

Another practical aspect to consider is the cost-effectiveness of choosing snake plants over traditional air purifiers. Purchasing these plants offline often offers larger and more mature specimens at a fraction of the cost of an air purifier, making them a viable and affordable option for enhancing indoor air quality.


In essence, snake plants present a natural, cost-effective, and easy-to-maintain solution to address the challenge of poor air quality in urban spaces, backed by scientific research and offering additional psychological benefits beyond just air purification.


6.Use a Hot Bottle

Back pain or joint discomfort? Instead of relying solely on painkillers, consider a simple solution – a rubber hot water bottle. Fill it 2/3 full with boiling water and place it on the affected area. Heat increases blood circulation, providing quick relief from pain. Whether it’s body pain, gastric issues, or respiratory problems, this hot water bottle can offer comfort. Priced at just over $15, it’s a practical product worth trying. An electric hot water bag is another option at a similar price.

Certainly! The use of heat therapy, such as a rubber hot water bottle, for pain relief has been widely acknowledged for its effectiveness in alleviating various types of discomfort, including back pain, joint aches, and muscular soreness.

Several scientific studies support the benefits of heat application for pain relief and improved blood circulation. According to research published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, the application of heat to the affected area stimulates blood flow and helps reduce muscle spasms and stiffness, providing relief from pain.

Moreover, a study conducted by the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine found that heat therapy increases tissue elasticity, which can aid in improving joint flexibility and reducing pain associated with arthritis and joint discomfort.

The mechanism behind heat therapy involves the dilation of blood vessels in response to the heat application. This dilation, known as vasodilation, allows more oxygen and nutrients to reach the affected area, promoting healing and reducing pain sensations. Additionally, heat can also help in relaxing muscles and easing tension, further contributing to pain relief.

While a rubber hot water bottle or an electric hot water bag can be effective tools for delivering heat therapy, it’s important to use them safely and follow recommended guidelines for duration and temperature to avoid burns or skin damage.

Therefore, using a hot water bottle or a similar heat application method can indeed provide relief for various types of pain, supported by scientific evidence validating its ability to increase blood circulation and alleviate discomfort.



These practical products can contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Which one impressed you the most? Let us know in the comments.


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